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KAS Online Coaching

Are you preparing for the KAS Exam? Get comprehensive KAS online coaching at Entri. Explore study materials, practice tests, proven results, and expert guidance. Join now!

KAS Coaching: Key Highlights

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Mock Exams & Test Series

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About KAS Exam

The Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) administers the Kerala Administrative Service (KAS Exam) to recruit KAS Officer (Junior Time Scale) Trainee STREAM-1, STREAM-2, STREAM-3. Candidates must hold a graduate degree from a university recognized by the Kerala or Indian government or UGC to apply for the post. The selection process involves three stages, namely prelims, mains, and interviews. Successful candidates who complete all stages will be shortlisted for the post.

KAS Eligibility Criteria

Kerala PSC KAS Educational Qualification 

Stream – 1

Must have a Bachelor's Degree from a University recognized by a University established by the Government of Kerala or UGC or awarded by National Institutes established by the Government of India.

Stream -2

Must have a Bachelor's Degree from a University recognized by a University established by the Government of Kerala or UGC or awarded by National Institutes established by the Government of India.

Stream -3

The candidate must have a Bachelor's Degree from a University recognized by a University established by the Government of Kerala or UGC or awarded by a National institution established by the Government of India.

Kerala PSC KAS Age Limit

Stream 1

21 years to 32 years. 

Stream 2

21 years to 40 years. 

Stream 3 

Must not have completed 50 years of age


The candidates interested in applying for the recruitment process must be Indian Citizen.
Number of Attempts
Candidates may apply for the recruitment procedure up until the age that has been determined by the recruiting authority as the maximum.

KAS Syllabus

The Kerala Public Service Commission (KPSC) released the Kerala Administrative Service Exam 2023 syllabus on its official website. The syllabus is released for both prelims and main examinations. Students preparing for the exam must be familiar with the commission's recommended course. Find the Kerala KAS Syllabus below.

KAS Prelims Syllabus: General Studies-I

  1. A) History (India and Kerala)

Ancient and Medieval Period :-

  • Salient features and major landmarks of ancient and medieval India
  • Art, culture, literature and Architecture 
  • Major Dynasties, their administrative system, social, religious and economic conditions prominent movements.

Modern Period :-

  • Modern Indian History (from the 18th century up to the present) significant events, personalities and issues
  • India – Struggle for independence
  • Social and religious reform movements in the 19th and 20th century 
  • India after Independence, Post independence consolidation and reorganization
  • Independent India and her neighbors.

Kerala History (from 18th century):-

  • Pre-Independence socio-political movements. Formation of Kerala State, Political parties, movements, Governments, Landmark legislations and policies.

History of the World (from mid 18th century)

  • Industrial revolution 
  • World wars 
  • Redrawal of National boundaries 
  • Colonization and decolonization
  • Globalization
  • Communism, Capitalism, Socialism – their forms and effects in society.
  1. B) Cultural Heritage of Kerala
  • Cultural Heritage of Kerala Art Forms, literature, sculpture, architecture, salient features of society.
  • Kerala Tribal culture, Pilgrimage, Tourist places, Folk Culture, Cinema, Theatre.
  • History and revolution of Malayalam language and literature.
  1. C) Indian Constitution, Public Administration, Political System, Governance, Social Justice and International Relations
  • Indian Constitution and its salient features.
  • functions and Responsibilities of the Union and the States, Parliament and State Legislatures – structure, function, power and privileges. Issues and challenges pertaining to Federal Structure – Devolution of Power and Finances up to local levels and challenges therein.
  • Constitutional Authorities – Powers, Functions and Responsibilities.
  • Panchayati Raj, Public Policy and Governance, Impact of L.P.G on Governance.
  • Statutory, Regulatory and Quasi judicial bodies.
  • Rights Issues (Human rights, Women rights, SC/ST rights, Child rights, etc.), Important Acts.
  • India's Foreign Policy, International Organisations, International Treaties and Forums, their structure and mandate
  • Judiciary in India – Structure and functions, important provisions relating to Emergency and Constitutional amendments, Judicial review, Public Interest Litigation, Land Revenue Laws.
  • Fundamental rights, fundamental duties and Directive Principles
  • Principles of Administrative Law.
  1. E) Reasoning, Mental Ability & Simple Arithmetic
  • Logical Reasoning and Analytical Ability, Number series, Coding – Decoding, problems related to Relations, Shapes and their sub- sections, Venn Diagram, problems based on Clock, Calendar and Age, Simple Arithmetic.
  1. F) Geography
  • General Geography: Solar system, Motion of Earth, Concept of time, Seasons, Internal structure of the Earth, Major Landforms and their features. Atmosphere – Structure and Composition, elements and factors of Climate, Air Masses and Fronts, atmospheric disturbances. Oceans: Physical, Chemical and Biological characteristics, Hydrological Disasters, Marine and Continental Resources.
  • Physical, Social, Economic Geography of World, India and Kerala.
  • Geophysical phenomena like Earthquake, Tsunami, Volcanoes, Cyclone, Flood, Landslides.


