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Best Data Science Training in Kozhikode

Do you desire to become a high-paid data scientist? Learn from India’s topmost online Data Science Training platform. Advance professionally in the field of data science by learning Python, MySQL, Data Analysis & Visualization with industry experts.

Internship | Placement Assistance | Illinois Tech Certification
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Learn Data Science & Machine Learning Course in Calicut

80+ Recorded & Live Sessions

80+ Recorded & Live Sessions

Industry Expert Guidance

Industry Expert Guidance

Community Linking

Community Linking

Capstone Projects

Capstone Projects

Course Certificate

Course Certificate

Internship & Placement Support

Internship & Placement Support

Illinois Tech Certification

Illinois Tech Certification

Career Opportunities after Data Science Course in Calicut

The data science training in Calicut extends support to active learners to upgrade their skills and excel in the field of data science. The data science sector offers the most desirable career to aspirants. Join our course to seek the best pathway to the highly demanded career to upgrade your skills to land your dream job in the field of data science. You can choose to become,

Data Scientist

Data Engineer

Data Analyst

Machine learning Engineer

Statisticians and Mathematicians

Business IT Analyst

Clinical Data Managers

Marketing Analyst

Data Architects and Administrators

Career Opportunities after Data Science Course in Calicut

The data science training in Calicut extends support to active learners to upgrade their skills and excel in the field of data science. The data science sector offers the most desirable career to aspirants. Join our course to seek the best pathway to the highly demanded career to upgrade your skills to land your dream job in the field of data science. You can choose to become,

Data Scientist

Data Engineer

Data Analyst

Machine learning Engineer

Statisticians and Mathematicians

Business IT Analyst

Clinical Data Managers

Marketing Analyst

Data Architects and Administrators

Best Data Science Course in Calicut


Master the programming language and the most advanced level tools in data science with the aid of Entri’s data science course in Calicut. Data is everything and the data scientist is a high-demand career that can promise potential career growth and financial stability within a sport period. The career assistance and the dedicated internship support are the major attractions of Entri’s data science course. The syllabus for the data science course at Entri is designed by industry experts with years of experience. Personalized online mentorship will aid the learners in understanding the concepts related to data science from fundamentals to the advanced level.

Online Data Science Course in Calicut - Professional Team

Learn from Top-Notch Data Science Mentors

Why Do Students Love Us?

Hanish Kumar
Hanish Kumar

Fairoos sir explains the concepts in the simplest way. This course package is a complete study tool for anyone who wishes to become a data scientist.

Farsana T V
Farsana T V

I thought coding was complicated. I am not from a computer science background. So I had my doubts regarding the course completion. But, finally, I successfully completed the course with confidence for my new job

Vishnu Roy
Vishnu Roy

Fairoos sir has a deep understanding and experience in the concepts and his classes are engaging as well as concise. He simplified the content which made me easily understand the tools, libraries, and algorithms, and were really helpful to work with. The timely follow-up by Aswathy mam also helped to complete this course.

Data Science and Machine Learning Course - FAQs

Find answers to some of the commonly asked questions regarding Entri's Data Science and Machine Learning Course in Ernakulam.

