German Language Course in Trivandrum – Learn German with Expert Instructors
Build your German skills from the ground up with our comprehensive German Language Course in Trivandrum—Enroll Today!
Overview of German language Course in Triuvandrum
Learn the German Language Course in Trivandrum at Your Comfort. Start learning from A1 to C2 level with professionally qualified mentors. Master German language with your local language tutor and get proper guidance to crack the Goethe exam effortlessly.

Live Classes

Local Language Tutor

Demo Classes

Recorded Classes after Live Session

Mock Test

Course Blueprint, PDF Notes, and To-Do Assignments
Benefits of Our German Language Course in Trivandrum :
German Language skills can enhance the quality of your language usage. Acquiring the essential language skills can aid you in understanding the language in a better way!
Meet Our Recent Goethe Exam Achievers by Us!
Meet the Learners Who've Mastered German with Us and Achieved Goethe !
Our Knowledge Partner - Lanstitut
Lanstitut, the leading language training institute in India, was established in 2018 in Delhi as an innovative startup. Lanstitut has made significant progress in assisting numerous students on their language-learning journey. Now, in collaboration with the L'institut, Entri App aims to provide you with the ultimate learning experience and seamless opportunities to study abroad.
German Course Daily Activities
- Introductionto A1 Level
- Greetingsin German
- LearnAlphabets
- Numbers 0-12
- Numbers12-100
- Days,Months, Seasons
- Conversationswith Greetings
- Alphabets,Numbers, and Wishes
- Conversationswith greetings
- Improvewriting and speaking skills
- UnderstandingConjugation
- Conjugationof Regular Verbs
- Listof Important Regular Verbs
- Conjugationof Irregular Verbs
- Rulesfor Forming Sentences
- Listof Important Irregular Verbs
- Convertbasic English sentences to German
- Practicewith learned verbs
- Articlesin German
- Tipsfor Finding Gender of Nouns
- Examples in German
- Proper formatof introducing oneself
- WatchGerman introductions for pronunciation
- Speakabout yourself
- Askand tell the time in German
- Informaltime expressions
- Formingquestions in German
- Negation
- UnderstandingImperative
- Introductionto cases in German
- Practice:Imperative and Negation articles
- Ordinalnumbers (erste, zweite)
- Nominativeand Accusative cases
- Accusativeverbs
- Prepositionswith a change in articles
- Speakwith Accusative verbs and Prepositions
- Possessive articles
- Dativecase
- Dativeverbs and prepositions
- Dativecontinuation in balancing
- Personalpronouns (mich, mir, dich, dir)
- Introductionto Präteritum (past tense)
- Everyonesays "Vorstellen"
- Practicequestion-making and answering
- Learn"Werden" & "Möchten"
- Understandingseparable verbs
- LearnPerfekt Partizip 2
- Formatof letters and emails with examples
- Continuedspeaking practice, including Vorstellen and question-making
- Modelexam: Lesen (reading) Hören (listening) Schreiben (writing) Sprechen (speaking)
Review and final exam preparation
- Introductionto A1 Level
- Greetingsin German
- LearnAlphabets
- Numbers0-12
- Numbers12-100
- Days,Months, Seasons
- Conversations with Greetings
- Alphabets,Numbers, and Wishes
- Conversationswith greetings
- Improvewriting and speaking skills
- Understanding Conjugation
- Conjugation of Regular Verbs
- Listof Important Regular Verbs
- Conjugation of Irregular Verbs
- Rules for Forming Sentences
- List of Important Irregular Verbs
- Convertbasic English sentences to German
- Practicewith learned verbs
- Articles in German
