Top Biology Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

Explore top Biology questions and answers to boost your exam preparation and enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Biology Questions

Q. What is the name of the mixture of partly digested food and stomach fluids found in the stomach called?

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Q. Name the ester present in Pineapple

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Q. which is the most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere?

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Q. Obtaining the forest products by afforestation in open land, reserve areas, on the sides of railway tracts and along the road sides is called

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Q. The presence of which microorganism in Ganga water indicates contamination?

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Q. Primary source of water is

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Q. Tawa irrigation project is in:

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Q. The names of endangered plant species are published in

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Q. Which movement was carried out for the conservation of forests and environment?

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Q. Energy flow in an eco system is

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