Table of Contents
Are you new in Germany and are going out to buy groceries for the first time? Or are you visiting Germany and want to buy some of the best quality woollen coats? Are you looking for a guide to German Shopping Vocabulary? Then you are in the correct place. In this blog, we will provide you with all the materials that you might need to have a conversation with the shopkeepers or fellow customers. Let us learn some fundamental German Shopping Vocabulary that is essential for daily use if you are planning a trip to Germany.
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Guide to German Shopping Vocabulary: Introduction
I mean, who doesn’t love the rush of going shopping? Let’s face it, nobody wants to miss out on the fun of retail therapy because of a language barrier when they’re visiting places like the Kudamm in Berlin, the Schildergasse in Cologne, or Zeil in Frankfurt! We will cover the most common terms in German Shopping Vocabulary in this post so you can shop to your heart’s content with no hassle or confusion! Let’s get started!
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Top German Shopping Vocabulary Lists
1: How do you say "Good Morning" in German?
Let us look at some of the words from Top German Shopping Vocabulary before going to Germany.
The first thing we do when we talk to a shopkeeper is to greet them. Let us look at some words and phrases for greetings.
English | German |
Good day | Guten Tag |
Hello | Hallo |
Excuse me | Entschuldigung |
Please | Bitte |
Types of Stores
There are different types of shops where we can get a variety of goods. Some of them are listed below.
German | English |
das Schuhgeschäft | Shoe shop |
das Lebensmittelgeschäft | the grocery store |
die Bäckerei | the bakery |
das Bekleidungsgeschäft | the clothing store |
der Flohmarkt | the flea market |
das Einkaufszentrum | the mall |
das Geschäft | the store |
die Apotheke | the pharmacy |
der Trödelladen | the antique shop |
die Buchhandlung | the bookstore |
die Konditorei | the pastry shop |
die Feinkostladen | Deli |
das Weinhandelsgeschäft | Winery |
das Modegeschäft | Fashion boutique |
das Schmuckgeschäft | Jewellery store |
das Lederwarengeschäft | Leather goods store |
die Drogerie | Drugstore/Chemist |
der Gebrauchtwarenladen | Second-hand shop |
das Geschenkartikelgeschäft | Gift shop |
der Großmarkt | Hypermarket |
Department store | Kaufhaus |
Butcher shop | die Metzgerei |
Food Items
You need baked goods, fresh produce and other groceries whether you have shifted to Germany recently or if you must use the kitchen in the Airbnb you rented for the vacation. The words given below will help you go shopping for groceries.
German | English |
die Feinkostladen | Delicatessen |
das Obst- und Gemüsegeschäft | Greengrocer |
der Supermarkt | Supermarket |
die Konditorei | Confectionery |
die Molkerei | Dairy |
das Weinhandelsgeschäft | Wine merchant |
Lebensmittel | Groceries |
Früchte | Fruits |
Gemüse | Vegetables |
Fleisch | Meat |
Backwaren | Baked goods |
Getränke | Beverages |
Tiefkühlkost | Frozen food |
Bioprodukte | Organic products |
Süßigkeiten | Sweets |
Milchprodukte | Dairy products |
Clothes and Accessories
Knowing the name of the clothing item you must buy will immensely help you find it sooner in the store either by asking a staff or reading a signboard. So let us learn a few of them.
German | English |
das Kleid | Dress |
die Sandalen | Sandals |
die Schuhe | Shoes |
die Sonnenbrille | Sunglasses |
die Mütze | Hat |
der Schal | Scarf |
der Gürtel | Belt |
die Tasche | Bag |
das Hemd | shirt |
die Bluse | Blouse |
der Pullover | Sweater |
die Hose | Pants |
der Rock | Skirt |
die Shorts | Shorts |
die Jacke | Jacket |
der Mantel | Coat |
der Regenmantel | Raincoat |
der Anzug | Suit |
die Krawatte | Tie |
die Handschuhe | Gloves |
die Socken | Socks |
die Unterwäsche | Underwear |
der Badeanzug | Swimsuit |
der Schlafanzug | Pajamas |
das Hutgeschäft | Milliner |
das Lederwarengeschäft | Leather goods |
das Schmuckgeschäft | Jeweler |
Pharmacy and Beauty Products
Germany is very well known for its beauty care brands and skincare products. Don’t forget to check out and do shopping and get some high-quality beauty products to bring back to your home.
German | English |
der Kosmetiksalon | Beauty Parlor |
das Reformhaus | Health Food Store |
das Parfüm | Perfume |
die Hautpflege | Skin Care |
die Naturkosmetik | Natural Cosmetics |
Home Decoration
If you are newly moving to Germany, then you will have to furnish and set up your home. The words listed below will help you in your home décor shopping.
