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Data Science Training in Kochi

Are you looking for a high paid career in data science? Join our online data science course to learn Python, MySQL, Data Analysis & Visualization, Machine Learning and more from top-notch company experts and industry specialists.

100% Internship | Placement Assistance | Certificate
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Learn Data Science & Machine Learning Online in Kochi

80+ Recorded & Live Sessions

80+ Recorded & Live Sessions

Industry Expert Guidance

Industry Expert Guidance

Community Linking

Community Linking

Capstone Projects

Capstone Projects

Course Certificate

Course Certificate

Internship & Placement Support

Internship & Placement Support

Career Opportunities in Kochi after Data Science Course

The data science training is just for You! The data science course offers a wide range of options for the active job seekers who wish to invest the skills in the field of business industry. Join the course to explore the branches of the field you are interested in. Industries are looking for skilled data scientists. You can choose to become.

Data Scientist

Data Engineer

Data Analyst

Machine learning Engineer

Statisticians and Mathematicians

Business IT Analyst

Clinical Data Managers

Marketing Analyst

Data Architects and Administrators

Career Opportunities in Kochi after Data Science Course

The data science training is just for You! The data science course offers a wide range of options for the active job seekers who wish to invest the skills in the field of business industry. Join the course to explore the branches of the field you are interested in. Industries are looking for skilled data scientists. You can choose to become.

Data Scientist

Data Engineer

Data Analyst

Machine learning Engineer

Statisticians and Mathematicians

Business IT Analyst

Clinical Data Managers

Marketing Analyst

Data Architects and Administrators

Best Data Science Course in Kochi


Data science is now the beating pulse of the business industry. Upgrading your skills can aid you in getting placed in the most prestigious business institutions with guaranteed financial stability. The Data Science course at Entri App provides the most suitable immersive and inclusive learning space for active learners. Entri’s online certified data science course offers you with flexible and personalized learning experience along with productive and holistic learning methodologies.

Our Professional Team

Learn from Top-Notch Mentors

Why Do Students Love Us?

Hanish Kumar
Hanish Kumar

Fairoos sir explains the concepts in the simplest way. This course package is a complete study tool for anyone who wishes to become a data scientist.

Farsana T V
Farsana T V

I thought coding was complicated. I am not from a computer science background. So I had my doubts regarding the course completion. But, finally, I successfully completed the course with confidence for my new job

Vishnu Roy
Vishnu Roy

Fairoos sir has a deep understanding and experience in the concepts and his classes are engaging as well as concise. He simplified the content which made me easily understand the tools, libraries, and algorithms, and were really helpful to work with. The timely follow-up by Aswathy mam also helped to complete this course.

Data Science and Machine Learning Course - FAQs

Do you have any questions? Here are some frequently asked questions that we have answered

Data is everything in the modern business world! You need to turn the data into value. Data holds the power to associate itself with the strategy-making process in the business field. Analyzing, recording, interpreting, and collecting data can ensure your growth. The jobs related to data science are one of the highest-paid jobs in Kerala. Learning and understanding the inner world of data science will help you to take advantage of the market. Once you complete the course, you can be a Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Machine learning Engineer, Marketing Analyst, Clinical Data Manager, Business IT Analyst, etc. Data science offers you the opportunity to improve your worth in the business world. A data analyst can improve the performance of a company through thorough analysis. The opportunities for data science are tremendously increasing. What are you waiting for? Join Entri Data Science Training in Kochi and learn the nuances of data science.
The productive online learning environment makes our Data Science course different from other learning platforms. Entri Data Science Training helps you to boost your career in data science through flexible and personalized online training sessions. You can learn Data Science in your native language. The beginners can easily join the course as the mentors will start training them from the basics. Prior technical knowledge is not mandatory to join the course. The course will also aid you in getting placed in top-notch companies or industries which offer high salaries and other perks. Placement assistance will be another added benefit of the course.
Yes. Companies are now actively looking for candidates who could excel in data science. If you get yourself trained at Entri Data Science, the chance of getting hired by top-notch companies is high. The proper and timely guidance from industry experts can make a real difference once you complete the course. The course completion certificate can be attached to your resume. The Entri Data Science course also helps you to fit into the best job based on your skills. The learners can also improve their technical and non-technical skills simultaneously.
Yes. All those enthusiastic learners who wish to invest their time and effort in the field of data science can join the course. There is no age or gender barrier to join the course. Before subscribing to Entri App, you can attend the free demo classes and experience the learning space. The topics related to data analytics, data mining, and machine learning will be discussed by top-notch mentors that can help you get hired easily.
Absolutely No. Entri data science course is providing opportunities for learners to learn data science in their native language.
Yes. You can learn the course in Malayalam. Entri Data Science Training allows learners to study data science in their native language. The skills can be acquired in the absolute Malayalam language. You can learn even complex programming in your mother tongue. Language is not going to stop you from acquiring new skills.
Entri Data Science Training is notably one of the best online learning platforms for data science aspirants. The course provides you with the best mentors and quality learning experience. The recorded and live sessions will make you comfortable to learn at ease. The flexible time shifts and systematic and holistic learning approach can help you to concentrate on your studies. Effective learning will be made possible with the help of the online learning community. The faculties at Entri will provide you with resources like pdfs, notes, other study materials, etc. Mock test series, and weekly and monthly assessments are all part of the effective learning strategies. Internship and placement support are added benefits.
You can enjoy the free demo classes at first to experience the training sessions. Once you are satisfied with the class, you can either join via a direct link from the website or by downloading Entri App from the play store. Learn at your own pace!
Yes. Each session is handled by the subject experts. The friendly teaching-learning experience makes the course even more interesting. You can clarify your doubts and queries directly from the faculties.
The field of data science is promising many glamorous job options along with high salaries. Some of the job titles are as follows. Data Scientist, Data Engineer, Data Analyst, Machine Learning Engineer, Marketing Analyst, Clinical Data Manager, and Business IT Analyst.
Of Course Yes! Data science is offering better career options in Canada. You need to upgrade and upskill yourself before your migration. Upskilling in data science can help you get hired easily. There is a huge demand for data scientists in places where the economy is fast growing. You will get a stable job with a high salary in every nook and corner of the world.
Yes. Live projects are part of the curriculum. Once you join the course, you will get direct exposure to the field of data science.
Yes. Live and recorded sessions are available at Entri Data Science Training. You can choose your comfortable time and space to learn effectively. The flexible shifts will allow all the learners to learn without any barriers.
Yes. No prior knowledge is mandatory to join the course. The training session will start with the basic concepts of data science. Your technical and non-technical skills will be upgraded once you join the course.

