Top Information Technology Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

Explore top Information Technology questions and answers to boost your exam preparation and enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Information Technology Questions

Q. Which of the following tool is used to copy the formatting from one place to another?

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Q. Which of the following list the term and topics of a document?

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Q. When the text in document exceeds the length of a page , word insert?

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Q. The feature available in MS word to type data in row and column form:

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Q. The IC chips used in computers are made of :

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Q. Which of the following feature of word processor has a document and a data source?

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Q. A bookmark is:

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Q. Which of the following is a DOS based word processing package?

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Q. Which of the following is the short cut key for search a word in a document?

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Q. In a word document, the grammatical errors are marked with?

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