Your perfect learning partner is here! The Data Science Training is designed to cater to the needs of enthusiastic learners. Data Science Training will make everything easily accessible to everyone. You can improve your soft skills with the help of the special soft skill training provided along with the course. The most attractive feature of the course is that you can learn data science in your native language. Language is no longer going to hinder you from what you wish to do. The highly qualified industry experts and business specialists will guide you throughout your data science journey. You will get internship and placement assistance once you join the course. The practice tests, assessment, performance analysis and community linking will help you to improve your knowledge of data science. Use this golden opportunity to learn data science without any prior computer science or coding experience.
Yes. Data science is the most desirable job with a high salary. The data science sector needs experts in various job positions including Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Machine learning Engineer, Marketing Analyst, Clinical Data Manager, and Business IT Analyst. Once you join the course, we will assist you to get placed in the top companies in India. Apart from that Data Science Training will also assist you to have real-time data science experience through the Capstone and live projects. The online sessions will be handled by industry experts. The personalized and flexible learning environment will help you to learn without any complications. The internship certificate and Data Science and Machine Learning certificate will act as an added benefit once you attend the interview.
Yes. The Data Science Training covers the industry trend-based syllabus with a course duration of 8-9 months. Learners with no coding experience can also join the course as the course covers the syllabus from basic to advanced level. The learners can learn in a comfortable environment without the risk of losing focus. You can also improve your real-time data science experience with the help of qualified mentors. The Data Science Training allows you to choose your own comfortable time and space. Beginners can start learning everything related to coding with the help of the structured syllabus. Data science is a highly desired job with lots of opportunities in the business industry. Analyzing and interpreting data needs skills. Companies are actively looking for talented data scientists. Join the free demo to experience the Data Science Training.
Yes. Now you can get access to Data Science Training with the help of quality classes taken in your native language. Language no longer stops you from achieving your dream. The Data Science Training allows learners to learn data science in the Malayalam language. You can learn programming, data analysis and visualization and much more in Malayalam. The Data Science Training brings you the data science course in the Malayalam language which will, directly and indirectly, help you to learn the subject easily. You can grasp the concepts related to coding without any further complications. You can even ask and clarify doubts regarding the complex programming in your Malayalam language. The language flexibility makes the course much more appealing.
Of course Yes. Your background knowledge is not going to affect your desire to conquer the world of data science. You can learn the topics in the syllabus from the basics. The practice tests and the assessments will help you to familiarize yourself with the key topics. Regardless of your expertise in the field of IT or computer science, you can start fresh and flourish in the field. You can improve the scope of being placed in the top-rated companies across the globe. You just need the right amount of dedication, tenacity and patience to learn the concepts in the field of data science. Every organization needs data scientists as the world is revolving around data. You can also participate in internship projects and improve your technical and non-technical skills and upgrade yourself to improve your performance in the field of data science.
The holistic learning approach and the comprehensive teaching-learning methodologies will help the students to improve their skills. The best professional support is given to the students to assist them in upgrading their soft skills. The Data Science course initiates community linking which helps the learners to face the challenges with confidence. Community learning also allows the learners to connect themselves with their peers. Active discussions will be facilitated to enhance my skills in data science. Data scientists play a crucial role in assessing the overall growth of a company. Almost all industries require the active involvement of data scientists. The data science jobs, as per the records of the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, has a growth of 27.9% by 2026.
Absolutely Yes. You will get placement support and assistance once you join Data Science Training. The support team at Entri will help you to enroll in the Capstone project and the internship which can help you to secure a promising career. You can join the course if you are truly interested in problem-solving and data-centric approaches. Entri will assist you from resume-making to the stage of follow-up sessions. The team will also ensure that your portfolio has industry value and quality. Placement support is available for the students who opt for the gold plan.
Of course Yes. You will get an opportunity to learn from the industry experts. You can clarify any doubts related to the field of data science from the experts. The online platform also provides the best tutoring facilities for learners to learn in comfort. The most talented group which is headed by Fairoos OK will assist you to have deep knowledge in the field of data science. The facilitators will help you to clear your doubts in your native language. As it belongs to the category of analytical position, it is regarded as less competitive. Learn from the industry experts.
Absolutely Yes. You can join the course with zero experience in the field of computer science or coding. The classes at Data Science Training are handled by the most qualified industry specialists. You can learn with zero stress. All you need is the mind to pay attention and effort to learn from the basics. The syllabus is designed to cater to the needs of those who wish to flourish in the field of data science. You can also learn data science in Malayalam. In addition to this, Entri is also giving career advice, counseling, instructions, and suggestions for those who are confused about the divergent paths. You can always decide whether to choose data science or not after consulting our data science coordinator. Once you start learning data science, you will find yourself immersed in the field. You can depend upon the course design to have a grip on the field. The comprehensive learning strategy will help you to improve in the field of data science. The data science jobs are offering high salaries for advanced data scientists. Join the Data Science Training and be one!

Data Science Course in Calicut - Know More

If you are an aspirant who wishes to advance your career in data science, you should know the fact that there is no prerequisite to join Entri’s data science course in Calicut. All you need is your genuine passion to work in the sector of data science. Entri’s data science course will equip you to learn the nuances of the Data science course from scratch. 

Once you join the course, you will be trained to upgrade your skills to utilize them for the progress of the projects that you are working on. You can join the course without any degree, but a skill to track, interpret and analyze data based on the requirement.

You can join Entri's data science course without prior knowledge or experience in Coding. Within a short period, you will gain the domain specialization as you are closely associating with industry experts and field enthusiasts.

Entri’s data science course will give you a real-time experience of working on Capstone projects and other minor projects to develop your skills in using modern strategies and tools related to data science. The qualified faculties will teach you the core concepts from fundamentals to the advanced level. The major thrust areas of the sessions will range from Python for Data Science to Statistics and Machine Learning.

The learners will also get a golden opportunity to learn core elements of the Artificial Intelligence Tools and Data Science Tools without having prior knowledge of both. You will be introduced to the key concepts after engaging the base sections for each core topic.

In addition, the active learners will also get the opportunity to explore the topics including:

  • SQL Database
  • Pandas and Numpy
  • Data Visualization with matplotlib and seaborn
  • File Handling and Exception Handling
  • Python Basics
  • Data Definition Language
  • MySQL stored procedures and triggers
  • Data modeling in PowerBI
  • Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Conditional and looping statements
  • Functions in Python
  • Deep learning basics

If you are an aspirant who wishes to advance your career in data science, you should know the fact that there is no prerequisite to join Entri’s data science course in Calicut. All you need is your genuine passion to work in the sector of data science. Entri’s data science course will equip you to learn the nuances of the Data science course from scratch. 

Once you join the course, you will be trained to upgrade your skills to utilize them for the progress of the projects that you are working on. You can join the course without any degree, but a skill to track, interpret and analyze data based on the requirement.

You can join Entri's data science course without prior knowledge or experience in Coding. Within a short period, you will gain the domain specialization as you are closely associating with industry experts and field enthusiasts.

Entri’s data science course will give you a real-time experience of working on Capstone projects and other minor projects to develop your skills in using modern strategies and tools related to data science. The qualified faculties will teach you the core concepts from fundamentals to the advanced level. The major thrust areas of the sessions will range from Python for Data Science to Statistics and Machine Learning.

The learners will also get a golden opportunity to learn core elements of the Artificial Intelligence Tools and Data Science Tools without having prior knowledge of both. You will be introduced to the key concepts after engaging the base sections for each core topic.

In addition, the active learners will also get the opportunity to explore the topics including:

  • SQL Database
  • Pandas and Numpy
  • Data Visualization with matplotlib and seaborn
  • File Handling and Exception Handling
  • Python Basics
  • Data Definition Language
  • MySQL stored procedures and triggers
  • Data modeling in PowerBI
  • Data Preprocessing for Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing
  • Conditional and looping statements
  • Functions in Python
  • Deep learning basics