Table of Contents
In this era of technology and speed language learning is never complete without learning the words associated with technology. Whether you are a new immigrant who joined a German company or are just a tourist looking for a shop to repair your headphones or mobile phone. So let us learn some German technology vocabulary.
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Guide to German Technology Vocabulary: Introduction
The language that surrounds technology is always changing along with it. Learning German technology vocabulary is crucial for intermediate German speakers (A2-B1 levels) to stay up-to-date and participate in discussions about the digital world. These terms in German technology vocabulary will improve your ability to communicate, whether you’re talking about programming, the newest technology, or online trends. This guide offers a thorough list of German technology vocabulary terms along with English translations and sample sentences. You’ll know how to handle tech conversations in German by the end of this article.
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Top German Technology Vocabulary Lists
1: How do you say "Good Morning" in German?
The following is a comprehensive list of technology-related German words and expressions that are relevant for all learners. Learn these terms to enhance your vocabulary in tech-savvy German.
Hardware Terms Part 1
Some words from German Technology Vocabulary related to hardware are listed below.
English | German |
die Hardware | the hardware |
user | Anwender or Benutzer or Nutzer or User |
computer | der Computer or der Rechner |
laptop | der Laptop |
monitor | der Monitor or der Bildschirm |
keyboard | die Tastatur |
mouse | die Maus |
printer | der Drucker |
hard drive | die Festplatte |
USB stick or flash drive | der USB-Stick |
cable | das Kabel |
processor (CPU) | der Prozessor |
screen/display | der Bildschirm |
graphics card | die Grafikkarte |
the TV | Der Fernseher |
the battery | der Akku/die Batterie |
the robot | der Roboter |
the router | der Router |
the server | der Server |
wireless | drahtlos |
the robot | der Roboter |
Remote control | die Fernbedienung |
Satellite TV | das Satellitenfernsehen |
Radio | das Radio |
Power outlet | die Steckdose |
Hardware Terms Part 2
Some more hardware terms are listed below.
English | German |
Projector | der Beamer |
DVD | die DVD |
Digital | Digital |
Device | das Gerät |
CD | die CD |
Speaker | der Lautsprecher |
Stereo | die Stereoanlage |
Joystick | der Joystick |
Laptop battery | der Akku |
Microphone | das Mikrofon |
Microprocessor | der Mikroprozessor |
Motherboard | die Hauptplatine |
CD drive | das CD-ROM-Laufwerk |
Compressed file | komprimierte Datei |
Control panel | die Systemsteuerung |
CPU workload | die CPU-Auslastung |
Cursor | der Mauszeiger |
Directory | das Verzeichnis |
Display | die Anzeige |
Driver | die Treiber |
Disk or floppy | die Diskette |
Computer case | das Gehäuse |
DVD drive | das DVD-Laufwerk |
Mouse wheel | das Mausrad |
Scanner | der Scanner |
Pen drive | der Memory Stick |
Power supply | das Netzteil |
Sound card | die Soundkarte |
Keyboard or Typing Terms
Typing is something we do in everyday life, its nit something that is solely related to publishing or IT industry. Even sending an email, preparing a report or just sending a text message involves typing. Let us look at some such words.
English | German |
escape key | Escapetaste |
caps lock | Feststelltaste |
enter key or return key | Eingabetaste |
mouse pad | Mausmatte |
right mouse button | rechte Maustaste |
left mouse button | linke Maustaste |
page | Seite |
page up key | Bild nach oben Taste |
page down key | unten Taste |
power button or on/off button | Netztaste |
power cord | Netzkabel |
shift key | Umschalttaste |
print cartridge | Druckpatrone or Druckerpatrone or Druckkopfpatrone |
space key | die Leertaste |
Arrow | der Pfeil |
Backspace | die Löschtaste |
Button | der Knopf |
Cell | die Zelle |
Column | die Spalte |
Control key | die Steuerung-Taste |
Exclamation Mark | das Ausrufezeichen |
Key | die Taste |
Row | die Zeile |
Shift key | die Umschlattaste |
Tab | der Tabulator |
Table | die Tabelle |
Windows key | die Windowstaste |
Software Terms Part 1
A list of essential terms from German Technology Vocabulary related to software are listed below.
