Q. In the electrolytic method of obtaining aluminium from purified bauxite, cryolite is added to the charge in order to :

dissolve bauxite and render it conductor of electricity.
lower the melting point of bauxite.
minimise the heat loss due to radiation.
protect aluminium produced from oxygen.
  • The refining of a metal by electrolysis is known as electrolytic refining.
  • In the electrolytic method of obtaining aluminium from purified bauxite, cryolite is added to the charge in order to dissolve bauxite and render it a conductor of electricity.
  • In this process, the bottom of the electrolytic cell is coated with carbon and made up of iron.
  • It have tree fused layers :-
    Lower layer :- contain alloy of copper and impure aluminium
    Middle layer :- Contains cryolite and barium fluoride.
    Upper layer :- Contains pure aluminum that acts as cathode.
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