Q. Dewan who exiled Swadeshabhimani Ramakrishnapillai

Arumukan Pillai
P Rajagopalachari
Thanu Pillai
Ramayyan Dalawa
  • K. Ramakrishna Pillai was a nationalist writer, journalist, editor, and political activist.
  • He edited Swadeshabhimani (The Patriot), the newspaper which became a potent weapon against the rule of the British and the erstwhile princely state of Travancore (Kerala, India) and a tool for social transformation.
  • His criticism of the Diwan of Travancore, P. Rajagopalachari and the Maharajah led to the eventual confiscation of the newspaper.
  • Ramakrishna Pillai was arrested and exiled from Travancore in 1910.
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