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Mern Stack Development Programme - Get Hired

Master MERN stack development with Industry experts, engage in capstone projects, and secure placements in premier companies.

Real-Time Projects | Internship | Placement Assistance | Illinois Tech Certification
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Why Learn Mern Stack Developer Course from Entri Elevate?

Recorded & Live Sessions

Recorded & Live Sessions

1:1 Mentor Guidance

1:1 Mentor Guidance

Capstone Projects

Capstone Projects

Soft Skill Training

Soft Skill Training

Illinois Tech Certification

Illinois Tech Certification

Guaranteed Internship

Guaranteed Internship

Lifelong Placement Support

Lifelong Placement Support

100+ Hiring Partners

100+ Hiring Partners

Career Opportunities After Mern Stack Developer Course

After learning MERN Stack development, you can explore various career opportunities in the field of web development and software engineering. Some potential career paths include:

Web Developer

Mern Stack Engineer

UI/UX Designer

Web Architect

Product Manager

DevOps Engineer

Freelance Developer


Career Opportunities After Mern Stack Developer Course

After learning MERN Stack development, you can explore various career opportunities in the field of web development and software engineering. Some potential career paths include:

Web Developer

Mern Stack Engineer

UI/UX Designer

Web Architect

Product Manager

DevOps Engineer

Freelance Developer


Online Mern Stack Developer Course

Aspiring developers must keep up with the latest technology in the ever-changing field of web development. The MERN stack;MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js—has become incredibly popular for creating scalable and reliable online applications.To meet the demand for skilled MERN stack developers, Entri's MERN Stack Developer Course has emerged as a comprehensive and accessible learning solution. Join Entri's MERN Stack Developer course to achieve your dreams as a web Developer.

Our Professional Team

Learn from Top-Notch Mentors

Meet your Instructors

Gain confidence in MERN Stack concepts, taught by highly experienced Instructors

Why Do Students Love Us?

Mohammed Jalal T M
Mohammed Jalal T M

I am a BCA graduate and I wanted to begin a firm career in this field and that’s when I came across this course. The course syllabus covers almost everything you need. I love the way mentors helped me in each stage and gave me coding challenges. Learning with these experts is surely a step ahead. Thank you Entri App.

Abhimanue Sasidharan
Abhimanue Sasidharan

Excellent support mentorship! This course is a complete package for web development. I recently completed the course and started my career hunt. I already received some interview calls. I am glad I received career and placement assistance from the team. I recommend this course if you want to get into a job as soon as you finish the course.

Mern Stack Developer Course - FAQs

Do you have any questions? Here are some frequently asked questions that we have answered

MERN Stack allows developers to create web applications using JavaScript for both the front end and back end. It offers a comprehensive set of tools for efficient and scalable development, making it a popular choice among developers. 

The MERN Stack is a full-stack JavaScript framework that consists of four technologies: MongoDB, Express.js, React.js, and Node.js. MongoDB is a NoSQL database, Express.js is a backend web application framework, React.js is a frontend JavaScript library, and Node.js is a runtime environment for executing JavaScript code on the server side.

The MERN Stack offers several advantages, including:

  • Streamlined Development: MERN Stack enables developers to utilize JavaScript for both the front end and back end, simplifying the development process.
  • Code Reusability: React.js components in MERN Stack can be reused, saving time and effort during development.
  • Scalability: MERN Stack leverages Node.js and MongoDB's flexible schema, facilitating easy scalability of applications.
  • Thriving Community: The MERN Stack community is robust and supportive, offering abundant resources, tutorials, and assistance to developers.
Proficiency in JavaScript is crucial for MERN Stack development as all four components of the stack rely on this language. Understanding JavaScript thoroughly is essential for effectively building applications.
There will be live interactive sessions to strengthen the community learning experience and communication skills. The users can raise their doubts anytime or mention the support needed through the WhatsApp groups
  • Programming fundamentals
  • Web application development fundamentals
  • Mern Stack Architecture
  • Basic front-end development
  • Front-end development using React
  • Server-Side Programming Fundamentals
  • Node.js
  • Express.js
  • MongoDB
  • Mern Stack App Development
  • Project Development
  • Placement Training & Skill Training
The course is structured along with the industry standards and updated versions. You can learn in Malayalam and explore the course anytime you wish to without any time constraints. This programme includes personal skill assessment and development aids with soft skill training, placement training and assistance. Plus, community linking ensures the users are ready for a job after the course completion.
Entri Elevate collaborates with over 100 hiring partners to provide internship and placement opportunities to candidates upon completing the course. Additionally, users will receive training in soft skills to enhance their interview readiness.
Step 1: Master the Fundamentals of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript Step 2: Delve into React Step 3: Master Node.js and Express Step 4: Explore MongoDB Step 5: Build MERN Stack Applications Step 6: Continuous Learning and Practice
Yes, the MERN stack is enough for web development. It is a full-stack JavaScript development stack that includes MongoDB, Express, React, and Node.js. These technologies can be used to develop a wide variety of web applications, from simple websites to complex single-page applications (SPAs).

Mern Stack Development Curriculum

  • Preparation for the Web Devs Journey
  • Static Web Front End Design and Development
  • Diving Deep - Front End Design
  • Front End Development using React
  • Back End Development
  • MERN Stack Project Development
  • Preparation for the Web Devs Journey
  • Static Web Front End Design and Development
  • Diving Deep - Front End Design
  • Front End Development using React
  • Back End Development
  • MERN Stack Project Development