English | German |
Hardware shop | das Bauhaus |
Furniture store | das Möbelhaus |
Florist | das Blumengeschäft |
Furniture store | das Möbelgeschäft |
Electronics store | das Elektrogeschäft |
Hardware store | das Baumarkt |
Furniture | Möbel |
Home appliances | Haushaltsgeräte |
Garden tools | Gartenwerkzeuge |
Paint | Farbe |
Lighting fixtures | Beleuchtungskörper |
Decorations | Dekorationen |
Plants | Pflanzen |
Outdoor furniture | Gartenmöbel |
Computer store | das Computerfachgeschäft |
Mobile phone shop | der Handyladen |
Entertainment is also an important commercial activity. Let us learn some words that will help you seek out entertainment while in Germany.
English | German |
Toy store | das Spielwarengeschäft |
Newsagent or Magazine store | der Zeitschriftenladen |
Music store | das Musikgeschäft |
Shopping is not only for the goods; it is also for the services. Some words related to that are given below.
German | English |
das Reisebüro | Travel agency |
die Reinigung | Dry cleaner |
das Bestattungsinstitut | Undertaker |
das Fotogeschäft | Photographer |
der Schuhmacher | Shoe repairs |
das Schneidergeschäft | Tailor |
das Uhrengeschäft | Watchmaker |
Laundry | die Wäscherei |
Numbers and Quantities
Knowing numbers and quantities will help you to ask how much of a product you want to purchase. Let us learn a few words for numbers and quantities in German.
English | German |
Zero | null |
One | eins |
Two | zwei |
Three | drei |
Four | vier |
Five | fünf |
Six | sechs |
Seven | sieben |
Eight | acht |
Nine | neun |
Ten | zehn |
Sizes and Colours
Knowing the words for sizes and colours is essential for shopping. Please look at the following table to learn them.
English | German |
Small | Klein |
Medium | Mittel |
Large | Groß |
Extra large | Extra groß |
Black | Schwarz |
White | Weiß |
Red | Rot |
Blue | Blau |
Green | Grün |
Yellow | Gelb |
Miscellaneous Words Part 1
There are some more words from the German Shopping Vocabulary that are not included in the lists above. Let us look at them.
English | German |
Basket | Einkaufskorb |
Cash | Bargeld |
Cash register | Kasse |
Credit card | Kreditkarte |
debit card | Debitkarte |
Customer | Kunde/Kundin |
Discount | Rabatt |
Market | Markt |
Price | Preis |
Receipt | Quittung |
Return or Exchange | Umtausch |
Sale or clearance sale | Ausverkauf |
Shop assistant | Verkäufer or in |
Shop/store | Geschäft or Laden |
Checkout | Kasse or Bezahlung |
Trolley or shopping cart | Einkaufswagen |
Window shopping | Schaufensterbummel |
The bag | Die Tüte |
Fitting room | Umkleidekabine |
Offer or sale | Angebot |
Opening hours | Öffnungszeiten |
Sale | Schlussverkauf |
Bill | Rechnung |
Cash payment | Barzahlung |
Gift | Geschenk |
Refund | Rückerstattung |
Warranty | Garantie |
Receipt | Kassenbon |
To try | Probieren |
Fit | Passform |
Brand | Marke |
Price tag | Preisschild |
The queue | Die Warteschlange |
The cashier | Die Kasse |
The self-service checkout | Die Selbstbedienungskasse |
Das Sonderangebot | The special offer |
Miscellaneous Words Part 2
Some more miscellaneous words are listed below.
German | English |
billig | cheap |
kaputt | broken |
gebraucht | second hand |
fehlerhaft | defective |
Im Angebot, im Sale | on sale |
vorrätig | in stock |
geschlossen | closed |
kostenlos | free |
hochwertiger | high-end |
der Kauf | the purchase |
der Käufer | the buyer |
das Geld | the money |
der Artikel | the article |
der Probe | the sample |
den Eingang | the entrance |
das Regal | the shelf |
das Etikett | the label |
der Optiker | the optician |
die Gasse | the aisle |
das Juweliergeschäft | the jewellery |
die Kasse | the case |
die Rechnung | the invoice |
die Produktpalette | the product range |
die Einkaufsliste | the shopping list |
das Mal | the brand |
die Währung | the currency |
das Tierfutter | animal feed |
die Parfümerie | the perfumery |
der Fischhändler | the fishmonger |
die Post | the post office |
die Werbung | the promotion |
die Beschwerde | the claim |
die Ermäßigung, die Ermäßigung | the reduction, the rebate |
der Ausgang | the exit |
die Größe (der Kleidung, der Schuhe) | size (clothing, shoes) |
die Mehrwertsteuer | the VAT |
die Verkäuferin | the saleswoman |
das Schaufenster | the showcase |
die Banknote | the ticket |
der Tabakladen | the tobacco office |
der Wagen | the carriage |
der Friseur | the hairdresser |
fairer Handel | fair trade |
der Geschäftsführer | the manager |
das Geschäft | the store |
der Händler | the merchant |
die Brieftasche/Geldbörse | the wallet |
die Schuhabteilung | the shoe department |
die Quittung, den Kassenzettel | the receipt |
die Rückzahlung | the reimbursement |
den Plastiksack | the plastic bag |
das Laufband | the treadmill |
der Caterer | the caterer |
der Verkäufer, der Angestellte | the seller, the employee |
die Öffnungszeiten | opening hours |
die Vorräte | the provisions |
offen | open |
Some verbs that are essential for shopping are listed below.