KAS Prelims Paper-II Syllabus: General Studies-II

  1. A) Economy and Planning
  • Indian economy on the eve of independence. Indian economy in post-reform period – new economic reforms, NITI Aayog, National Income and Per Capita Income, Sectoral Composition (Output and Employment) – Primary, Secondary and Tertiary. Development under different policy regimes (including Five Year Plans) – Goals, Constraints, Institutions and Policy framework.
  • Agriculture Sector, Land Reforms in India, Technological change in Agriculture – Major Crops and Cropping patterns in various parts of the Country, Irrigation, Pricing of agriculture inputs and outputs, Agricultural Finance Policy and Marketing, Issues in Food Security and Public Distribution System, Green Revolution, Policies for sustainable agriculture and organic farming.
  • Industrial Policy, Public Sector enterprises and their performance, Growth and pattern of industrialization, Small-scale sector, Productivity in industrial sector, SEZ and industrialization, foreign investment and competition policy, e-Commerce, Effects of liberalization on the economy.
  • Infrastructure in Indian Economy, Meaning and importance of infrastructure – Water Supply and Sanitation- Energy and Power – Science and Technology – Rural and Urban Infrastructure, Ports, Roads, Airports, Railways, Telecommunication, Dams, Inland Waterways. Social Impact Assessment.
  • Trends and Patterns in structure of the population over time – Growth rate, Gender Rural-Urban Migration, Literacy, Regional Structure and trends of Poverty and Inequality, Unemployment – trends, Structure and National Rural Employment policies. Indicators of development – Physical Quality of Life Index,Human Development Index, Human Poverty Index, Gender Development Index, National Happiness Index.
  • Indian Public Finance, Government Budgeting, Indian Tax System, Public Expenditure, Public Debt, Deficit and Subsidies in the Indian Economy. Center-state financial relation. Recent fiscal and monetary policy issues and their impact, structure of Indian Banking and NonBanking Financial Institutions and reforms, GST: Concept and Implications. Stock exchange and share market
  • Trend, Composition, Structure and direction of India's Foreign Trade. India's Balance of payments situation in post reforms period.
  • Economy of Kerala State-an overview, Population, Major agriculture, Industry, Service sector issues. Infrastructure and resources, Major Developmental Projects, Programmes and Schemes. Co-operative Sector. History and relevant policies in traditional industries, IT Sector, Pravasi and Foreign remittance.
  • Kerala model development – (Land reforms, Social security, devolution of Power, Decentralised Planning, Housing, Tourism, Women Empowerment, Social Welfare Schemes, Disaster Management. Role and Function of Kerala Planning Board, Achievements of Kerala in Health and Education Sector: Policies, Programmes, Initiatives and Impacts.
  1. B) Science and Technology
  • Science and Technology: Nature and scope of Science and Technology, Relevance of S&T, National policy on S&T and innovations, Basics of everyday science, Human body, Public Health and Community Medicine, Food and Nutrition, and Health Care. Institutes and Organizations in India promoting integration of S&T and Innovation, their activities and contributions, and Contribution of Prominent Indian Scientists.
  • ICT : Nature and Scope of ICT, ICT in day today life, ICT and industry, ICT and Governance – various Government schemes promoting use of ICT, e-Governance Programmes and Services, Netiquettes, Cyber Security concerns – National Cyber Crime Policy. MIS. Artificial Intelligence – benefits and impacts, Robotics.
  • Technology in Space and Defence: Evolution of Indian Space Programme, ISRO – its activities and achievements, various Satellite Programmes – DRDO-vision, mission and activities.
  • Energy requirement and efficiency: India's existing energy needs and deficit, India's energy resources and dependence, Renewable and Non-renewable energy resources, Energy Policy of India – Govt.Policies and Programmes, Energy Security and Nuclear Policy of India.
  • Environmental Science: Issues and concerns related to the environment, its legal aspects, policies and treaties for the protection of environment at the National and International level, and Environment protection for sustainable development.
  • Biodiversity – its importance and concerns, Climate change, International initiatives (Policies, Protocols) and India's commitment, Western Ghats, Features, Characteristics and issues.
  • Forest and wildlife – Legal framework for Forest and Wildlife Conservation in India.
  • Environmental Hazards, Pollution, Carbon Emission, Global Warming. National action plans on climate change and Disaster Management.
  • Developments in Biotechnology, Green Technology, and Nanotechnology.
  1. C) Current Events
  • Check out the Career Power Current Affairs page for notes, quizzes and monthly current affairs pdf.
  1. D) Language Proficiency - English
  • Tenses
  • Synonyms 
  • Phrasal Verbs 
  • Antonyms 
  • Error Correction 
  • Adjectives
  • Adverbs 
  • Reported Speech 
  • Active Voice 
  • Passive Voice
  • Auxiliary Verb 
  • Question Tag 
  • Degrees of Comparison 
  • Punctuation 
  • Idioms and Phrases 
  • Simple Compound Complex Sentences 
  • Connectives 
  • Prepositional Verbs 
  • Prepositions 
  • Concord
  • Pronouns – 9 types 
  • Word Order and Sentence Order.