Why choose Data Science to kickstart an IT career in Kochi?

The demand for data scientists has exceedingly increased in Kochi. Based on experience and expertise, a certified data scientist in Kochi will get a salary package of INR 7,51,786 per annum in Kochi. Data science can revolutionize the entire market and if you are ready to upgrade your skills and gain more subject knowledge, you will get easily hired by the top companies in Kochi. The expertise in IT and business strategies makes the data scientist the most demanded persona in the IT industry. The industry operations can be optimized only with the help of data scientists and their performance is key to the growth of the organization. The most sought-after skill sets are always safe with certified data scientists which increased their demand in the corporate world.

The demand for the data scientist is directly proportional to the earning potential of the certified data scientist in Kochi. The data scientist will get a minimum of INR 7,51,786 per annum based on their field experience and expertise in Kochi along with the additional perks and opportunities purely based on their performance. The data science course offers financial stability along with career growth. Data science can be a total game changer in 2023 with the skill and knowledge of data scientists in handling statistical and computational techniques to get crude insights on data.

The job satisfaction that the field of data science offers is incredible. The advancement of the industry's digital technologies will help you engage in various exciting job roles within the field of data science. Edge computing, predictive analysis and computing can equally be exciting for the certified data scientist. As a data scientist, you will get the opportunity to be part of the new developments and projects of the tech market where your efforts will be equally valued. The salary and the financial stability for your genuine efforts will give you elevated job satisfaction.

As data science is an advanced and rapidly growing sector, data scientists across the globe will get more growth opportunities. The growth opportunity for the data scientist is limitless. It is regarded as a fast-growing profession with a demanding increase of data scientists to work for the future of the corporate sector. The lucrative chances that data science offers in various fields including healthcare, retail, finance etc. are increasing daily. If you wish to advance in your career, make sure to build a solid foundation in programming, mathematics and statistics.

The demand for data scientists has exceedingly increased in Kochi. Based on experience and expertise, a certified data scientist in Kochi will get a salary package of INR 7,51,786 per annum in Kochi. Data science can revolutionize the entire market and if you are ready to upgrade your skills and gain more subject knowledge, you will get easily hired by the top companies in Kochi. The expertise in IT and business strategies makes the data scientist the most demanded persona in the IT industry. The industry operations can be optimized only with the help of data scientists and their performance is key to the growth of the organization. The most sought-after skill sets are always safe with certified data scientists which increased their demand in the corporate world.

The demand for the data scientist is directly proportional to the earning potential of the certified data scientist in Kochi. The data scientist will get a minimum of INR 7,51,786 per annum based on their field experience and expertise in Kochi along with the additional perks and opportunities purely based on their performance. The data science course offers financial stability along with career growth. Data science can be a total game changer in 2023 with the skill and knowledge of data scientists in handling statistical and computational techniques to get crude insights on data.

The job satisfaction that the field of data science offers is incredible. The advancement of the industry's digital technologies will help you engage in various exciting job roles within the field of data science. Edge computing, predictive analysis and computing can equally be exciting for the certified data scientist. As a data scientist, you will get the opportunity to be part of the new developments and projects of the tech market where your efforts will be equally valued. The salary and the financial stability for your genuine efforts will give you elevated job satisfaction.

As data science is an advanced and rapidly growing sector, data scientists across the globe will get more growth opportunities. The growth opportunity for the data scientist is limitless. It is regarded as a fast-growing profession with a demanding increase of data scientists to work for the future of the corporate sector. The lucrative chances that data science offers in various fields including healthcare, retail, finance etc. are increasing daily. If you wish to advance in your career, make sure to build a solid foundation in programming, mathematics and statistics.