Q. In which case the Supreme Court of India observed that the Governor occupies the same constitutional status as the President at the central level?

Ram Jawaya Kapoor Vs The State of Punjab
S. R. Bommai Vs The Union of India
I. C. Golaknath and Ors Vs The State of Punjab
Kesavananda Bharati Vs The State of Kerala
  • In essence, the governor occupies the same constitutional position as the president at the Central level, the Supreme Court noted in Ram Jawaya Kapoor v State of Punjab (1955)
  • It was alleged by six persons by the means of a writ petition under Article 32
  • In this work the author has analyzed the case of Ram Jawayya Kapur v State of Punjab[2], where the Supreme Court of India (SC) had to deal with the question of extent of executive power and executive function in a situation where the executive was alleged to have violated the fundamental rights of the citizen vested in
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