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Online Performance Marketing Course: Get Hired Now!

Learn Performance Marketing Course With our Illinois Tech Certification

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Overview of Performance Marketing Course

Entri Elevate Performance Marketing is a comprehensive course that covers several topics such as creating successful campaigns, optimizing conversion rates, analyzing data, and developing effective marketing strategies. It includes modules on affiliate marketing, influencer marketing, and search engine marketing.

Inclusive & Immersive Hybrid Training Sessions Icon

Inclusive & Immersive Hybrid Training Sessions

Industry Expert Sessions Icon

Industry Expert Sessions

80+ Live & Recorded Sessions Icon

80+ Live & Recorded Sessions

Soft Skill Sessions Icon

Soft Skill Sessions

Industry Networking Icon

Industry Networking

Placement Training Icon

Placement Training

Illinois Tech Certification Icon

Illinois Tech Certification

Skills Covered

Here's more detailed info on skills acquired through Our performance marketing course

Tools Covered

In-demand Tools โ€“ will be covered during the course to make you a perfect Performance Marketer!

Performance Marketing Roles

Here are the high-paid job roles after completing the Performance Marketing course :

Digital Marketing Consultant

Provide strategic guidance, expertise, and support to businesses seeking to improve their digital marketing efforts and achieve specific goals.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Specialist

Manage and optimize pay-per-click advertising campaigns to increase website traffic, leads, and sales while maximizing ROI.

Conversion Rate Optimization (CRO) Specialist

Analyze website performance and user behavior to optimize conversion funnels, landing pages, and user experience for increased conversions.

Content Marketing Specialist

Plan and execute content marketing strategies to attract and engage target audiences through blog posts, articles, videos, infographics, and more.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) Specialist

Manage and optimize paid search campaigns on platforms like Google Ads and Bing Ads to increase visibility and drive conversions.

Web Analytics Specialist

Monitor and analyze website traffic, user behavior, and performance metrics to identify opportunities for optimization and improvement.

E-commerce Marketing Manager

Develop and implement marketing strategies specifically tailored to e-commerce platforms to drive sales and maximize revenue.

Email Marketing Specialist

Design and execute email marketing campaigns to nurture leads, drive conversions, and maintain customer relationships.

Digital Analyst

A Digital Analyst analyzes digital marketing and user data from different online platforms such as websites, social media, email, and online advertising.

E-commerce Specialist

Oversee online sales channels, including website optimization and product listings.


The curriculum is designed to help you learn the skills required to become a successful professional.

Understanding marketing principles: Learn the foundational concepts of marketing, including market analysis, target audience identification,and value proposition development

Building a strong brand: Explore the importance of brand building and positioning strategies, and gain insights into creating a distinctive brand identity.

Embracing digital marketing: Discover the fundamentals of digital marketing, including the key channels, tactics, and strategies used to reach and engage target audiences

Mastering digital marketing tools: Familiarize yourself with essential digital marketing tools and platforms that enable effective campaign planning ,execution ,and measurement

Competitive landscape analysis: Learn how to conduct comprehensive competitor analysis, identify market trends, and leverage competitor insights for strategic decision-making.

Market research techniques: Gain an understanding of various market research methodologies, including surveys, focus groups, and data analysis, to gather valuable consumer insights.

Customer segmentation: Explore the process of segmenting target audiences based on demographics, behavior,and psychographics to optimize marketing efforts

consumer behavior analysis : Dive into undertanding consumer motivtions,buying patterns,and decision making process to tailor marketing strategies for maximum impact

Paid advertising overview: Explore the various types of paid advertising, such as search engine marketing (SEM), display advertising, and social media advertising

Advertising platforms and networks: Gain insights into popular advertising platforms like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads, and understand their unique features and targeting options.

Budgeting and campaign planning: Learn How to effectively allocate advertising budgets, set campaign objectives, and develop a strategic approach for paid advertising

Performance measurement: Discover key metrics and analytics used to measure the effectivness of paid advertising campaigns, including click-through rates, conversion rates, and return on ad spend (ROAS

Search engine marketing (SEM) fundamentals: Understand the basics of SEM and its role in driving targeted traffic to website through search engine advertising.

Keyword research techniques: Learn how to perform keyword research, identify high-impact keywords, and develop keyword strategies for Google Ads campaigns.

Key metrics in Google Ads: Gain insights into essential metrics like impressions, click-through rates (CTR), quality scores, and conversion tracking to evaluate campaign performance.

Campaign structuring best practices : Discover effective stratgies for structuring google ads campaigns,ad groups ,and keywords to maximize relevance and improve campaign efficiency

Account Setup and configuarion : Learn the step by step process of setting up a Google ads account ,configuring campaign settings,and establishing budget parameters.

