Certified Program

Business Administration & Hospital Management Course

Are you seeking a career in hospital management and business administration? Entri provides dependable online education to help you achieve. Innovate, Create, Develop: Empower yourself in Business Administration & Hospital Management. Start learning today! Enroll Now

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Course Overview

The Business Administration & Hospital Management course equips students with essential skills in business and healthcare management. Covering finance, marketing, operations, and human resources alongside healthcare systems, policies, and ethics, the program spans four semesters. Students advance to subjects like healthcare operations, strategic management, and quality improvement, with a focus on leadership and ethical considerations. Teaching methods include interactive lectures, case studies, group projects, internships, and guest lectures. Assessments involve exams, assignments, projects, presentations, and internship reports, ensuring comprehensive evaluation. Graduates are prepared for roles such as hospital administrators, healthcare consultants, medical practice managers, and health information managers. By merging business acumen with healthcare expertise, this course prepares students to manage healthcare organizations effectively and efficiently.

 Live & Recorded Sessions Icon

Live & Recorded Sessions

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Placement Assistance

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Group Discussions

Skills Covered

Accomplishing the Business Administration & Hospital Management course provides a wide range of abilities for managing an organization's procurement and inventory procedures. Here are some of the skills you could gain during the Entri Business Administration & Hospital Management course

Job Roles

Highlighted below are the job roles of a Business Administration & Hospital Management course. Please have a look

Hospital Administrator

Oversee all aspects of the hospital's operations, including hiring, budgeting, and making sure patients receive top-notch treatment.

Healthcare Consultant

Offer knowledgeable guidance on enhancing patient outcomes, profitability, and efficiency to healthcare businesses.

Medical Practice Manager

Take charge of all day-to-day activities in medical practices, such as patient care, staff supervision, and financial planning.

Health Services Manager

Oversee and plan the provision of medical treatment in a variety of contexts while making sure that rules and guidelines are followed.

Healthcare Policy Analyst

Examine and create policies to enhance the general public's health and the efficiency of healthcare institutions.

Pharmaceutical Project Manager

Oversee initiatives in pharmaceutical firms with an emphasis on medication development, marketing, and distribution.

Health Information Manager

Oversee patient data and systems while guaranteeing confidentiality, privacy, and accuracy of the data.

Quality Improvement Coordinator:

To improve patient care and operational effectiveness in healthcare settings, implement and oversee quality improvement projects.

Health Program Director

Create and manage health programs, making sure they fulfill the requirements of the community and the objectives of the organization.

Healthcare Marketing Manage

Develop and put into action marketing plans to raise awareness of healthcare offerings and increase patient involvement.

Clinical Operations Manager

Oversee the efficient administration of clinical services, encompassing personnel synchronization, resource distribution, and workflow management.

Healthcare Finance Manager

Manage all aspects of healthcare organizations' finances, including accounting, financial planning, and budgeting.

Why Live Sessions?

Attending live sessions of a Business Administration & Hospital Management course offers numerous benefits, including:

Live Sessions

Flexible Learning Environment

Engage in real-time discussions, exercises, and presentations in a dynamic learning setting.

Expert Access

Gain knowledge on business administration and hospital management from knowledgeable professors with years of experience in the area. They will offer their thoughts, counsel, and best practices.

Enhanced Involvement

To stay completely engaged, take part in group activities, interactive tests, and live demonstrations.

Practical Experience

During live demonstrations and exercises, gain practical experience with Hospital Management and Business Administration tools and software.

Raise Queries

Having the ability to ask questions and receive prompt answers aids with comprehension.

Fast Response

Receive timely feedback on tests, assignments, and projects to track your development and pinpoint areas that require improvement.

Course Certificates

Courses Recognised by


Frequently Asked Questions

The primary goal of C-TECH is to assist students in discovering their talents and helping them find suitable careers by providing skill training in collaboration with Skill Development Institutions in Kerala.

C-TECH operates under the Kairali Sevak Samaj (KSS), an organization dedicated to community development and empowerment.

C-TECH offers a variety of job training programs in collaboration with Skill Development Institutions in Kerala. These programs are designed to enhance the skills and employability of students.

C-TECH, or the Council for Technology & Science Kerala, is a Skill Training Institution under the Kairali Sevak Samaj (KSS). It aims to help students discover their talents and find the right career through various job training programs.

Key Learning Outcomes

Here are some key learnings you can expect to gain from a business administration and hospital management course:

Abundant Business Knowledge

Graduates will possess an extensive comprehension of the fundamental business fields, such as operations, marketing, finance, and human resources.

Proficiency in Healthcare Systems

Students will possess a thorough understanding of the composition, operation, and dynamics of healthcare systems, as well as laws and regulations.

Leadership and Management Proficiency

Graduates will be equipped with the necessary skills to effectively lead and manage healthcare teams, cultivating a cooperative and efficient work atmosphere.

Human Resource Management

Graduates will be prepared to manage healthcare workers in all its facets, from hiring and onboarding to performance reviews and handling disputes.

Effective Communication

Graduates will be able to connect with patients, healthcare providers, and other stakeholders with ease thanks to their strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Research and Analytical Skills

In order to make wise judgments and enhance healthcare results, students will be able to gather and evaluate data, perform research, and use evidence-based procedures.

Live Sessions


Business Administration involves managing and overseeing business operations and making major decisions. It includes a variety of functions such as finance, marketing, human resources, and strategic planning.

Key skills include leadership, communication, problem-solving, analytical thinking, and proficiency in business software and tools.

Careers include roles such as hospital administrator, healthcare manager, clinic manager, health services manager, and healthcare consultant.

Gaining relevant work experience, pursuing internships in healthcare settings, obtaining professional certifications, and staying updated with healthcare regulations can all enhance career prospects.

It would require at least 3 months and another 3 months OJT training.

You can expect the salary to start from 2LPA and can go up to 10 LPA. This completely depends on the company, the job location and primarily your skill set

Advantages of Learning from Entri

Interdisciplinary Knowledge Icon

Interdisciplinary Knowledge

Combines core business principles with specialized healthcare management, providing a well-rounded education.

Career Flexibility Icon

Career Flexibility

Opens up diverse career opportunities in both business and healthcare sectors.

Industry Demand Icon

Industry Demand

Addresses the growing need for skilled managers in the expanding healthcare industry.

Strategic Thinking Icon

Strategic Thinking

Enhances strategic planning and decision-making skills crucial for organizational success.

Networking Opportunities Icon

Networking Opportunities

Facilitates connections with industry professionals and peers through seminars and guest lectures.

Problem-Solving Skills Icon

Problem-Solving Skills

Cultivates analytical and critical thinking skills necessary for tackling complex healthcare challenges.

Patient-Centered Approach Icon

Patient-Centered Approach

Emphasizes the importance of patient care and satisfaction in healthcare management.

Professional Growth Icon

Professional Growth

Supports continuous learning and professional development through exposure to current industry trends and best practices.

Who can apply?

  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Career Switchers
  • Job Seekers
  • House Wife
Who can apply
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