- Conductors, Semiconductors & Insulators
- Magnetic materials
- Jointing & Cleaning materials for U/G copper cable & OFC
- Cells and Batteries (chargeable and non-chargeable)
- Relays, Switches, MCB & Connectors
- PN Junction diodes, thyristor
- Diode and triode circuits
- Junction Transistors
- Amplifiers
- Oscillators
- Multivibrators, counters
- Rectifiers
- Inverter and UPS
- Number System & Binary codes
- Boolean Algebra & Logic gates
- Combinational & Sequential logic circuits
- A/D & D/A converters, counters
- Memories
- Introduction to operational Amplifier
- Linear applications
- Non-linear applications
- Voltage regulators
- Timers
- Phase lock loop
- Introduction to microprocessor
- 8085 microprocessor working
- Assembly Language programming
- Peripherals & other microprocessors
- Microcontrollers
- Measuring systems
- Basic principles of measurement
- Range Extension methods
- Cathode ray oscilloscope, LCD, LED panel
- Transducers
- Introduction to communication
- Modulation techniques
- Multiplexing Techniques
- Wave Propagation, Transmission line characteristics, OFC
- Fundamentals of Public Address systems, Electronic exchange
- Radar, Cellular and Satellite Communication
- Introduction to data communication
- Hardware and interface
- Introduction to Networks and Networking devices
- Local Area Network (LAN) and Wide Area Network (WAN)
- Internet working
- Programming concepts
- Fundamentals of ‘C’ and C++
- Operators in ‘C’ and C++
- Control Statements
- Functions, Arrays, Strings & Pointers
- File Structure
- Data Structure and DBMS
- DC Circuits
- AC fundamentals
- Magnetic, Thermal and Chemical effects of Electric current
- Earthing - Installation, Maintenance, Testing