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Best Online Coaching for SSC CHSL in Kerala

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SSC CHSL Online Coaching: Key Highlights

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About SSC CHSL Exam

The full form of SSC CHSL is Staff Selection Commission (SSC) Combined Higher Secondary Level (CHSL). The name comes from the educational qualification required for the exam. The exam recruits candidates for various clerical jobs in the Central Government Ministries and associated departments. The Staff Selection Commission conducts a Combined Higher Secondary Level( CHSL) Exam every year at the national level government to select Higher Secondary qualified students for various departments and offices of the Indian government.

SSC conducts the CHSL exam to recruit candidates for various posts such as LDC, JSA, PA, SA, and DEO in different ministries/departments/offices of the Government of India. It includes non-technical and clerical jobs in various ministries and positions with central government officers, including the Department of Post. 

SSC will select and recommend candidates for Assistants / Clerks posts through a computer-based test, descriptive paper, and skill test, or typing test. The SSC CHSL exam is held in 2 stages called (Tiers). The entire process of registration and communication happens online through the official website of SSC CHSL. Candidates must qualify for each stage of the SSC CHSL exam to proceed to the next one, before being finally selected.

Selection Process

Three stages contain the SSC CHSL 2024 selection process: an objective computer-based test, a descriptive written test, and a skill/typing test. Applicants who pass all three phases will be hired for various SSC CHSL positions that are advertised in the CHSL announcement. The SSC CHSL 2024 selection procedure consists of three stages:

  1. CBT (digital)
  2. Test using pen and paper (offline)
  3. Test of skills and typing
Salary Structure

The salary structure for different posts under the SSC Combined Higher Secondary Level exam is given below:

Post Name

Pay Scale



Pay Level 2

Rs. 19,900-63,200


Pay Level 4

Rs. 19,900-63,200


Pay Level 4 & 5

Rs. 25,500-81,100 (Level 4)

Rs. 29,200-92,300 (Level 5)

DEO Grade ‘A’ 

Pay Level 4

Rs. 25,500-81,100

Application fee
  • The required application fee for General Category for SSC CHSL 2024 is Rs. 100/-
  • Exemption: No fee is required to be paid by female, SC, ST, Physically Handicapped, and Ex-Servicemen candidates.
The SSC CHSL 2024 exam is administered by the Staff Selection Commission (SSC) to select qualified candidates for Lower Divisional Clerk/Junior Secretariat Assistant and Data Entry Operator jobs in a variety of government agencies and ministries.
Exam Pattern

The Staff Selection Commission (SSC) start conducting the Combined Higher Secondary Level(CHSL) in two levels for various posts:




Tier – I

Objective Multiple Choice

Computer-Based (online)

Tier – II

Objective Multiple Choice + Skill Test & Typing Test

Tier-II will include three sections having two modules each

Computer-Based (online)


Before beginning the SSC CHSL preparation, it is important to make note of changes in the exam pattern and syllabus. The modifications to SSC CHSL Exam Pattern 2024 are given below:

  • SSC CHSL 2024 Tier 1 exam will be conducted in online mode.
  • Introduction of a descriptive paper of 100 marks within 60 minutes in pen and paper mode.
  • Reduction in the time limit for examination of Tier -I from 75 minutes to 60 minutes.
  • Tier II will include Objective Multiple Choice + Skill Test & Typing Test. 
  • There is no Tier 3 Exam in SSC CHSL Exam.
Tier 1 of SSC CHSL Exam



No of Questions

Max Marks

Exam Duration


General Intelligence



60 minutes (80 Minutes for candidates eligible for scribe)


General Awareness




Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill)




English Language (Basic Knowledge)






Tier 2 of SSC CHSL Exam





No. of Questions



Session-I (2 hours and 15 minutes)

Section 1


Mathematical Abilities


60*3 = 180

1 hour


Reasoning and General Intelligence


Section 2


English Language and Comprehension


60*3 = 180

1 hour


General Awareness


Section 3


Computer Knowledge Module


15*3 = 45

15 minutes

Session-II (25 minutes)