- Tipsfor Finding Gender of Nouns
- Examples in German
- Proper format of introducing oneself
- Watch German introductions for pronunciation
- Speak about yourself
- Askand tell the time in German
- Informal time expressions
- Forming questions in German
- Negation
- Understanding Imperative
- Introduction to cases in German
- Practice:Imperative and Negation articles
- Ordinal numbers (erste, zweite)
- Nominativeand Accusative cases
- Accusative verbs
- Prepositionswith a change in articles
- Speakwith Accusative verbs and Prepositions
- Possessivearticles
- Dativecase
- Dativeverbs and prepositions
- Dativecontinuation in balancing
- Personalpronouns (mich, mir, dich, dir)
- Introductionto Präteritum (past tense)
- Everyonesays "Vorstellen"
- Practicequestion-making and answering
- Learn"Werden" & "Möchten"
- Understandingseparable verbs
- Learn Perfekt Partizip 2
- Format of letters and emails with examples
- Continuedspeaking practice, including Vorstellen and question-making
- Modelexam: Lesen (reading) Hören (listening) Schreiben (writing) Sprechen (speaking)
Review and final exam preparation
- Day1: Introduction to A2 level, focus on connectors Weil, dass,
- Day 2:Speaking practice with the studied
- Day 3: Revision of previousconnectors, introduce Denn, deshalb,
- Day 4: Speaking practice with thenew connectors and a review of the first
- Saturday:Vocabulary, videos, and exercises for basic A2 hören.
- Sunday:Video preparation for the next
Week 2
- Day 5: Quick revision, explore the difference between wenn and Als, and introduce reflexive
- Day 6: Speaking practice withconnectors from the previous
- Day 7: Learn Damit, ob, .zu.
- Day 8: Speaking practice with the new connectors and a review of previous
- Saturday:Vocabulary, videos, and exercises for basic A2 hören.
- Sunday:Video preparation for the next
- Day 9: Present and past of Modal
- Day 10: Modal verbs exercises andexplanation of thema presentation pattern of
- Day 11: Introduction to Konjunktiv 2, when to use it, and
- Day 12:Speaking practice with connectors and Modal
- Saturday:Vocabulary, videos, and exercises for basic A2 hören.
- Sunday:Video preparation for the next
- Day 13: Start speaking Teil 2 (themapresentation) - "Wie verbringen Sie Ihr Geld?"
- Day 14: Peer presentation andfeedback
- Day 15: Genitiv (short version) and Wo-Komposita Da-Komposita.
- Day 16:Speaking practice with prepared
- Saturday:Vocabulary, videos, and exercises for basic A2 hören.
- Sunday:Video preparation for the next
- Day 17: Indirekte
- Day 18:Speaking practice with indirect
- Day 19: Komparativ and
- Day 20: Speaking practice withKomparativ, Superlativ, and indirect
- Saturday:Vocabulary, videos, and exercises for basic A2 hören.
- Sunday:Video preparation for the next
- Day 21: Usage of "doch," "was für ein," and "welche," rules, and Introduction to Wechselverben.
- Day 22: Conduct a speaking test forA2 Teil 1 and Teil
- Day 23: Adjektiv
- Day 24: Doubt-clearing session for Adjektiv
- Saturday:Vocabulary, videos, and exercises for basic A2 hören.
- Sunday:Video preparation for the next
- Day25: Relativsatz
- Day 26: Writing session - studentswrite a letter based on given
- Day27: Corrections and conclusion of A2
Saturday and Sunday routines continue for practice and preparation.
Day 1
Infinitiv mit zu Verb lassen
Page no. 10 (4 a text)
Homework: Write about your last trip using A2 commectors and B1 infinitiv mit zu.
Day 2
Revision of day 1 for 10 minutes
Speak something with students in German in between like (Was haben Sie gestern gelernt? Was haben Sie gestern gemacht, u.s.w)
