Top Biology Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

Explore top Biology questions and answers to boost your exam preparation and enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Biology Questions

Q. Who designed ‘Suez Canal’?

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Q. The name of sickle cell anaemia is inherited by

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Q. How many pairs of contrasting characters in pea pod were chosen by Mendel?

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Q. Ovule integument gets transformed into

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Q. Edible part of Mushroom is

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Q. Calcium level decreases in the blood duo to hyposocrotion of

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Q. Which centre is stimulated during increase in body temperature?

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Q. Longest phase of meiosis

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Q. Which function will be lost due to damage of occipital lobe?

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Q. When the oxygen supply to the, tissue is isidaluate, the condition is

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