Section 3


Skill Test/ Typing Test Module- 

Part A- Skill Test for DEOs

Part B: Typing Test for LDC/ JSA




15 minutes 

10 minutes

Best Opportunity for Plus Two Pass Outs | SSC CHSL 2024

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Our SSC Mentors

Why choose Entri’s SSC CHSL online coaching?
With private learning improvements, the Entri App provides candidates with extensive study resources covering every topic in the SSC CHSL syllabus. Along with a platform for clearing up questions, a variety of courses, mock exams, video tutorials, study guides, and high-quality study materials to help you learn the curriculum, it also offers a doubt-solving tool. Along with frequent updates on test trends, syllabus modifications, and comprehensive instructions, the website offers affordable SSC CHSL preparation under the direction of knowledgeable professors. Entri gives you the confidence to confidently practice and be ready for your SSC CHSL tests.

Important Dates for SSC CHSL 2024



Notification Release Date

27 May 2025

Registration Process Starts


Last Date to Apply for SSC CHSL


SSC CHSL Exam Date 2024 (Tier-1)

July - August 2025

Eligibility Criteria for SSC CHSL Exam
There are 3 important eligibility criteria that a candidate must fulfill in order to be eligible for the SSC CHSL 2024 exam. The 3 parameters are given below:
SSC CHSL Nationality

A candidate must be either:

(a) a citizen of India, or
(b) a subject of Nepal, or
(c) a subject of Bhutan, or
(d) a Tibetan refugee who came over to India, before the 1st January 1962, to permanently settle in India, or
(e) a person of Indian origin who has migrated from Pakistan, Burma, Sri Lanka, East African countries of Kenya, Uganda, the United Republic of Tanzania(Formerly Tanganyika and Zanzibar), Zambia, Malawi, Zaire, Ethiopia and Vietnam to permanently settle in India.

SSC CHSL Age Limit

The age limit for the posts is 18-27 years. Candidates born not before 02-08-1997 and not later than 01-08-2006 are eligible to apply. Permissible relaxation in the upper age limit for different categories is as below:

Code No.


Permissible age relaxation beyond the upper age limit



5 years



3 years


Persons with Disabilities (PwD-Unreserved)

10 years



13 years


PwD + SC/ ST

15 years



03 years after deduction of the military service rendered from the actual age as on the closing date.


Candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the State of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1st January 1980 to 31st December 1989. 

5 years


Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof. 

3 years


Defence Personnel disabled in operation during hostilities with any foreign country or in a disturbed area and released as a consequence thereof (SC/ ST). 

8 years


Central Government Civilian Employees: Who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of online applications. 

Up to 40 years of age 


Central Government Civilian Employees: Who have rendered not less than 3 years regular and continuous service as on closing date for receipt of online applications (SC/ ST). 

Up to 45 years of age


Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried. 

Up to 35 years of age 


Widows/ Divorced Women/ Women judicially separated and who are not remarried (SC/ ST). 

Up to 40 years of age

SSC CHSL Educational Qualification

For LDC/ JSA, PA/ SA, DEO (except DEOs in C&AG): The candidates who are planning to appear in CHSL 2024 exam must have passed the 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.

For Data Entry Operator (DEO) in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG): 12th Standard pass in Science stream with Mathematics as a subject from a recognized Board or equivalent.

SSC CHSL Syllabus
Since the SSC CHSL comprises 3 different levels, we must deal with their syllabus independently.
SSC CHSL Tier-I Syllabus

General Intelligence

Quantitative Aptitude

English Language

General Awareness

Logical Reasoning


Reading Comprehension


Alphanumeric Series

Profit and Loss

Cloze Test


Ranking/Direction/Alphabet Test

Mixtures & Allegations

Para jumbles


Data Sufficiency

Simple Interest & Compound Interest & Surds & Indices


Economic Scene

Coded Inequalities

Work & Time

Fill in the blanks

General Policy

Seating Arrangement

Time & Distance

Multiple Meaning/Error Spotting

Scientific Research


Mensuration – Cylinder, Cone, Sphere

Paragraph Completion

Awards and Honors


Data Interpretation

One Word Substitution

Books and Authors


Ratio and Proportion, Percentage

Active and Passive Voice



Blood Relations

Number Systems




Sequence & Series

Coding Decoding

Permutation, Combination & Probability

SSC CHSL Tier-II Module-I of Session-I (Mathematical Abilities)