Ad creation and optimization: Understand the elements of compelling ad copy and design, and learn optimization techniques to improve ad performance and maximize conversions.

Ad extensions and targeting options: Explore the various ad extensions available in Google Ads and leverage advanced targeting options to reach specific audience and increase ad visibility 

Ad testing and measurement: Discover strategies for A/B testing ad variations, tracking ad performance, and making data-driven optimizations to improve campaign results

 Introduction to social media advertising: Explore the world of social media ads and understand how platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn can be leveraged for effective audience targeting

Targeting and segmentation: Learn advanced targeting techniques on social media platforms, including demographic targeting, interest-based targeting, and lookalike audience targeting.

Key metrics for social media ads: Understand the key performance indicators(KPIs) to Specific to social media advertising ,such as engagement rates, reach, click-through rates, and conversion tracking.

Campaign structuring and optimization: Discover best practices for structuring social media ad campaigns, creating compelling ad content, and optimizing campaigns for maximum impact and ROI

Platform-specific ad setup: Learn how to set up ads on popular social media platforms, including Facebook Ads Manager, Instagram Ads, and LinkedIn Campaign Manager.

Ad formats and creative considerations: Explore different ad formats available on social media platforms and gain insights into creating visually appealing and engaging ad content.

Campaign monitoring and performance tracking: Understand the importance of monitoring ad performance, Analyzing metrics, and making data-driven adjustments to optimize social media ad campaigns.

Ad budgeting and bidding strategies: Gain proficiency in budget allocation, bidding strategies, and ad spend optimization to achieve desired campaign outcomes within allocated budgets

Copywriting techniques: Learn the art of writing persuasive and impactful ad copies that effectively convey the message and entice the target audience

Visual design principles: Understand the principles of effective visual design and learn how to create visually appealing ad graphics and imagery.

Call-to-action optimization: Discover techniques for crafting compelling calls-to-action (CTAs) that drive engagement and encourage desired user actions.

A/B testing and creative optimization: Learn how to test different ad creatives,iterate on top performing elements,and optimize ad content for better results.

Landing page optimization fundamentals: Understand the importance of landing pages in the conversion process and learn optimization strategies to improve conversion rates.

Designing user-friendly landing pages: Explore techniques for designing intuitive and user-friendly landing pages that effectively communicate value propostions and encourage conversions.

A/B testing and data-driven optimization: Learn how to conduct A/B tests on landing pages, analyze user behavior, and make data-driven decisions to improve conversion rates.

Conversion tracking and measurement: Gain insights into tracking conversions, setting up conversion tracking pixels, and utilizing data to measure the effectiveness of landing pages

Establishing marketing projections: Learn how to develop realistic marketing projections based on market research, industry trends, and campaign performance data

Budget allocation and media planning: Understand the process of allocating marketing budgets across various channels and creating media plans to effectively distribute resources.

ROI analysis and performance measurement: Discover methods for analyzing the return on investment (ROI) of marketing activities and measuring campaign performance against established projections.

Iterative planning and optimization: Learn how to continously refine and optimize marketing projections and media plans based on real-time data, market changes, and business goals

Fundamentals of web analytics: Understand the role of web analytics in tracking website performance, user behavior,and marketing campaign effectiveness

Setting up analytics tools: Learn how to set up and integrate popular web analytics tools, such as Google Analytics, to gather valuable insights about website visitors and their interactions.

Key metrics and reporting: Explore essential web analytics metrics ,including traffic sources ,bounce rate,conversion rates, and user engagement, and learn how to generate meaningful reports.

Data-driven decision-making: Discover how to use web analytics data to make informed marketing decisions, optimize website performance, and improve user experiences

Mobile app marketing landscape: Gain insights into the mobile app market, current trends, and challenges, and understand the unique aspects of marketing mobile applications.

App store optimization (ASO): Learn techniques for optimizing mobile app listings on app stores, including keyword optimization, app descriptions, ratings, and reviews.

User acquisition and retention strategies: Explore various user acquisition channels, such as paid advertising, social media and influencer marketing , and understand strategies for retaining and engaging app users.

Mobile app analytics: Discover how to track app performance, user behavior, and key metrics using mobile app analytics tools ,and utilize data to improve marketing efforets and app performance.

Performance Marketing Blogs

Explore Trending Topics in Internet marketing and Branding

Best Practices for game-changing landing page creation

Landing pages are great for digital advertising campaigns, but they can also be helpful when you link a print marketing pieceโ€™s QR code to a particular page. A landing pageโ€™s primary objective is to convert visitors, making it a vital resource for any kind of marketing campaign

Tips for Excelling at International Digital Marketing ( Guide of 2024)

If you are looking to get international digital marketing excellence, you need to understand the cultural nuances by respecting and adapting to the varied cultural aspects! Here are the Best Tips for Excelling

How to Become a SEO Freelancer in 2024?

