Wipro aptitude questions

Aptitude-based Questions, one of the key components of the Wipro Recruitment Exam can be divided into quantitative aptitude and logical reasoning. The quantitative aptitude questions mainly test your knowledge of basic mathematical equations, algebra, geometry, and arithmetic. Conversely, logical reasoning questions test your ability to solve problems by using facts and logical deductions. Here are some key aptitude test questions and answers for the Wipro interview process to aid you in your preparation. Now, Practise Right Away!

  1. What is the arithmetic mean of 15 , 20, 25, 30 , 35 , 40 , 45 , 50 , 55 ?

Answer: Option A
  • The formula to calculate the arithmetic mean is: Arithmetic Mean, = Sum of all Observations/Total Number of Observations.

  • Arithmetic mean = \( \left ( \frac{15 + 20 + 25 + 30 + 35 + 40 + 45 + 50 + 55}{9}\right ) \) = \( \frac{315}{9} = 35 \)

  • Answer is 35.
  1. How many seconds will a train \(100\) metres long take to cross a bridge \(150\) metres long if the speed of the train is \(36\) kmph ?

Answer: Option C
  • Total distance \( = (100 + 150)m = 250\ m\) <br>
  • Time taken to cross this distance at 36 kmph \( = \left( \frac{250}{36 \times \frac{5}{18}} \right)\)seconds <br> \(= 25\) seconds

  • Answer is 25 second.

  1. The ratio of area of two triangles is in the ratio 2:5 and the ratio of heights is 6:7. Find the ratio of their bases:

Answer: Option B
  • Let the base be x and y

  • Let their heights be 6h and 7h

\(\frac{(\frac{1}{2} \times x \times 6h)}{(\frac{1}{2} \times y \times 7h)} = \frac{2}{5}\) \(=> \frac{x}{y} = \frac{7}{15}\)

  • Required ratio is 7:15 .
  1. \(8+3(3+2)\times4+3-12\div4+5=?\)

Answer: Option C
  • BODMAS rule, the brackets have to be solved first followed by powers or roots (i.e. of), then Division, Multiplication, Addition, and at the end Subtraction
  • \(8+3(3+2)\times4+3-12\div4+5\)

    \(=8+60+3-3+5\) = 73

  • Answer is 73.
  1. \(20\times36\div(4+2)+46=?\)

Answer: Option B
  • Apply vbodmas rule , BODMAS rule, the brackets have to be solved first followed by powers or roots (i.e. of), then Division, Multiplication, Addition, and at the end Subtraction.

  • \(20\times36\div(4+2)+46=20\times36\div6+46\)