Page no. 15 (14 a text)
Check homeworks of students and give suggestions
Day 3
Revision for 15 min
Nebensatz mit weil und obwohl
Make them write many examples with the above grammar
Homework: Conversation between customer and shopkeeper
Day 4
Revision for 15 min
Genitiv case(What is Genitiv? Changes in Genitiv, Genitiv preposition, Genitive with names, Genitiv with nouns, etc..)
Page no: 25 (12b text)
Day 5
Hören from chapter 1 or B1 level horen work for 20 minutes Explain what is Präteritum, give main Präteritum verbs and tips to remeber Präteritum.
Give corrections of homework.
Day 6
Exam Day
Conduct exam based on the portions covered (writing exam with vocabs) Tutors should present online and take the test.
Day 7
Doubt clearing class based on the exam. Give impositions for the mistakes in vocabs. And revise all the topics
Day 8
Temporale prepositionen (Take all the prepositions till b2 level) Connectors: deshalb, deswegen, darum, dass, so..dass Wrting work: about a historic day in German (Zb. Independence day, Republic day or anything using some Präteritum for 2-3 minutes) Homework: Vocabs Chapter 2
Day 9
Revision of previous class for 10 min
Page no. 42 (1C) LESEN
Give an idea what Teil 1 of speaking part is. (Gemeinsar Give the redemittel, it's meaning and when to use it.
Day 10
Give an example of Teil 1 speaking and tell them to write Conversation as homework.
Lesen: page 46 (9b)
Page 49 (14b)
Day 11
Konjuktiv 2
Make them read their gemeinsam planen work and sugges
Day 12
Revision for 15 min
Da Komposita
Wo komposita
Writing work: Wie kann man Umwelt schützen?
Give apt points and use b1 grammars
Day 13
Check homeworks
Connectors: Da, weil, aus diesem Grund with examples
Komparativ und Superlativ vor Substantiven
Aus Material
Day 15
Lesen work: page no. 54 (4b)
Page no. 56 (8c) and page no. 59 (13a)
Hören Chapter 3 or b1 level videos for 20 minutes
Day 16
Give more examples and explain all parts of relativsatz
Homework: Give relativsatz works
Day 16
Exam day: Conduct written exam based on all the topics covered
Day 17
Start with some speaking works in German
Give corrections of exam
Day 18
Plusquamperfekt and Temporale nebensätze
Day 19
Zweiteilige konnektoren, give examples and explain well with some homeworks
Day 20
Brauchen +zu
Lesen (Page 90, text 7b)
Lesen (Page 93, text 14b)
Day 21
Revision for 15 min (speaking) Stellung von nicht im Satz Hören B1 level for 10 minutes Lesen: Page no.102 (9a)
Day 22
Homework: Give passiv homeworks
Day 23
Exam day (vocabs, and all grammar topics)
Day 24
Relativ Satz Give homeworks
Day 25 onwards:
Relativ satz (balance)
Nomen verb verbindung
Day 26 (Revision day)
Verben mit Preposition
Zweiteilige konnektoren
Adjektiv endungen
After this...start speaking, listening, writing and reading practices on daily basis with model exams weekly.
Day 1 - Exam based on the B1 level topics
Day 2 - Ask vorstellen to everyone. Make sure they speak well and explain them how to do a B2 level vorstellen. Also, give them questions and answers on " warum lernen Sie Deustch?" Warum haben Sie Deutschland ausgewählt?' (Tell them to study all these for next day) What is Tekamolo rule?
Day 3- Speaking for 30 minutes (Vorstellen, Warum lernen Sie Deustch und Warum Deustchland)
Next 30 min for explaining infinitiv mit zu.
Day 4 - Speaking for 20 min, Infinitiv mit zu and um...zu
Day 5 - Genitiv (Give translation works in class after teaching Genitiv)
Day 6- Conduct a schreiben exam on Genitiv, Um..zu and infinitiv mit zu (translation)
Day 7- Relativsatz (works and makes students speak)
Day 8- Relativsatz (works and makes students speak)