E)-1 Language Proficiency - Malayalam

  • പദശുദ്ധി 
  • വാക്യശുദ്ധി 
  • പരിഭാഷ 
  • ഒറ്റപദം
  • പര്യായം
  • വിപരീത പദം 
  • ശൈലികൾ പഴഞ്ചൊല്ലുകൾ
  • സമാനപദം
  • ചേര്‍ത്തെഴുതുക 
  • സ്ത്രീലിംഗം പുല്ലിംഗം 
  • വിവചനം
  • പിരിച്ചെഴുതൽ
  • ഘടക് പദം (വാക്യം ചേർത്തെഴുതൽ ) 
  • ഭരണഭാഷയുമായി ബന്ധപ്പെട്ട ഒരു ഖണ്ഡിക നല്കി അതിലൊന്ന് ആധാരമാക്കി ചോദ്യങ്ങൾ
  • ഔദ്യോദിക ഭാഷാ പദാവലി
  • വിപുലനം, സംഗ്രഹം

EI)-2 Language Proficiency - Kannada

  • Word Purity / Correct Word
  • Correct Sentence 
  • Translation 
  • One Word / Single Word / One Word Substitution 
  • Synonyms
  • Antonyms
  • Idioms and Proverbs
  • Equivalent Word
  • Join the Word 
  • Feminine Gender, Masculine Gender 
  • Number 
  • Sort and Write 
  • Add Phrases 
  • Comprehension.

EI)-3 Language Proficiency - Tamil

  • Correct Word
  • Correct Structure of Sentence 
  • Translation
  • Single Word 
  • Synonyms 
  • Antonyms / Opposite
  • Phrases and Proverbs 
  • Equal Word 
  • Join the Word 
  • Gender Classification – Feminine, Masculine 
  • Singular, Plural
  • Separate 
  • Add Phrases 
  • Comprehension.
KAS Exam Pattern

Kerala PSC KAS Exam is conducted in three phases

  • Preliminary Exam: Objective type (MCQs) - 200 Marks 
  • Mains Exam: Essay/Descriptive type - 300 Marks
  • Interview/Personality Test - 50 Marks

Those who clear all the stages will be shortlisted for the post. Find out the KAS Exam Pattern 2023 below.

