Top Chemistry Questions and Answers for Exam Preparation

Explore top Chemistry questions and answers to boost your exam preparation and enhance your understanding of key concepts.

Chemistry Questions

Q. What is the chemical name of epsum salt?

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Q. Which sodium compound is Glauber’s salt?

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Q. What is the chemical name of Hypo?

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Q. Which highly poisonous compound of potassium is used in the extraction of gold and silver?

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Q. Acid found in Bee Wax :

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Q. Which compound is known as ‘Pearl ash’?

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Q. The chemical name of ‘White Vitriol’?

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Q. Which group of metals are stored under kerosene or liquid paraffin to protect them from action of air?

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Q. Which sodium compound is widely used as a preservative for pickles, meat & fish?

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Q. The acid which is known as ‘Muriatic acid” :

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