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Online Data Analytics Course - Learn Data Analytics in Tamil

Kickstart your career in data analytics with Entri’s efficient and relevant course in Tamil with exceptional skill enhancement and projects that would definitely gear you up for the future.

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Overview of Data Analytics Course in Tamil

Entri Elevate's data analytics certification program guarantees a smooth and productive comprehension and mastery of the nuances of data analytics. This course is meticulously designed with a focus on real-world applications, under the direction of highly qualified individuals and industry experts. After graduation, graduates possess the ability to analyze data, identify trends, and make judgments.

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Inclusive & Immersive Hybrid Training Sessions

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Industry Expert Sessions

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80+ Live & Recorded Sessions

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Soft Skill Sessions

Industry Networking Icon

Industry Networking

Placement Training Icon

Placement Training

Illinois Tech Certification Icon

Illinois Tech Certification

Data Analytics Skills Covered

Here are the skills that are covered during the course that will make you distinct in the particular field.

Placement Stories

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Learn Power BI basics with our easy tutorials. Covering data visualization, dashboards, reports, and more, these guides make mastering Power BI simple and fun for beginners

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Tools Covered

Illuminate the path to insights! Unlock the power of Data Analytics with these necessary tools!

OpenCv Power BI Python Python Pandas Python Numpy matplotlib SQL DAX Seaborn Plotily logo Scikit logo Excel Jupyter_note_book Python Spyspark Beautiful_soup Selenium$_python google_collab Anaconda_ide Excel_power_query

Data Analytics Job Roles

What Exactly Does a Data Analyst Do? Lets Dive Deep into Roles!

Data Analyst

Data analysts gather, organize, and interpret data to provide valuable insights to businesses. They use statistical tools and techniques to identify trends and patterns and communicate their findings to key stakeholders. A data science and machine learning course equips individuals with skills in data manipulation, visualization, and analytics, making them a perfect fit for this role.

Business Intelligence Analyst

Business intelligence analysts are responsible for studying data to uncover trends and patterns that can assist companies in making informed decisions. They employ a variety of data analytics tools to collect information from various data sources and present it in a format that can be easily comprehended by stakeholders. This position necessitates strong analytical abilities, business expertise, and excellent communication skills.

Data Scientist

Roles and responsibilities include collecting, analyzing, and interpreting large amounts of datasets. The role also requires making use of statistical and machine learning techniques to identify trends and patterns in data.

Data Engineer

Being one of the most technical profiles in the whole of data science and analytics careers, this particular data analytics career closes the gap between software and application developers. The core responsibilities include designing and building infrastructure and systems that support data collection, storage, and analysis

Data Analytics Curriculum

The Data Analytics curriculum is available now. Covers stats, Preparatory Sessions, Python Programming, MySQL, PowerBI. Practical projects included. Enroll for a competitive edge.

