Q. Who recommended the SUPW(Socially Useful Productive Work) is school curriculum?

Kothari Commission
Iswarbhai Patel Committee
Radhakrishna Commission
Sree Prakash Committee

Socially Useful Productive Work (SUPW) is a “parposive productive work and services related to the needs of the child and the community will be proved meaningful to the learner. Such work must not be performed mechanically but must include planning, analysis and detailed preparation, at every stage so that it is educational in essence. Adoption of improved tools and materials, where available and the adoption of modern techniques will lead to an appreciation of the needs of a progressive society based on technology.” Students learn to work as a team and to work with skill and deftness. It was introduced in 1978, by the Ministry of Education to promote Gandhian values and educational ideas of Mahatma Gandhi

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