This article will discuss search engine optimization (SEO), the components of freelance SEO, and the methods for entering this industry as a full-time or part-time professional.

How to Improve Your Google Ads Quality Score Quickly

Google Ads Quality Score is genuinely significant as it suggests to Google how pertinent your ad is. If Google fails to recognize the relevance of your Google Ads, your intentions will not be satisfied at all.

Ways to Use Social Media for Storytelling

The storytelling on social media has an altogether different vibe. The stories shared via social media created lasting impressions and intimacy in peopleโ€™s hearts.

Eligibility /Pre-requisities

The prerequisites needed to enroll in Entri performance Course are as follows;

Understanding of Social Media Platforms icon

Understanding of Social Media Platforms

Understanding how social media platforms work and getting familiar with their features and functionalities can be advantageous

Basic Computer Knowledge icon

Basic Computer Knowledge

A basic understanding of computer navigation and usage, including experience with email, web browsers, and basic software.

Strong Communication Skills icon

Strong Communication Skills

Good written and verbal communication skills to convey marketing messages clearly and persuasively.

Creativity icon


Think creatively to develop engaging content, campaigns, and strategies.

Our Hiring Partners

Connect employers with a global network of recruitment partners to meet their hiring goals.

Why Live Sessions?

Offering live sessions in a performance marketing course provides several benefits.

Live Sessions

Interactive Learning Experience

Real-time interaction between teachers and students during live sessions creates a dynamic and captivating learning environment.

Instant feedback

Learners can receive instant feedback on their work or questions, enhancing their learning experience.

Real-time Updates

By providing real-time updates on industry trends, best practices, and modifications to digital marketing platforms, instructors can guarantee that students are receiving the most recent knowledge

Interactive activities

Tutors can comprise interactive activities such as group discussions, polls, and quizzes to enhance engagement and support learning.

Performance marketing Trainers

Learn directly from the best performance marketers!"

Performance Marketing Course Certifications

Courses Recognised by

illinois Tech

Frequently Asked Questions

Illinois certification validates your proficiency and expertise across various industries. It can enhance your credibility and positively impact your career growth, earning potential, and professional fulfillment. Obtaining Illinois certification opens up opportunities for career advancement and high-paying jobs, bringing ample career opportunities and enhancing your professional success.

Illinois certification is best for IT freshers. This certification program provides comprehensive training and education on various aspects of IT, including programming languages, software development, database management, and more.

Illinois certification helps freshers build a strong foundation in IT. It equips them with the necessary skills to succeed in their careers and to get better job opportunities with higher salaries.

Key Learning Outcomes of Performance Marketing Course

Here are a few key learning outcomes you can gain after completing the Entri Elevate performance marketing course

Proficiency in Digital Advertising Platforms

Learn how to design and optimize ad campaigns utilizing prominent digital advertising platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and more.

Marketing Analytics Tools

Learn about major marketing analytics tools like Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Facebook Analytics, and others for tracking, measuring, and analyzing marketing effectiveness.

Campaign Planning and Execution

Find out how to effectively plan, execute, and manage digital marketing initiatives, such as defining campaign objectives, target KPIs, and budgets.

Budget Management and Optimization

Master how to manage advertising budgets effectively, optimize spending across several channels, and maximize return on investment (ROI) for digital marketing initiatives.

Live Sessions

Frequently Asked Question About Performance Marketing Course

This course targets newcomers to digital marketing who aspire to pursue performance marketing roles as part of their careers in the field.

  • Beginners to Intermediate Learners
  • Career switchers
  • Upgrading performance marketers
  • Students
  • Social Media Marketers
  • Freelancers

Performance marketing is a digital marketing approach focused on driving specific actions or performance goals, such as conversions, leads, or sales. It involves using data-driven strategies to optimize marketing efforts and maximize return on investment (ROI).

Anyone interested in digital marketing, whether beginners or experienced professionals, can benefit from learning performance marketing. It is particularly useful for individuals looking to pursue careers in digital marketing, e-commerce and advertising, or those seeking to improve their marketing skills for personal business growth.

  • Foundations: Covering basic marketing concepts and practical applications.
  • Paid marketing: Exploring strategies and techniques for effective paid marketing campaigns.
  • Campaign optimization: Learning to optimize campaigns across various platforms and industries.
  • Data analysis: Developing skills in analyzing campaign data and making data-driven decisions.
  • Industry tools and procedures: Familiarizing students with the tools and procedures used in real-life campaign setup, optimization, analysis, and reporting.

Get expert guidance with real-world projects and lessons. After the course completion, the users will get placement assistance too.