Number Systems

  1. Computation of Whole Number
  2. Decimal and Fractions
  3. Relationship between numbers

Fundamental arithmetical operations

  1. Percentages
  2. Ratio and Proportion
  3. Square roots
  4. Averages
  5. Interest (Simple and Compound)
  6. Profit and Loss
  7. Discount
  8. Partnership Business
  9. Mixture and Alligation
  10. Time and distance
  11. Time and work


  1. Basic algebraic identities of School Algebra and Elementary surds (simple problems)
  2. Graphs of Linear Equations


Familiarity with elementary geometric figures and facts: 

  1. Triangle and its various kinds of centres
  2. Congruence and similarity of triangles
  3. Circle and its chords
  4. Tangents
  5. Angles subtended by chords of a circle
  6. Common tangents to two or more circles.


  1. Triangle
  2. Quadrilaterals
  3. Regular Polygons
  4. Circle
  5. Right Prism
  6. Right Circular Cone
  7. Right Circular Cylinder
  8. Sphere
  9. Hemispheres
  10. Rectangular Parallelepiped
  11. Regular Right Pyramid with triangular or square Base


  1. Trigonometry
  2. Trigonometric ratios
  3. Complementary angles
  4. Height and distances (simple problems only) Standard Identities like sin2𝜃 + Cos2𝜃=1 etc.

Statistics and probability

Use of Tables and Graphs

  1. Histogram
  2. Frequency polygon
  3. Bar-diagram
  4. Pie-chart
  5. Measures of central tendency: mean, median, mode, standard deviation
  6. calculation of simple probabilities
SSC CHSL Tier-II Module-II of Section-I (Reasoning and General Intelligence)

Verbal and non-verbal type

  1. Semantic Analogy
  2. Symbolic operations
  3. Symbolic/ Number Analogy
  4. Trends, Figural Analogy
  5. Space Orientation
  6. Semantic Classification
  7. Venn Diagrams
  8. Symbolic/ Number Classification
  9. Drawing inferences
  10. Figural Classification
  11. Punched hole/ pattern-folding & unfolding
  12. Semantic Series
  13. Figural Pattern-folding and completion
  14. Number Series
  15. Embedded figures
  16. Figural Series
  17. Critical Thinking
  18. Problem Solving
  19. Emotional Intelligence
  20. Word Building
  21. Social Intelligence
  22. Coding and de-coding
  23. Numerical operations
SSC CHSL Tier-II Module-I of Section-II (English Language And Comprehension)
  1. Vocabulary
  2. Grammar
  3. Sentence structure
  4. Synonyms/Homonyms
  5. Antonyms
  6. Spot the Error
  7. Fill in the Blanks
  8. Spellings/ Detecting mis-spelt words
  9. Idioms and Phrases
  10. One-word substitution
  11. Improvement of Sentences
  12. Active/ Passive Voice of Verbs
  13. Conversion into Direct/ Indirect narration
  14. Shuffling of Sentence parts
  15. Shuffling of Sentences in a passage
  16. Cloze Passage
  17. Comprehension Passage
SSC CHSL Tier-II Module-II of Section-II (General Awareness)

Questions are also designed to test knowledge of current events and of such matters of everyday observation
and experience in their scientific aspect as may be expected of an educated person.

Questions relating to India and its neighbouring countries especially pertaining to

  1. History
  2. Culture
  3. Geography
  4. Economic Scene
  5. General policy
  6. Scientific research
SSC CHSL Tier-II Module-I of Section-III of Paper-I (Computer Proficiency)



Computer Basics

  1. Organization of a computer
  2. Central Processing Unit (CPU)
  3. Input/ output devices
  4. Computer memory
  5. Memory organization
  6. Back- up devices
  7. PORTs
  8. Windows Explorer
  9. Keyboard shortcuts


Windows Operating system including basics of 

Microsoft Office like MS word, MS Excel and Power Point etc

Working with Internet and e-mails

  1. Web Browsing & Searching
  2. Downloading & Uploading
  3. Managing an E-mail Account
  4. e-Banking

Basics of networking and cyber security

  1. Networking devices and protocols
  2. Network and information security threats (like hacking, virus, worms, Trojan etc.) and preventive measures.