KAS Prelims Exam Pattern 2023

S No

Details of Papers

Maximum Marks

Exam Duration

Number of Questions


Paper I: General Studies


90 minutes



Paper-II: Part I General Studies


90 minutes



Paper-II: Part II Language Proficiency in Malayalam/ Tamil/ Kannada




Paper-II: Part II Language Proficiency in English




KAS Mains Exam Pattern 2023

S No

Details of Papers

Maximum Marks

Exam Duration



Paper I



120 minutes

English/ Malayalam


Paper II



120 minutes

English/ Malayalam


Paper III



120 minutes

English/ Malayalam

KAS Interview 2023

The final step in the selection process is evaluating the candidate's personality, which is worth 50 marks. Only those who pass the main exam will be allowed to participate in the interview or personality test, which will assess their mental abilities.

ഓരോ ടോപിക്കും വിശദമായി പഠിക്കാം സ്റ്റേറ്റ്മെന്റ് ടൈപ് ചോദ്യങ്ങളെ നേരിടാം!

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KAS Exam Coaching - Mentors

Meet the Best KAS mentors! Achieve a High Rank in KAS Exam
Why should I choose Entri’s Kerala Administrative Service Online Coaching?

Entri is one of the Best online apps for KAS exam coaching. It offers an array of features and benefits that make it the perfect choice for anyone who needs to prepare for the exam. The app offers comprehensive coaching modules that include detailed explanations of the topics covered in the exam, multiple choice questions, practice question papers, mock exams, and even a live, demo exam.

The app also provides other resources such as Study notes PDF, Best Books, and study materials to help students develop the necessary skills and strategies to ace the exam. Additionally, Entri offers personalized study plans and feedback from certified teachers to help students make the most of their preparation time. There will be also 24*7 doubt-clearing sessions for learners to solve their queries. With its wide range of features and benefits, the Entri App is the best choice for KAS exam coaching.

KAS exam Tips and Benefits
Preparation Tips for KAS exam
KAS Online Coaching Benefits

If you are preparing for the KAS exam, it is important to make a plan and stay motivated throughout the preparation process. Here are some tips to help you:

Start early

It's important to begin your preparation for the KAS exam much in advance. It will give you ample time to cover each topic thoroughly and help you gain more expertise in the subject. 

Improve Your Fundamentals

Understand the basic concepts to apply them in advanced-level questions. It’s important to have a strong foundation of the topics to do well in the KAS exam.

Get Familiar with the Exam Pattern 

Understanding the exam pattern and syllabus is essential to your success. Familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked, the marks allotted to each section, and how the results are calculated.

Know the syllabus in detail

Before you begin your preparations, you must have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the syllabus for the KAS exam. Look through the syllabus carefully and make notes of all the important topics so that you can focus on them during preparation.

Make a Study Plan

Start by making a plan for how you will tackle the exam. Break down the material into manageable chunks and make a timeline for when you will cover each topic.

Time Management

Time management is the key to success in the KAS exam. Use practice tests to get a feel for the actual exam and allocate time for each section accordingly.

Follow the right books and study materials

Choose the best books and study materials available for SSC JE exam preparation. Make sure that these materials are up to date and cover all the topics from the syllabus. Also, practice as many sample papers and previous year's question papers as possible so that you are completely prepared for the exam.

Take mock tests

Take as many mock tests and quizzes as possible so that you can assess yourself against the actual exam conditions. This will also help you to identify your weak areas and focus on them more.

Practice Online

Make use of online resources like websites, apps, and online discussion forums to help you prepare for the KAS Exam. It provides you with an insight into the types of questions asked and how to answer them. 

Monitor your progress

Track your progress regularly by marking your strengths and weaknesses. Prepare a chart and track your performance after every mock test and quiz. This will help you understand your performance and shape your preparation accordingly.


Revise your subject knowledge regularly. Focus on the topics that are challenging for you so that you have a better understanding of them during the actual examination.

KAS Online Coaching is proving to be a great way for students to prepare for the civil services exam. It provides them with the guidance, knowledge, and strategies they need to succeed. With this online coaching, students can access the latest study materials, important updates, and personalized guidance from leading faculty. Some of the benefits of KAS Online Coaching include:

Comprehensive Training 

KAS Online Coaching provides comprehensive training to candidates to cover the entire syllabus and topics required for the KAS exam. The trainers provide practical, interactive lessons and regular practice tests to ensure that the candidate can understand and master the topic.

