Q. Which of the following Committees was formed by the Government of India in the year 1979 to study the issue of child labour and to suggest measures to tackle it?

Ravindra Verma Committee
R. N. Malhotra Committee
Justice V. S. Malimath Committee
Gurupadaswamy Committee

It was way back in 1979, when the Government of India formed the first committee called Gurupadswamy Committee to study the issue of child labour and to suggest measures to tackle it. The Committee examined the problem in detail and made some far-reaching recommendations. It observed that as long as poverty continued, it would be difficult to eliminate child labour and hence, any attempt to abolish it through legal recourse would not be a practical proposition. The Committee felt that in the circumstances, the only alternative left was to ban child labour in hazardous areas and to regulate and ameliorate the conditions of work in other areas. It recommended that a multiple policy approach was required in dealing with the problems of working children.

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