Top Information Technology Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

Explore top Information Technology questions and answers to boost your exam preparation and enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Information Technology Questions

Q. Use of computers and communication technology for management of information is called?

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Q. Super Computer ANUPAM developed in India by:

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Q. Which kind of software is used to keep track of a billing account?

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Q. The instruction for typing a word scored off in a manuscript is indicated by

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Q. Random Access Memory (RAM), a form of computer storage, is a __ memory.

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Q. Name the first version of android operating system?

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Q. Which search engine company developed the mobile operating system ‘Android’?

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Q. In which Indian city was the first 4G mobile service launched?

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Q. Which company developed the world’s first smart phone?

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Q. Father of cell phone

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