English | German |
the software | die Software |
operating system | das Betriebssystem |
application or software | die Anwendung |
app | die App |
program | das Programm |
file | die Datei |
folder | der Ordner |
antivirus software | die Antivirensoftware |
firewall | die Firewall |
license | die Lizenz |
update | die Aktualisierung |
setting/preference | die Einstellung |
password | das Passwort or Kennwort |
the menu | das Menü |
troubleshoot | Fehlerbeheben |
trash or Recycle bin | Papierkorb or Abfalleimer |
last update | letzte Änderung |
upgrade | Upgrade |
user I.D. | Nutzerkennzeichen |
bookmark | Lesezeichen |
copy | Kopie |
error | Fehler |
error message | Fehlermeldung |
connection | Anschluss or Verbindung |
data | Daten |
spell-checker | Rechtschreibhilfe or Rechtschreibprüfer |
image | Bild |
instructions | Anleitungen or Anweisungen |
insufficient memory | ungenügender Speicher |
not enough memory | nicht genüg Speicher |
kapazität | Capacity |
Software Terms Part 2
Some more software related terms are given below.
English | German |
menu bar or menu strip | Menüzeile or Menüleiste |
settings | die Einstellungen |
shortcut | Schnellverfahren |
system | System |
system requirements | Systemvoraussetzungen |
tool | Werkzeug |
toolbar | Toolbar or Toolleiste |
Advanced settings | erweiterte Einstellungen |
Background color | die Hintergrundfarbe |
Backup copy | die Sicherheitskopie |
BIOS | das BIOS |
Brightness | die Helligkeit |
My Computer | der Arbeitsplatz |
My Documents | Eigene Dateien |
My Music | Eigene Musik |
My Pictures | Eigene Bilder |
Night Mode | der Nachtmodus |
Quick access | der Schnellzugriff |
Screensaver | der Bildschirmschoner |
Shared documents | Gemeinsame Dateien |
Software application | die Software-Anwendung |
Start Menu | das Startmenü |
User account | das Benutzerkonto |
memory | Speicher |
RAM | Arbeitsspeicher |
amount of memory | Speicherkapazität |
Windows computer | der Windows-Rechner |
Internet Terms
Some terms related to the internet from German Technology Vocabulary are given in the table below.
English | German |
Internet | das Internet |
website | die Webseite |
link | der Link |
die E-Mail | |
social media platform | die Social-Media-Plattform |
browser | der Browser |
chat | der Chat |
search engine | die Suchmaschine |
online shopping | das Online-Shopping |
download | der Download |
streaming | das Streaming |
Wi-Fi | das WLAN |
the algorithm | der Algorithmus |
the artificial intelligence | die Künstliche Intelligenz |
the sound | Der Ton |
the network | Das Netz |
the Wifi | Das WLAN |
the security | die Sicherheit |
the storage | der Speicher |
the technology | die Technologie |
the bug | der Bug |
offline | offline |
the blog | das Blog |
the virus | der Virus |
online | Online |
the pop-up | das Pop-up |
the message | die Nachricht |
Internet Terms Part 2
Some more internet terms in German and their English meanings are given here.
English | German |
the draft | der Entwurf |
the email address | die E-Mail-Adresse |
the emoticon | das Emoticon |
the attachment | der Anhang |
the social media | die social media |
the member | das Mitglied |
the forum | das Forum |
the community | die Community |
text field | Textfeld |
thread (like in a forum) | Faden |
in-box | Eingang or Posteingang |
out-box | Ausgang or Postausgang |
text box | Textkasten |
hyperlink | Querverweis or Hyperlink |
ISP or Internet service provider | der ISP or Anbieter or Internetdienstanbieter |
junk mail or spam | die Werbemails |
new messages | neue Mails |
unread messages | ungelesene Mails |
password protection | Passwortschutz |
password protected | passwortgeschützt |
password required | Passwort erforderlich |
post or register | eintragen |
Internet Terms Part 3
A few more German technology vocabulary related to the internet are discussed here.