 Access to the Latest Study Material

KAS Online Coaching provides students with the latest and most comprehensive study materials. This material is regularly updated to ensure students are getting the best knowledge and information available.

Access to experts

With KAS online coaching, you will have access to highly skilled and experienced professionals who can help you gain insights into the topic you are studying. 

Personalized Support

With the help of expert faculty, KAS Online Coaching provides students with personalized guidance. They can get all their queries answered and can also discuss tricky questions.

Interactive learning

KAS' courses are interactive with videos, audio recordings, and quizzes to help you stay motivated and engaged with the material. 

Flexible Learning

KAS Online Coaching offers flexibility in learning. Students can access the study material at their convenience. They can also choose the best time for studying according to their schedule.

Latest Updates & Exam Strategies

With KAS online coaching, you stay up to date with the latest exam patterns and strategies. You get to learn the best techniques to ace the KPSC exam. 

Affordable Learning

KAS online coaching provides you with affordable learning solutions. You can learn without spending a fortune and save time and money. 

Comprehensive Assessment 

KAS Online Coaching provides a comprehensive assessment of the candidates to evaluate their performance. The assessment process is designed to test the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and aptitude to ensure that they can perform well in the KAS exam.

Improved Performance

The comprehensive training and assessment provided by KAS Online Coaching helps candidates improve their performance in the examination. The mentors provide valuable insights and techniques to increase the candidate’s chances of success.

Preparation Tips for KAS exam

If you are preparing for the KAS exam, it is important to make a plan and stay motivated throughout the preparation process. Here are some tips to help you:

Start early

It's important to begin your preparation for the KAS exam much in advance. It will give you ample time to cover each topic thoroughly and help you gain more expertise in the subject. 

Improve Your Fundamentals

Understand the basic concepts to apply them in advanced-level questions. It’s important to have a strong foundation of the topics to do well in the KAS exam.

Get Familiar with the Exam Pattern 

Understanding the exam pattern and syllabus is essential to your success. Familiarize yourself with the types of questions asked, the marks allotted to each section, and how the results are calculated.

Know the syllabus in detail

Before you begin your preparations, you must have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the syllabus for the KAS exam. Look through the syllabus carefully and make notes of all the important topics so that you can focus on them during preparation.

Make a Study Plan

Start by making a plan for how you will tackle the exam. Break down the material into manageable chunks and make a timeline for when you will cover each topic.

Time Management

Time management is the key to success in the KAS exam. Use practice tests to get a feel for the actual exam and allocate time for each section accordingly.

Follow the right books and study materials

Choose the best books and study materials available for SSC JE exam preparation. Make sure that these materials are up to date and cover all the topics from the syllabus. Also, practice as many sample papers and previous year's question papers as possible so that you are completely prepared for the exam.

Take mock tests

Take as many mock tests and quizzes as possible so that you can assess yourself against the actual exam conditions. This will also help you to identify your weak areas and focus on them more.

Practice Online

Make use of online resources like websites, apps, and online discussion forums to help you prepare for the KAS Exam. It provides you with an insight into the types of questions asked and how to answer them. 

Monitor your progress

Track your progress regularly by marking your strengths and weaknesses. Prepare a chart and track your performance after every mock test and quiz. This will help you understand your performance and shape your preparation accordingly.


Revise your subject knowledge regularly. Focus on the topics that are challenging for you so that you have a better understanding of them during the actual examination.

KAS Online Coaching Benefits

KAS Online Coaching is proving to be a great way for students to prepare for the civil services exam. It provides them with the guidance, knowledge, and strategies they need to succeed. With this online coaching, students can access the latest study materials, important updates, and personalized guidance from leading faculty. Some of the benefits of KAS Online Coaching include:

Comprehensive Training 

KAS Online Coaching provides comprehensive training to candidates to cover the entire syllabus and topics required for the KAS exam. The trainers provide practical, interactive lessons and regular practice tests to ensure that the candidate can understand and master the topic.

 Access to the Latest Study Material

KAS Online Coaching provides students with the latest and most comprehensive study materials. This material is regularly updated to ensure students are getting the best knowledge and information available.