Preparing for the SSC CHSL exam can be stressful, but with the right approach, you can excel. Here's how:

Know the Syllabus: Start by understanding what's in the syllabus. This helps you plan your studies effectively.

Understand the Exam Pattern: Get familiar with the format, number of questions, time allocation, and marking scheme.

Start with Basics: Make sure you grasp the fundamental concepts before diving into preparation.

Prepare a Study Plan: Create a schedule allocating time for each subject to ensure thorough coverage.

Follow a Timeline: Set deadlines for each topic to stay on track and allow ample time for understanding.

Take Breaks: Regular breaks help maintain focus and concentration levels.

Solve Previous Year's Papers: Practice old exam papers to understand question patterns and difficulty levels.

Reference Books: Use reliable reference materials to supplement your preparation.

Practice Mock Tests: Simulate exam conditions by taking SSC CHSL mock tests to gauge your readiness.

Revise: Review topics regularly using revision notes or flashcards to reinforce learning.

By following these steps, you can prepare effectively and increase your chances of success in the SSC CHSL exam.

Tips to Crack SSC CHSL Exam
Hear from our Successful Users

CHSL 2019

"Qualified CHSL"

Anagha T R, Thrissur
Entri യിൽ നിന്ന് എനിക്ക് നല്ലൊരു experience ആണ് കിട്ടിയത്. Entri യിൽ join ചെയ്തത് CHSL മാർക്ക് improve ആയതിനായിരുന്നു. First attempt ൽ coaching ഒന്നും ഇല്ലാതെ കാര്യം score കുറവായിരുന്നു. പിന്നെ Entri യിൽ join ചെയ്തത്. Entriൽ join ചെയ്ത ശേഷം Entriക്ക് Above 105 score ചെയ്യാൻ സാധിച്ചു. നല്ല quality classes provide ചെയ്യുന്നു. Concepts എല്ലാം simple ആയിട്ട് മനസ്സിലാവുന്ന രീതിയിൽ പഠിച്ച് തരുന്നു. Mentor വളരെ helpful ആണ്. Entri choose ചെയ്തതിൽ ഞാൻ വളരെ satisfied ആണ്.
SSC Gold User
Entri യിൽ നിന്ന് എനിക്ക് നല്ലൊരു experience ആണ് കിട്ടിയത്. Entri യിൽ join ചെയ്തത് CHSL മാർക്ക് improve ആയതിനായിരുന്നു. First attempt ൽ coaching ഒന്നും ഇല്ലാതെ കാര്യം score കുറവായിരുന്നു. പിന്നെ Entri യിൽ join ചെയ്തത്. Entriൽ join ചെയ്ത ശേഷം Entriക്ക് Above 105 score ചെയ്യാൻ സാധിച്ചു. നല്ല quality classes provide ചെയ്യുന്നു. Concepts എല്ലാം simple ആയിട്ട് മനസ്സിലാവുന്ന രീതിയിൽ പഠിച്ച് തരുന്നു. Mentor വളരെ helpful ആണ്. Entri choose ചെയ്തതിൽ ഞാൻ വളരെ satisfied ആണ്.
SSC Gold User


The official SSC CHSL Notification 2024 will be released on 8th April 2024 as mentioned in the SSC Calendar.
Definitely, After purchasing the course you can get access to full study materials, Syllabus and exam pattern.
The course duration is 3 months and you can get almost 100 days to prepare for the ssc chsl exam 2024.
Yes, SSC CHSL online coaching class covers the complete syllabus, but before that you should purchase the full course.
You can ask through the live sessions and also 24* 7 Mentors available on whatsapp.
If you have the courage to Crack the SSC CHSL Exam you can get it. Entri app's back support including online classes, recorded classes, study materials syllabus and preparation tips everything help you to pass the exam.
  1. By installing the Entri app and logging in with your number you will get access to join the required course (RRB, SSC, etc).
  2. Click on the BUY Now tab
  3. Select your affordable plan
  4. Fill your name, phone number, and password
  5. Choose the method of payment
  6. Your plan will be activated once the payment process is completed
The SSC CHSL notification for the year 2024 has been released for the total number of 3712 vacancies.