English | German |
Send a message | eine Nachricht senden |
submit button | Submit-Knopf or Sendeknopf |
subject | Betreff or Thema |
Bandwidth | die Bandbreite |
Form | das Formular |
High-speed Internet access | Hochgeschwindigkeitsinternetzugang |
Metadata | die Metadaten |
search engine optimization i.e. SEO | die Suchmaschinenoptimierung |
Shopping cart | der Warenkorb |
URL | Webadresse |
Address book | das Adressbuch |
@ i.e. At sign | die Affenklammer or das At-Zeichen |
Bold (text) | fett |
Chain letter | der E-Mail-Kettenbrief |
Forward | weiterleiten |
Hyphen | der Bindestrich |
Italic | kursiv |
Kind regards | mit herzlichen Grȕßen |
Outbox | der Postausgang |
Reply | die Antwort |
Send in an email | per E-Mail senden |
Spam folder | der Spam-Ordner |
Underline | der Unterstrich |
Computer Actions Part 1
Some words from German Technology Vocabulary related to computer actions are listed below.
English | German |
to save | speichern |
to open | öffnen |
to close | schließen |
sort messages | die Mails sortieren |
to copy | kopieren |
to paste | einfügen |
to print | |
to send | senden |
to receive | empfangen |
to download | herunterladen |
to install | installieren |
to delete | Löschen or entfernen |
to upload | hochladen |
to program | programmieren |
broken | Kaputt |
defect | Defekt |
slow | Langsam |
to repair | Reparieren |
to turn off | Ausschalten |
to turn on | Anschalten |
connected | Verbunden |
to charge | aufladen |
compatible | kompatibel |
the click | der Klick |
to drag | ziehen |
to load | laden |
to search | suchen |
to write | schreiben |
to sign up | sich anmelden |
to follow | folgen |
to log in | sich einloggen |
cancel | abbrechen |
hack | Hack |
cut | ausschneiden |
restart | neu starten |
Computer Actions Part 2
Some more Computer action terms are listed below.
English | German |
scroll | blättern |
press key | drücken auf |
previous | zurück |
next | weiter |
start | starten |
submit | absenden or senden |
issue a command | einen Befehl absetzen |
Double click | der Doppelklick |
accept | annehmen |
add | hinzufügen |
browse | durchsuchen |
burn a CD | eine CD brennen |
To change or to modify | ändern |
check | überprüfen |
click on | anklicken auf |
connect | anschließen |
create | erstellen |
display | anzeigen |
double click on | doppelklicken auf |
enter | information eingeben |
erase | entfernen |
Execute or to run | laufen lassen |
fade in | einblenden |
format | formatieren |
hide | ausblenden |
insert | einfügen |
log out | abmelden |
move | verschieben |
Refresh or to reload | aktualisieren |
select | auswählen |
shut down | herunterfahren |
sort | sortieren |
surf | surfen |
turn on | einschalten |
Check email | die E-Mail abrufen |
Check the spelling | die Rechtschreibung prüfen |
Mobile Phone Related Terms
Some Mobile phone related German terms are given below.
English | German |
the mobile phone | Das Handy |
the phone | Das Telefon |
Tablet | das Tablet |
Smartphone | das Smartphone |
Headphones | der Kopfhörer |
Video games | die Videospiele |
Android | das Android |
Call | anrufen |
Charger | das Ladegerät |
Connections | die Verbingungen |
iPhone | das iPhone |
Micro-SIM card | die Micro-SIM-Karte |
Mobile data limit | das mobile Datenlimit |
Listen to voicemail | Voicemail abhȍren |
Roaming | Roaming |
Ringtone | der Klingelton |
SIM card | die SIM-Karte |
Texting Abbreviations in German
Texting abbreviations are unavoidable while using a smartphone or accessing social media. Let us learn some texting abbreviations in German.