German | English |
kaufen | buy |
suchen | search |
passen | agree |
kosten | cost |
ausgeben | spend |
austauschen | exchange |
verpacken | pack |
ausprobieren | try |
kleiden | try on clothes |
ausstellen | expose |
Schaufensterbummel machen | window shopping |
Shoppen or einkaufen | shopping |
shoppen | go shopping |
büßen lassen | charge |
liefern | deliver |
handeln | haggle |
verhandeln | negotiate |
schenken | offer |
bar bezahlen | pay in cash |
zurückgeben | make change |
gelten | worth |
verkaufen | sell |
Top German Shopping Expressions and Phrases
Some examples of phrases that are often used during shopping are provided here.
Seeking Help
Often, we will have to ask for assistance from the shopkeeper or staff in the shop while shopping. You can use the following phrases to do that.
English | German |
Can you please help me? | Können Sie mir bitte helfen? |
Where can I find…? | Wo finde ich…? |
Do you have…? | Haben Sie…? |
Asking Price
After selecting the product, you need you must pay for it. And for that, you need to know the price. The following phrases will help you do that.
English | German |
How much is that? | Was kostet das? |
How much is it? | Wie viel kostet es? |
It’s too expensive. | Das ist zu teuer. |
Purchasing and Paying
You have decided about the item or service you want. Now you must make the purchase and head to payment and checkout. The phrases given below will help you here.
English | German |
I would like… | Ich möchte… |
I’d like to have… | Ich hätte gerne… |
Could you please give me…? | Können Sie mir bitte… geben? |
How would you like to pay? | Wie möchten Sie bezahlen? |
I’d like to pay with a credit card. | Ich möchte mit Kreditkarte bezahlen. |
I’d like to pay in cash. | Ich möchte bar bezahlen. |
Could you please give me the receipt? | Können Sie mir bitte die Rechnung geben? |
I’ll take (number) of those. | Ich nehme (Nummer) Stück hiervon. |
I like it. | Das gefällt mir. |
I will buy it. | Das kaufe ich. |
Do you accept credit cards? | Nehmen Sie Kreditkarten? |
May I have a receipt? | Kann ich eine Quittung haben? |
May I pay with a credit card? | Kann ich mit Kreditkarte bezahlen? |
Expressing Gratitude
If someone helps you with the shopping, remember to thank them before leaving the store.
English | German |
Thank you | Danke |
Many thanks | Vielen Dank |
Seeking Opinions
Are you shopping with your friends or a family member? Are you confused about which of two similar items you should buy? You can always ask for opinions from your companion or ask for advice from the salespeople. Let us learn how to ask for advice and opinions while shopping.
English | German |
What do you think about this? | Was denkst du darüber? |
How do you like this? | Wie findest du das? |
Does this suit me? | Steht mir das? |
Do you think this fits me well? | Glaubst du, das passt zu mir? |
Comparing Products
Today’s world of shopping is filled with choices. And how do we make choices when offered with too many options? Yes! Comparing the items and then choosing the one with the greatest number of features desirable to you is the answer. Let us learn how to compare two products.
English | German |
better than | besser als |
worse than | schlechter als |
bigger than | größer als |
smaller than | kleiner als |
more expensive than | teurer als |
cheaper than | günstiger als |
Showing Preference
Expressing your preferences is important in shopping. You will not be able to find the desired goods if you cannot communicate what you like and what you dislike correctly. So let us learn how to express your preference to your shopping companions or sales assistants.
English | German |
I like… | Ich mag… |
I prefer… | Ich mag… lieber |
I don’t like… | Ich mag… nicht |
I (don’t) like this | Das gefällt mir (nicht) |
That’s not my style | Das ist nicht mein Stil |
Tips for Memorizing and Using German Shopping Vocabulary
Some tips for memorising and using German shopping vocabulary are listed below.
- Look up the words and phrases in German shopping vocabulary in the blog before going out shopping. Try making a shopping list of things you need in German. It would be even better if you wrote a few German phrases that you might think are essential for shopping. You can also add the quantity of the items you want. Don’t forget to add the meaning of the said words and phrases along with it.