Day 9 - Relativsatz and speaking for last 20 minutes.
Day 10- Zweiteilige konnektoren (Works and makes students speak)
Day 11-Zweiteilige Konnektoren (Works and makes students speak)
Day 12 - Conduct exam (Schreiben) translation on Relativsatz and Zweiteilige konnektoren
Day 13- Nomen verb verbindung (Give every important nomen Verb with examples)
Day 14- Verben mit Preposition (Give every important Verben mit Preposition with examples)
Day 15 - Dadurch, Indem, dass, weil, Da, damit, deshalb.
Day 16- Start exam preparation from this day. (Start this day with Teil 1 of speaking, give proper idea, redemittels and tricks. Show them a model too. As Homework tell them to prepare same like.
Day 17 - Teil 1 speaking practice for 40 min. Use last 20 minutes to explain about hören teil 1 (like how many questions, einmal/zweimal, giv only basic instructions) don't need to play audio same day.
Day 18 - Teil 1 Hören. Repeat and explain till students gets a proper idea.
Use last 20 min for Teil 1 speaking.
Day 19- Teil 1 Speaking for 30 min and Teil 1 Hören for 30 min. (Tell them to prepare pare well from home too
Day 20-Teil 1 Speaking for 30 min and Teil 1 Hören for 30 min.
Day 21 - Teil 1 Speaking and Teil 1 Hören.
Day 22-Teil 1 Speaking and Teil 1 hören.
Day 23 - Teil 1 speaking and Teil 1 lesen (give ideas, tipps and practice
one question paper)
Day 24- Teil 1 Speaking and Teil 1 lesen
Day 25-Teil 1 Speaking and Teil 1 lesen.
Day 26 - Teil 1 Schreiben (Give proper tipps and explain with an example). Give them a homework with a question and correct it on next day.
Day 27 - Correction of homework (Schreiben teil 1) give another question as homework. Use last 20 minutes for explaining about Teil 2 of lesen with an example.
Day 28 - Speaking Teil 2 with an example
Day 29 - Speaking Teil 2 and Lesen Teil 2
Day 30 - Speaking Teil 2 and Lesen Teil 2
Day 31-Speaking Teil 2 and Lesen Teil 182 zusammen.
Day 32-Speaking Teil 2 und lesen Teil 1 82 zusammen.
Day 34-Speaking Teil 1 und Teil 2 like a model test.
Day 35-Speaking Teil 2 und Hören teil 2 und 3 (Spend more time on
Hören teil and use remaining time on speaking)
Day 36-Hören teil 2 und 3. Speaking for remaining time.
Day 37-Hören teil 2 und 3. Schreiben Teil 2
Day 38-Schreiben Teil 2 and horen Teil 4 (Give Schreiben homework)
Day 39-check Schreiben Teil 2 answers and give correction. Give another example and another question as homework.
Day 40-Model test of Schreiben part 1 and 2
Day 41-Lesen teil 3 und Hören teil 4
Day 42-Lesen teil 3 und horen teil 4
Day 43-Lesen eil 4 85, use remaing time for hören teil 4
Day 44 - Lesen teil 485, Use remaining time for hören teil 4.
Day 45-Speaking modal exam and give proper exam motivation
German Blogs
As this is the introductory level, the emphasis is on laying the foundation for the language. In German A1 level, you will learn the fundamental grammar concept
Since the German A2 level is a bit more advanced than the A1 level, you need to cover a few more grammar topics. The German A2 grammar topics are:
B1 level German requires a solid understanding of German grammar rules. You should be able to use these rules appropriately in conversation and writing. Some of the key grammar topics in B1 level are:
In German B2 level, the grammar topics you learnt in B1 will be intensified. Let us have a look at the grammar topics in B2 level.
German Language Course Eligibility
Want to be a part of a German language learning program? No prior knowledge of German is required; the course is designed for beginners. Additional prerequisites may include:

