🎉 Ready to Speak English Confidently? Grab Your Discounted Class Now! 🎉

Online Spoken English Classes in Trivandrum

Learn, Speak and Dream with India’s Best Online Spoken English Learning Platform. Become an Eloquent Speaker and Chase Your Dreams with Experienced Mentor Guidance. Start Your Language Journey With a Flexible and Personalized Online Learning Experience.

Be Fluent in English | Master Interview Skills
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Why Learn Spoken English with Entri App?

Live Sessions

Live Sessions

Conversational Lab

Conversational Lab

Accent Training

Accent Training

Quizzes & Tests

Quizzes & Tests

Doubt Clearing Session

Doubt Clearing Session

WhatsApp Group Support

WhatsApp Group Support

Course Certificate

Course Certificate

Who can choose this spoken English Course?

Entri Online Spoken English Course is exclusively for YOU! Entri Spoken English Course is easily accessible to all those enthusiastic learners who wish to improve their English communication skills with the best resources. Learn English and Make a Difference! Introducing you to the comfortable learning space and inclusive learning community.



Job Seekers




Public Speakers

Who can choose this spoken English Course?

Entri Online Spoken English Course is exclusively for YOU! Entri Spoken English Course is easily accessible to all those enthusiastic learners who wish to improve their English communication skills with the best resources. Learn English and Make a Difference! Introducing you to the comfortable learning space and inclusive learning community.



Job Seekers




Public Speakers

Why Do Students Love Us?


This course was fun. There is a group chat for asking our questions and answering them. In addition, voice practice is conducted regularly in the group to improve our pronunciation. By the end of this course, I am confident that I will be able to speak English without fear in front of others.

Sainul Ashid
Sainul Ashid

I am studying the Spoken English course on the Entri app. It is very helpful to me; the classes are easy and simple to understand. I lacked confidence in speaking English because I was not fluent. That's why I joined this course. Now I'm confident that I can speak English.


I started my English journey with Entri English. I am happy with it because I improved my grammar and English fluency. The teaching methods are also entirely different. I am very thankful for these classes. 🥰

Spoken Engish Course - FAQs

Do you have any questions? Here are some frequently asked questions that we have answered

Entri Online Spoken English Course grooms you to be an advanced English speaker. Entri team fulfills the personalized needs of the learners by providing a comfortable space to interact. The highly proficient and qualified mentors at Entri Online Spoken English Course helps you to speak confidently without self-doubt. The friendly teaching atmosphere welcomes you to learn better.
Yes. Entri Online Spoken English Course in Trivandrum works under flexible time and comfortable space. You can choose your comfortable time shifts to learn English. Practice with our subject experts and see the improvement yourself. Age is not a barrier to achieving your dream. More job opportunities are available for homemakers nowadays. Use the golden chance to learn how to speak English fluently with the Entri spoken English course.
Entri Online Spoken English Course focuses on the unique style of teaching the English language. The course is designed for six months by a team of highly qualified tutors. The wide network of subject experts helps learners to overcome language barriers. The one-to-one communication with the mentors will aid you to come out of the English language insecurities. The personal tutors will guide you to properly listen, speak and understand language more comfortably.
The spoken English classes at Entri can help you to polish your language skills. Many job seekers are now struggling with a lack of communication skills. Brace yourself and attend your next interview with confidence. Based on your requirements, we assist you in improving your spoken and written English. You can get access to the classes via a device anywhere at any time. What is our priority is your comfort.
Entri online spoken English classes considers your personalized needs. Set a goal and we will assist you to overcome your language barriers. You can communicate with your grandchild with confidence once you practice with your mentor. You can easily identify mistakes and work to rectify them. The conversational lab and daily assignment will help you to practice and improve your speaking skills. You can start with basic English lessons and accomplish your dream.

If you are a beginner, we strongly recommend you choose the gold plan to get more exclusive attention. You can learn with an inclusive learning community and overcome your language insecurities. The gold plan allows you to get more attention in your comfort. It includes the following benefits:

  • 120 recorded videos
  • Grammar & Vocabulary Practice
  • Voice practice group
  • Quizzes & Mock Tests
  • Surprise Live Session
  • Study Cards
  • Course Certificate
  • 62 days of mentor support with speaking tasks.
  • Live practice sessions by expert mentors