Top Biology Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

Explore top Biology questions and answers to boost your exam preparation and enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Biology Questions

Q. Which chemical is envolved during anaerobic respiration of glycogen of muscle?

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Q. The gland which uses iodine for normal growth and functioning of body is :

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Q. How many vertebrae are there in Giraffe’s neck?

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Q. One example of animals having a single opening to the outside that serves both as mouth as well as anus is

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Q. Which among these is the correct combination of aquatic mammals?

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Q. Lacrymal glands are located in the

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Q. Which biochemical causes leaf fall in plants?

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Q. Larva of mosquito is known as

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Q. Bacteria which converts milk to curd :

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Q. The deficiency of Iron in man results in :

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