Motivation to Learn
A genuine interest in learning the German language and culture.

An interest and motivation to learn the German language intricacies is what makes you truly eligible to learn German.

Time Commitment
A German language learner should dedicate an ample amount of time to learning the nuances of the German language regularly. Prioritize regular practice, attending classes and working out on language needs on a regular schedule
Why live sessions?
Live sessions offer umpteen opportunities for learners to learn language professionally. Here are the top benefits of live sessions:
Live Interaction
Engage directly with instructors and ask questions instantly.
Immediate Feedback
Receive prompt answers and guidance to enhance your learning
Dynamic Learning
Benefit from interactive discussions and real-time problem-solving.
Networking Opportunities
Connect with peers and professionals during live sessions.
Enhanced Engagement
Stay motivated with live, interactive content and activities.
Personalized Learning
Get tailored advice and support based on your specific needs.
Practical Application
Apply concepts immediately through hands-on exercises and simulations.

Germany’s Latest News and Updates !
Latest : Germany welcomes skilled Indians as global visa restrictions tighten !
Germany increases visas for skilled Indian workers to 90,000, visa processing time to reduce!
Germany takes steps to attract skilled Indian workers
Over 49,000 Indian students studying in Germany, most in engineering: DAAD
Celebrated the first German-Indian Research Training Group
Indian Students Are The Largest International Community On German Campuses, Says Official
Germany's new visa rules: Great opportunity for skilled foreign workers
Indian student population in German universities skyrockets, outpaces China!
Meet Our German Language Experts in Trivandrum!
Meet Our trainers are skilled experts with native or near-native fluency, offering tailored lessons and practical insights for an enhanced learning experience.
Key Learning Outcomes
Here are some learning outcomes for a German language course in Trivandrum
Conversational Proficiency
Speak confidently in everyday German interactions.
Grammar Mastery
Use German grammar rules correctly and effectively.
Grammatical proficiency
You understand the active use of the German grammar rules while using the language. Basic German language tools including adjective endings, noun genders, verb conjunctions, and proper sentence structure will be your primary focus.
Expanded Vocabulary
Communicate with a broad and practical German vocabulary.
Improved Listening
Understand spoken German in various contexts.
Enhanced Pronunciation
Achieve clear and accurate German pronunciation.
Reading Comprehension
Read and understand diverse German texts.
Effective Writing
Write coherent and grammatically correct German content.

German Language Course in Trivandrum- FAQs
Yes. Entri App has joined hands with Lanstitute, the German training institute to facilitate quality and affordable German-spoken English training courses. You can get access to downloadable materials, assignments, PDFs, pre-Goethe mock tests and timely assessments to improve your German speaking skills. You can master the German language within a short span of time and grab your course completion certificate. You will get placement assistance once you join the course. The course coverage includes the sessions that will help you qualify A1 to C2 language level. Get rid of your German language insecurities and find better job opportunities abroad.
Yes. Entri's online spoken German course curriculum is designed to cater for the needs of beginners and advanced learners alike. Your mentors will be professionally qualified German language trainers. The local language tutor can assist you with your German language course. You can improve your spoken German skills with the help of live interactive sessions.
As a beginner, you will get special language skill training from the expert team at Entri
Can Entri's online spoken German course help me to find a highly-paid job abroad?
Yes. Knowing how to smoothly handle the German language is mandatory to work or study abroad, especially in Germany. You have to find the best online platform to learn how to crack the Goethe exam. Qualifying for the Goethe test is important for those who wish to relocate abroad. The pre-Goethe mock test, pdf notes and timely assignments will improve your German language skills. You can find highly paid jobs including:
- Software Developer
- Programmer
- Civil Engineers and Architect
- IT Consultants and Analyst
- Nurse
- Electronics Engineer
- Electrician and Electrical Fitter
- Economists and Business Management Expert
- Customer Advisors and Account Management
- Production Assistant
- Sales Representatives and Assistant
- Sales and Product Managers
Language Courses from Entri App
Entri News
Advantages of Learning German from Entri:

Student Support:
Access ongoing assistance and guidance throughout the course.

Industry Networking:
Connect with professionals and peers in the German language field.

Interactive Sessions:
Participate in engaging, live classes and activities.

Resource Accessibility:
Utilize a wealth of digital resources and materials.

Personalized Feedback
Receive tailored feedback to improve your skills efficiently.

Career Guidance
Receive expert advice and direction for your career path.
Career Support

Personalized learning space
Learn systematically based on the individual language needs.

Student support
Methodological learning which assures 24*7 academic assistance

Expert training
Training is provided by the German language experts with years of experience.

Flexibility and Convenience
Learn German amidst your tight schedule. Choose your comfort and ease to learn a language at your desired pace.

Strong Mentorship support
Personalized mentorship assistance to address the German language insecurities of individual language learners by exposing them to real-life scenarios
Free German Learning Materials
German Language Course in Cities
Who Can Apply for German Language Course
- Students
- Travelers
- Professionals
- Job Seekers
- Freelancers
- Business People
- Healthcare Professionals
- Researchers and Academics