- Practise the conversation you might have before going for shopping. For example, if you are going out to buy herbs and spices practise saying “Wo ist der Abschnitt Gewürze?” both in your mind as well as out loud.
- Try to speak in German as much as possible. Practising your German speaking skills in the home itself is a very good idea.
Additional Resources for Learning German Vocabulary
There are some additional resources available you can use to learn German vocabulary.
German Books
Reading is the traditional and one of the best methods for learning vocabulary. You can choose the material for reading according to your liking and language proficiency. You can read German language learning books and children’s books if you are a beginner. If you have no interest in language learning books then you can read fiction or any other genre as you like. In fact, reading different types of books will help to widen your vocabulary. If you read travelogues then you can learn more vocabulary related to travel and transportation. If you read cookbooks, you will soon be an expert in food-related vocabulary.
Watching German Content
Following internet content in the target language is one of the best ways to learn more vocabulary in the said language. You can follow German content creators of different types. You can watch YouTube videos, listen to podcasts etc. The subject of this content also should be varied. You can follow travellers, chefs, home cooks, fashion experts, movie reviewers, book clubs etc. There are even content creators focusing solely on language learning. What to watch is your choice.
Online Courses
Taking an online course can give a serious boost to your language learning speed and efficiency. Having a mentor is an excellent way to avoid learning mistakes that you often find in online sources. You can also clear all your doubts in the live sessions offered by the online course. But where can we find a good German coaching course? Have you heard about the German course offered by the Entri Elevate platform? They will help you start at the A1 level of German and assist you until you attain proficiency in the C2 level of German. The course offers many other things such as the flowing.
- Mentors know the local language.
- Live sessions
- Recorded sessions
- PDF notes
- Mock tests
- Assessment
- Course blueprint
- Assignments
Click to learn more about the German language course offered by Entri Elevate!
Guide to German Shopping Vocabulary: Conclusion
Gaining knowledge of German shopping vocabulary is a useful step in enhancing your language abilities, particularly if you intend to travel to or reside in a German-speaking nation. It makes it possible for you to express your needs, shop with confidence, and have a more authentic shopping experience. Continue to practice these words, and feel free to refer to this guide at any time if you need a refresher.
Frequently Asked Questions
Will the German language instruction from Entri Elevate help with the Goethe exam?
Resources and modules in Entri Elevate’s course are specifically designed to help you get ready for the Goethe certification test. To improve your chances of passing, you’ll get advice on exam tactics, subject coverage, and structure. The instructors will also be on hand to help you with your test preparation and to respond to any questions you have.
Can I use the Entri Elevate platform to select the course schedule that works best for me?
Indeed, they provide adjustable course schedules to take into account various time zones and individual obligations. The options offered throughout the registration process allow you to select a time slot that works for you.
What should I say in a German store that I'm just looking and don't need assistance?
You can use “Ich schaue mich nur um, danke” if you’re just perusing and don’t need help. In other words, “Thank you, I’m just looking around.” You can browse at your own pace in a courteous manner.
How do I express "thank you" in German after a store employee helps me?
Say “Danke” (thank you) or “Vielen Dank” (thank you very much) after receiving assistance. These words express gratitude and leave a positive impression.
How can I inquire about the location of the checkout in a German store?
You can ask, “Wo ist die Kasse?” to locate the checkout. The simple meaning of this question is “Where is the cashier/cash register?”
How can I describe my size in German?
In German, you would say “Ich trage Größe” (I wear size) when discussing your size. Your size should be added, such as “Ich trage Größe Medium” (I wear size medium). It’s also helpful to know sizes like “S” for small, “M” for medium, and “L” for large.
Which German expressions are helpful when comparing things when you're shopping?
Use expressions like “Ich finde das erste Hemd schöner als das zweite” (I think the first shirt is nicer than the second) to make comparisons. You can express your ideas more effectively by saying, “Diese Hose ist bequemer als die andere” (These trousers are more comfy than the others).
How should I approach a German store to request help?
Say “Entschuldigung, können Sie mir bitte helfen?” to get assistance. (Excuse me, could you please assist me? This indicates that you need assistance, and they will provide it.
What are some important terms for clothes in German?
It helps to know German terms for clothing. “Hemd” (shirt), “Hose” (pants), “Kleid” (dress), “Schuhe” (shoes), and “Jacke” (jacket) are important terms. Shopping is made easier by these words.
Why must I study German shopping vocabulary? Which German phrases are necessary when introducing yourself to store employees?
Understanding German shopping vocabulary makes it easier and more pleasant to navigate shops, marketplaces, and transactions in German-speaking nations.
Say “Hallo” (Hello) or “Guten Tag” (Good day) to store employees in German. These are respectful and courteous greetings. They’re a great place to start your shopping.