Absolutely! Performance marketing strategies can be highly effective in growing and maximizing revenue for personal businesses. By learning and implementing performance marketing techniques, you can drive targeted traffic, increase conversions, and optimize your marketing campaigns for better results.

Yes, performance marketing skills are in high demand. As businesses increasingly focus on measurable results and ROI, professionals with expertise in performance marketing are sought after. Performance marketers can help companies achieve their marketing objectives by driving tangible outcomes and demonstrating the value of their marketing efforts.

After the course completion, the users will be able to secure a job within one year with 100% internship and placement assistance services. Other job interview training, soft skills training and guidance will be provided by the experts.

Yes, the users will receive a valid certificate after the course completion

Career support team will get in touch with the learner towards the end of the program. They will help the learner in resume building, interview skills and LinkedIn profile building. Upon successful completion of the program, the career support team will match the job opening with the eligible candidate and will refer the candidate to the hiring partner. It is to be noted that the selection is completely hiring partnerโ€™s prerogative and it depends on the company hiring policies.

Eligibility for Refunds: Learners can avail a refund within 30 days of joining the batch. No refund request will be entertained under any circumstance after 30 days of joining the batch. Refunds are not applicable to the recorded video subscriptions.

Refund Process: To request a refund, learners must contact our User Happiness Team and raise the refund request. Our team will analyze the case and decide on the refund. If approved, learners will receive the refund within 30 working days after approval. Learners will continue to pay the monthly EMI for loan (if applicable) and such loan cannot be canceled.

Refund Amount: Refund amounts will be determined based on the following conditions (Once your refund request is approved): Before the batch starts, there will be an operational cost deduction of 20% of the paid amount or Rs 3000 whichever is the highest Once the batch starts, a deduction of 40% of the paid amount or Rs 6000 whichever is highest will be applicable. No refund requests will be entertained after 30 days from the date of batch commencement.

Exclusions: Refunds are also not applicable to learners who have completed more than 30 days in the batch.
Changes to the Refund Policy: We reserve the right to modify or update this refund policy at any time without prior notice. Any changes to the policy will be posted on our website


Before batch commencement : 20% of the program fee paid or Rs 3000 (Whichever is highest)
Post batch commencement up to 30 day: 40% of the program fee paid or Rs 6000 (Whichever is highest)
Post 30 days of batch commencement: No Refund

Advantages of Learning Performance Marketing Course

Elevate Learning Experience

Accessibility Icon


Easy to access from anywhere with an internet connection, eliminating the need for travel to a physical classroom.

Flexibility Icon


Offers the flexibility to study at a self-determined pace and schedule, making it convenient for busy individuals like working professionals and students to access course materials and complete assignments.

Interactive learning Icon

Interactive learning

Provide interactive learning experiences such as quizzes, assignments, and discussion forums, enhancing engagement and understanding.

Access to resources Icon

Access to resources

Offer access to a wealth of resources such as video tutorials, e-books, case studies, and tools, enriching the learning experience.

Expert instruction Icon

Expert instruction

You can learn from industry experts and experienced professionals who bring real-world insights and practical knowledge to the course material.

Customized Support Icon

Customized Support

Offer personalized learning experiences based on individual preferences, learning styles, and skill levels.

Flexibility Icon


Enable you to study at your own pace and schedule, making it easier to balance education with work or other commitments.

Cost-effectiveness Icon


The online course often has lower tuition fees compared to traditional in-person classes, and you can save money on commuting and accommodation expenses.

24/7 Access to Resources Icon

24/7 Access to Resources

Offer flexibility to access course materials, lecture recordings, readings, and resources around the clock, allowing learners to study and review the content at their convenience.

Career Support

Personalized Industry Mentorship Icon

Personalized Industry Mentorship

Get personalized feedback and mentorship from an experienced Performance marketer to enhance your career path.

Resume Review Icon

Resume Review

Get personalized guidance on your resume structure and content.

Live profile-building workshops Icon

Live profile-building workshops

Build your profile with hands-on sessions, whether on your rรฉsumรฉ, GitHub, or Kaggle platform.

Case Study Discussions Icon

Case Study Discussions

Explore real-world scenarios through case studies, dissecting successful and failed campaigns to understand what works and what doesn't.

Client Pitching Icon

Client Pitching

Experience the thrill of pitching your marketing strategies to potential clients, gaining invaluable presentation skills.

Proposal Making Icon

Proposal Making

Learn the art of crafting winning marketing proposals that resonate with clients and drive results

Upcoming and Recorded Webinars

Who Can Apply For the Course

  • Students
  • Professionals
  • Career Switchers
  • Job Seekers
  • House Wife
  • Un-employers
  • Freelancers
Who can apply
Person 1