  • Introduction to Data Analytics
  • Data Analytics Lifecycle,
  • Types of Data Statistics Basics (Mean, Median, Mode,Variance, Standard Deviation).
  • Introduction to Excel Interface
  • Basics of Excel
  • Spreadsheet basics
  • Data Entry.
  • Fundamentals of Excel
  • Insertion
  • Deletion
  • Importing Data
  • Table Creation
  • -sum()
  • min()
  • max()
  • count()
  • average()
  • if()
  • sumif()
  • countif()
  • averageif()
  • formatting text using right() left(), mid(), upper(), lower(),proper()
  • Introduction to Data Cleaning
  • Removing duplicate data
  • Handling missing data
  • Correcting inconsistent data
  • Text-to-columns and Flash Fill
  • Data Validations
  • Data transformation,
  • What-if analysis
  • scenario Manager
  • Removing unnecessary characters and spaces
  • Conditional formatting for data cleaning
  • Filtering and Sorting data in excel Descriptive Statistics
  • Mean
  • standard deviation, etc., using Analysis ToolPak
  • Mean, standard,deviation, etc., using Analysis ToolPak
  • NOW
  • YEAR
  • Creating Pivot tables
  • Connecting multiple tables and show analysing and creating visualization with multiple tables.
  • Data Analysis and Visualization using Pivot Table
  • Charts and Graphs
  • Bar
  • Column
  • Pie
  • Line
  • Scatter
  • Combo charts
  • Sparklines
  • PivotCharts
  • Dynamic charts with slicers and filters
  • create and design interactive dashboard.
  • Installation of Power BI Desktop
  • Exploring the Power BI interface
  • Connecting to data sources
  • Importing Data into Power Query
  • Data Cleaning and Transformation: Handling Missing Data and Duplicate Data, Sorting and Filtering Rows, Aggregating and Grouping Data in Power Query
  • Normalization vs denormalization
  • Relationships in PowerBI
  • Cardinality
  • cross filter direction
  • Building Star schema data model
  • Calculated Columns and tables using DAX
  • Measures, Simple DAX Functions and Operators(Mathematical, Logical, Statistical & Text Functions)
  • Advanced DAX – Aggregations and Calculations(Aggregate, Filter, Datetime, Time Intelligence & Table Functions)
  • Bar
  • Column
  • Pie
  • Donut
  • Line,
  • Area,
  • Scatter
  • KPI & Gauge
  • Table
  • Matrix
  • Map
  • Tree map
  • Combo
  • Creating Hierarchies ; Filters, Slicers ; Drill-Downs
  • Learn how to apply Data Analysis using Excel and PowerBI, mini project spanning 10 days.

  • IS NULL,


  • IN

  • NOT IN



  • LIKE,



  • LIMIT,

  • Aggregate functions,


  • Mathematical, String
  • Date & time
  •  User-defined function
  • Stored Procedures
  • Subqueries -single, multi-row; Views - simple, complex views, Triggers
  • DCL- GRANT, REVOKE ; TCL - COMMIT, SAVEPOINT, ROLLBACK - ACID properties, show connecting mysql and powerbi
Learn how to create and analyse databases using MySQL mini project, spanning 5 days.
  • String
  • String methods
  • String slicing
  • Tuple
  • Tuple methods
  • Immutable vs Mutable Data Types
  • Dictionary
  • Dictionary methods
  • Set
  • Set methods Frozenset
  • Conditional statements - if, else, elif, while loop ,else, break & continue with while loop, range; for loop ; else, break & continue with for loop; nested for loop ; enumerate ; List Comprehension
  • NumPy
  • NumPy arrays
  • Array operations and functions
merge, concat, join, group by

Visualization Using Matplotlib

  •  Scatter Plot
  • Line Chart
  • Bar Chart
  • Pie Chart
  • Histogram
  • Box Plot

VisualizationUsing Seaborn

  • Count Plot
  • Bar plot
  • Scatter plot
  • Line plot
  • Box plot
  • Histogram
  • Density Plot
  • Violin Plot
  • Swarm Plot
  • Heatmap
  • Pair Plot

Data Analytics Blogs

Explore Trending Topics of Data Analytics

How to Become a Data Analyst? Skills Required

Discover the path to becoming a data analyst in this insightful blog. Learn about the essential skills you need, from mastering data tools like Excel, SQL, and Python to honing analytical thinking and communication abilities. Explore industry trends, career opportunities, and practical tips to kickstart your journey in the dynamic world of data analysis.

Data Science Vs Data Analytics

Data Science focuses on building models and using advanced techniques like AI to predict outcomes. Data Analytics is about analyzing existing data to find trends and insights. Both are key in today’s data-driven world, but their goals and methods differ.

Exploratory Data Analysis Techniques

EDA makes sure that the proper patterns and trends are made available so that the model may be trained to produce the desired results, much like a good recipe. As a result, using the appropriate EDA tool and appropriate data will help accomplish the desired result.

Data Analysis – Process, Methods, Types

Explore the steps, methods, and types of data analysis used to turn raw data into actionable insights.