Access to experts

With KAS online coaching, you will have access to highly skilled and experienced professionals who can help you gain insights into the topic you are studying. 

Personalized Support

With the help of expert faculty, KAS Online Coaching provides students with personalized guidance. They can get all their queries answered and can also discuss tricky questions.

Interactive learning

KAS' courses are interactive with videos, audio recordings, and quizzes to help you stay motivated and engaged with the material. 

Flexible Learning

KAS Online Coaching offers flexibility in learning. Students can access the study material at their convenience. They can also choose the best time for studying according to their schedule.

Latest Updates & Exam Strategies

With KAS online coaching, you stay up to date with the latest exam patterns and strategies. You get to learn the best techniques to ace the KPSC exam. 

Affordable Learning

KAS online coaching provides you with affordable learning solutions. You can learn without spending a fortune and save time and money. 

Comprehensive Assessment 

KAS Online Coaching provides a comprehensive assessment of the candidates to evaluate their performance. The assessment process is designed to test the candidate’s knowledge, skills, and aptitude to ensure that they can perform well in the KAS exam.

Improved Performance

The comprehensive training and assessment provided by KAS Online Coaching helps candidates improve their performance in the examination. The mentors provide valuable insights and techniques to increase the candidate’s chances of success.

KAS Online Coaching - FAQs

The KPSC KAS exam is conducted in three stages: Prelims, Mains, and Interview. Those who clear all these phases may be selected for the KAS Vacancy 2023.

Those who have a bachelor's degree from a recognized board or university are eligible to apply. The minimum age limit for the KAS exam is 21 years old.

5 attempts for general candidates


Maximum Number of Attempts

General Merit

5 attempts

OBC candidates

7 attempts





The pay scale will be Rs. 77,200-1,40,500.

The positions for the KAS Exams will be announced in Kerala PSC's official notification.

There are three rounds of selection in the Kerala KAS 2023 exam: preliminary, main, and interview.

Yes. On the Entri app, you will have the option to download lecture videos directly to your playlist, which means that you can access these videos anytime, anywhere, even when you are offline.

To download a lecture video, simply navigate to your playlist, select the video you want to download, and click on the download icon. Once the video has been downloaded, it will be saved to your device and accessible in your playlist.

Entri online app offers a doubt-clearing session to clarify your doubts right after each class. In case you still have doubts, you can always ask your questions during live sessions. Moreover, you can also use online facilities like WhatsApp and Telegram to ask for clarification. With these various options available, you can be assured that your doubts will be cleared in a timely and effective manner.

Yes. The Entri app offers comprehensive coverage of the Kerala Administrative Services (KAS) course's full syllabus. With Entri, you can access a wide range of study materials, including video lectures, practice tests, and mock exams, all designed to help you prepare for the KAS exam with confidence. The app's user-friendly interface and interactive features make learning easy and engaging. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced student, Entri has everything you need to succeed in the KAS exam.

It is necessary to prepare for the Kerala Administrative Service Exam with comprehensive study books and other resources. Below, we have provided the recommended books list to assist you in equipping yourself for the KAS test.

  • NCERT textbooks from 6-12 for science, history, geography, polity, and economics
  • Indian polity by Laxmikanth
  • Governance in India by Laxmikanth
  • Indian Economy key concepts – Sankar Ganesh
  • India after Gandhi by Ramachandra Guha
  • Physical Geography by Goh Cheng Leong
  • Indian economy -Ramesh Singh
  • Struggle for independence by Bipin Chandra
  • Indian art and culture-Nitin Singhania
  • Quantitative Aptitude by R.S. Agarwal

Both the KAS and the IAS are civil service exams with the same duties and responsibilities, although they operate through separate levels of government. IAS officers are recruited by the central ministry, while KAS officers serve for the State government department. Moreover, the KAS examination is conducted by the concerned State Public Service Commission, whereas IAS is conducted by UPSC (Union Public Service Commission).

Although there are some similarities in the duties and functions of the KAS and IAS, there are also differences in their syllabus and exam patterns. However, preparing for the IAS/ KAS exam aids in creating a base for preparation in topics such as current affairs, logical reasoning, general awareness, aptitude questions, grammar, verbal talents, and more.