Top Biology Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

Explore top Biology questions and answers to boost your exam preparation and enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Biology Questions

Q. Optic nerve is concerned with the faculty of

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Q. It is a type of refractory error in which light rays are focused in front of retina?

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Q. The UV radiation from the sun is likely to cause __ in human.

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Q. The scientific name of modern human being is

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Q. Artificial insemination was first attempted in India by

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Q. Centre in the brain which regulates respiration and cardiovascular activities?

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Q. A source of soluble fibre?

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Q. The outbreak of which mosquito born virus causes birth defects in new born babies has been reported in Latin America?

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Q. The father of Anatomy

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Q. Vitamin B-9 is chemically called

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