Eligibility /Pre-requisities

These courses are available to anyone who is determined and has the correct attitude. Although a basic understanding of programming, mathematics, and statistics would be beneficial, no particular qualifications are needed.

Basic Programming Skills icon

Basic Programming Skills

Fundamental programming abilities like deciphering intricate data and offering useful insights to get past challenges will set you on the correct track.

Thinking critically icon

Thinking critically

Possessing the capacity to approach issues rationally in order to pinpoint the obstacles that have a significant impact.

Skills for solving problems icon

Skills for solving problems

Having a keen eye for details, patterns, and irregularities helps one spot issues and address them directly.

Basic Mathematical skills icon

Basic Mathematical skills

Mastering fundamental mathematical concepts, like algebra, calculus, and probability, is essential.

Our Hiring Partners

Connect employers with a global network of recruitment partners to meet their hiring goals.

Webdura technologies Bz Analytics Bethelsoft-Technologies Approcker Techologies Clodium software Euclidz Eyerov Zennode Technologies Xynosoft Webova Web App Tech Solutions Veuz Innovations

Why Live Sessions?

Are you unsure of the effectiveness of live sessions? To find out why this live session course is the best option for you, continue reading.

Real-time interaction

The course is latest and up-to-date in terms of materials, curriculum, tools, and instructors. Additionally, the instructors can share their thoughts and best practices on various new features that help aspirants stay up-to-date as well


When compared with traditional classroom teaching methods, live sessions help in widening the strength of the aspirants who can learn from the comfort of their choice.

Real-time interaction

Real-time interaction makes sure that all doubts and questions would be answered then and there thus strengthening the understanding of the course in an interactive manner.


Aspirants can attend the sessions from anywhere in the world with just an internet connection. Moreover, recordings help to cover missed sessions and also serve as a revision

Live Sessions

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Data Analytics With Python Exam & Certification

Courses Recognised by

illinois Tech NSDC

Frequently Asked Questions

Illinois certification validates your proficiency and expertise across various industries. It can enhance your credibility and positively impact your career growth, earning potential, and professional fulfillment. Obtaining Illinois certification opens up opportunities for career advancement and high-paying jobs, bringing ample career opportunities and enhancing your professional success.

Illinois certification is best for IT freshers. This certification program provides comprehensive training and education on various aspects of IT, including programming languages, software development, database management, and more.

Illinois certification helps freshers build a strong foundation in IT. It equips them with the necessary skills to succeed in their careers and to get better job opportunities with higher salaries.

What Our Students Are Saying

Enrolled by Students
4.8 (89 Ratings)

Key Learning Outcomes of Data Analytics Course

The key takeaways from the "Entri Data Analytics in Tamil" course are as follows

Enhance your analytical skills

Cultivate the skills and usage of tools to tackle business problems independently. Master formulas across various tools

Master formulas across various tools

Learn extensively various formulas in powerful tools such as Python, SQL, etc.

Master business insights

Gain insights in how to extract data and present them to various stakeholders in a comprehendible manner

Practical projects

Experience hands-on projects that will familiarize you with the tools and its applications.

