Q. Indian parliament can rename or redefine the boundary of a state by

Absolute majority
A simple majority
Two-third majority of the members voting
Two-third majority of the members voting and an absolute majority of its total membership
  • Parliament of India can rename or redefine the boundary of a state by simply passing the bill with simple majority in both the houses of parliament.
  • And no such bill can be introduced in parliament except on recommendation of President.

Article 3 of the Indian Constitution has authorized the Parliament to :

  • Form new state by separation of a part from any state, or by uniting two or more states/parts of the states, or by uniting a previous territory to a part of any state.
  • Further, it also authorizes the Parliament to increase or diminish the area of a state
  • To alter the boundary of any state
  • To alter the name of any state.
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