Top Digital Electronics Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

Explore top Digital Electronics questions and answers to boost your exam preparation and enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Digital Electronics Questions

Q. How many stable states a combinational circuits have?

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Q. The S-R latch composed of NAND gates is called an active low circuit because

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Q. Parallel format means that:

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Q. Digital signals transmitted on a single conductor (and a ground) must be transmitted in:

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Q. The parameter through which 16 distinct values can be represented is known as:

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Q. The binary number 1111 corresponds to _ hexadecimal number

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Q. A full adder logic circuit will have

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Q. Which process is known as process of entering data into a ROM?

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Q. In a positive logic system, logic state 1 corresponds to

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Q. How many flip flops are required to construct a decade counter?

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