Live Sessions

Frequently Asked Question about Data Analytics Course

Data Analytics is the process of analyzing data to identify patterns, problems and make decisions based on the analytics.
Data Science is a broader field that involves using various techniques, algorithms, and tools to extract insights and knowledge from structured and unstructured data. Data Science involves not only analyzing data but also developing predictive models, creating machine learning algorithms, and building data-driven products. On the other hand, Data Analytics focuses on extracting insights and useful information from data by analyzing it. It is a narrower field that involves collecting, processing, and performing statistical analyses on data. The main goal of Data Analytics is to uncover patterns and trends in data that can inform business decisions or improve operational efficiency. In summary, Data Science is a more comprehensive field that includes Data Analytics, along with other techniques and tools for data processing, modeling, and product development.
Data analytics is the process of examining raw data using statistical and quantitative techniques to extract meaningful insights and information. It involves collecting, cleaning, processing, and analyzing data to identify patterns, relationships, and trends that can be used to make informed decisions. Data analytics is often used in scientific research, healthcare, and other fields where there is a large amount of data to be analyzed. Business analytics, is the use of data and statistical methods to drive business decisions and improve performance. It involves using data to identify opportunities for growth, optimize business processes, and make better decisions. It is often used in marketing, finance, and operations to improve performance and increase profitability. In summary, data analytics focuses on the analysis of data to uncover insights and information, while business analytics focuses on using data to drive business decisions and improve performance.
We would suggest our learners follow our curriculum and timeline to get the best results. Our mentors would also be following the same to help with the learners.
According to various sources across the globe, the scope for data analytics is really huge and is ready to be tapped in.
Data analysts are some of the most sought-after professionals in the tech industry, and it would be best if you were highly skilled to be good at what you do. Due to this, the chances of getting a job in data analytics are also high. With the right set of skills and mindset, you would be able to crack a role!
It would require at least 12-15 hours of time commitment per week from the learner’s side.
Eligibility for Refunds: Learners can avail a refund within 30 days of joining the batch. No refund request will be entertained under any circumstance after 30 days of joining the batch. Refunds are not applicable to the recorded video subscriptions. Refund Process: To request a refund, learners must contact our User Happiness Team and raise the refund request. Our team will analyze the case and decide on the refund. If approved, learners will receive the refund within 30 working days after approval. Learners will continue to pay the monthly EMI for loan (if applicable) and such loan cannot be canceled. Refund Amount: Refund amounts will be determined based on the following conditions (Once your refund request is approved): Before the batch starts, there will be an operational cost deduction of 20% of the paid amount or Rs 3000 whichever is the highest Once the batch starts, a deduction of 40% of the paid amount or Rs 6000 whichever is highest will be applicable. No refund requests will be entertained after 30 days from the date of batch commencement. Exclusions: Refunds are also not applicable to learners who have completed more than 30 days in the batch. Changes to the Refund Policy: We reserve the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the policy will be posted on our website Scenario Before batch commencement : 20% of the program fee paid or Rs 3000 (Whichever is highest) Post batch commencement up to 30 day: 40% of the program fee paid or Rs 6000 (Whichever is highest) Post 30 days of batch commencement: No Refund
If a Learner, due to unavoidable circumstances is unable to commence with the batch and requests for a deferral before the batch Commencement date, Learner will have an option to defer to another batch. There is no cost involved in changing the batch. However, you can raise a maximum of 1 batch change request and our academics team has to approve the batch change request. A Learner can request for deferral once to a batch which starts within the next 6 months from the batch start date of the initial batch the Learner enrolled for. For example if the initial batch commencement was January 1, the deferral batch commencement date should be within June 1.
Learners can apply to defer a batch till 30 days from the commencement of the batch. Only one deferral request will be entertained once the batch commences. No additional fee is applicable for deferrals Post 30 days, no batch deferrals will be entertained The deferred batch will be a fresh batch and not from where the user paused the initial batch. Deferral policy Scenario: Before batch commencement :No deferral fee. Learners can do one batch deferral request provided the batch is not commenced. The deferred batch commencement should be within 6 months from the first batch commencement date learner opted for. After batch commencement : Learner can request once for batch change / deferral within 30 days of batch commencement No deferral fee
Indeed, Data Analytics will make great careers in 2025. There is a strong market for qualified machine learning engineers and data scientists, and the pay is attractive. Furthermore, because the sector is perpetually changing, there are always fresh chances for development and learning.

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Advantages of Learning Elevate Data Analytics Course

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Resume review:

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Live profile-building workshops:

Build your profile with hands-on sessions, whether on your resume, GitHub, or Kaggle platform.

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Personalised Industry Mentorship:

Get personalised feedback and mentorship from experienced professionals

Upcoming and Recorded Webinars

Who Can Apply For the Course

  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Career Switchers
  • Job Seekers
  • House Wife
  • Un-employers
  • Freelancers
Who can apply

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