Q. what is the binomial name for Tape worm?
- Taenia solium is the so-called pork tapeworm belonging to cyclophyllid cestodes in the family Taeniidae.
- It is an intestinal mainly zoonotic parasite found throughout the world, and is most prevalent in countries where pork is eaten, and in its more dangerous secondary form wherever faecally contaminated water is drunk, having been infected by primary, human hosts.
- T.solium is a triploblastic acoelomate, having no body cavity. It is normally 2 to 3 m in length, but can become much larger, sometimes over 8 m long.
- It is white in colour and flattened into a ribbon-like body. The life cycle of T. solium is indirect. It passes through pigs or other animals, as intermediate hosts, into humans, as definitive hosts.
In humans the infection can be relatively short or long lasting, and in the latter case if reaching the brain can last for life.
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