Q. Which ruler introduced English education in Travancore?
Swathi Thirunal
- The reign of Swathi Thirunal was a ‘Golden Age’ in the history of modern
- He was called by his subjects Garbha Sriman, i.e., one who was the
sovereign even from his birth.
Meru Swamy, Shadkala Govinda Marar, Vativelu, Ponnayya, Chinnayya,
Sivanandhan were belonged to the court of him. -
He reformed the judicial system by opening Munsiff’s courts for the disposal of petty civil and police cases.
A code of regulations framed on the British Indian Model was issued in 1835.
The ‘Suchindram Kaimukku’ or ordeal of boiling ghee was stopped by
Swathi Thirunal. -
He was started the Nair Brigade system.
- An English school was opened at Trivandrum in 1834 and it was
converted into Raja’s Free School in 1836. District schools were also opened
simultaneously as feeds to this central institution.
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