RAM stands for Random Access Memory and ROM stands for Read Only Memory. Both RAM and ROM are commonly used terms. RAM is a type of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store working data and machine code. ROM is a kind of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices. Aspirants must know the clear difference between RAM and ROM. It will help in understanding the basics better and knowing their comparisons thoroughly.
Difference between RAM and ROM
Both RAM and ROM are commonly used terms. RAM is a type of computer memory that can be read and changed in any order, typically used to store working data and machine code. If the Central Processing Unit (CPU) needs to access the data on ROM, first the data must be transferred to RAM, and then the Central Processing Unit (CPU) will be able to access the data. ROM is a kind of non-volatile memory used in computers and other electronic devices. Random Access Memory (RAM) is expensive when compared to ROM. Aspirants must know the clear difference between RAM vs ROM .It will help in understanding the basics better and knowing their comparisons thoroughly.
SI No | RAM | ROM |
1 | Definition of RAM is Random Access Memory |
Definition of ROM is Read-only Memory
2 | Random Access Memory (RAM) is expensive when compared to ROM |
ROM is cheaper when compared to RAM.
3 | The speed of Random Access Memory (RAM) is higher when compared to ROM |
The speed of Read-only Memory (ROM) is slower when compared to RAM.
4 | Random Access Memory (RAM) has a higher capacity when compared to ROM |
ROM has a lower capacity compared to RAM
5 | Data in RAM can be modified, erased, or read. |
Data in ROM can only be read, it cannot be modified or erased.
6 | The data stored in RAM is used by the Central Processing Unit (CPU) to process current instructions |
The data stored in ROM is used to bootstrap the computer.
7 | Data stored on RAM can be accessed by the Central Processing Unit. |
If the Central Processing Unit (CPU) needs to access the data on ROM, first the data must be transferred to RAM, and then the Central Processing Unit (CPU) will be able to access the data.
8 | Data of RAM is very volatile, it will exist as long as there is no interruption in power. |
Data present in Read-Only Memory (ROM) is not volatile, it is permanent. Data will remain unchanged even when there is a disruption in the power supply.
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