Phrase | Abbreviation | English Meaning |
keine Ahnung | KA | Dunno |
Liebe Grüße | LG | Greetings |
Ich liebe dich | ILD | I love you |
bin wieder da | WD | I’m back |
Vielleicht | VLLT or VLT | Maybe |
ich dich auch | IDA | Me too |
die Suchfunktion | SuFu | Search function |
bis dann | BD | See you then |
– | simsen | Send a text message |
– | der SMS | Text message |
das Wochenende | WE | Weekend |
hab dich lieb | HDL | XOXO |
Social Media Terms Part 1
There is no way that the technology terms in German are over without learning the social media vocabulary. Let us learn a few such words too.
German | English |
als Freund hinzufügen | Add someone as a friend |
die Werbetools | Advertising tools |
archivieren | Archive |
bloggen | Blog |
Beitrag bewerben | Boost post |
enge Freunde | Close friends |
der Kommentar | Comment |
Kontaktsynchronisierung | Contact synchronization |
der online Profil erstellen | Create an online profile |
Kommentarfunktion deaktivieren | Deactivate comments |
entdecken | Discover |
bearbeiten | Edit |
Profil bearbeiten | Edit profile |
die Favoriten | Favorites |
Follow | folgen |
gefällt mir or like | Like |
die Bestellungen | Orders |
die Zahlung | Payment |
die Bilder | Photos |
im Profil fixieren | Pin to profile |
beliebt | Popular |
Profilraster | Profile grid |
empfehlen | Recommend |
remixen | Remix |
Repost | Repost |
gespeichert | Saved |
Social Media Terms Part 2
Some more social media terms are provided here.
German | English |
teilen | Share |
das soziale Netzwerk | Social networking site |
abonnieren | Subscribe |
in einem Bild taggen | Tag someone in a photo |
die Übersetzung | Translation |
Twittern or tweeten | Tweet |
als Vorlage verwenden | Use as template |
das Video | Video |
Insights ansehen | View insights |
Latest Developments Vocabulary
The world is undergoing many improvements and developments in the field of technology. So it is important to learn such terms while learning German too. Some of them are listed below.
German | English |
Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) | Artificial Intelligence (AI) |
Big Data | Big Data |
die Datenverarbeitung | Data management |
Deep learning | Deep Learning (DL) |
die Digitalisierung | Digitalization |
zukunftsicher | Future-proof |
Machine Learning | Machine Learning (ML) |
Fahrerlose Transportsysteme (FTS) | Self-driving vehicles |
Sample Sentences
Some sample sentences with the words from German Technology Vocabulary are provided in the table below.
English | German |
My laptop is broken | Mein Laptop ist kaputt |
Can one repair it? | Kann man es reparieren? |
My TV has no sound | Meine Fernseher hat keinen Ton |
How much does it cost? | Wie viel kostet es? |
My mobile phone turns off by itself | Mein Handy schaltet sich von alleine aus |
How long will it take? | Wie lange dauert es? |
The battery of my mobile phone is empty. | Der Akku meines Handys ist leer. |
The keyboard reacts slowly. | Die Tastatur reagiert langsam |
The algorithm sorts the data automatically. | Der Algorithmus sortiert die Daten automatisch. |
I downloaded a new app. | Ich habe eine neue App heruntergeladen. |
The screen is very large and clear. | Der Bildschirm ist sehr groß und klar. |
My computer crashed. | Mein Computer ist abgestürzt. |
Can you send me the file? | Kannst du mir die Datei schicken? |
The printer is not working. | Der Drucker funktioniert nicht. |
I forgot my mobile phone at home. | Ich habe mein Handy zu Hause vergessen. |
The hardware needs to be updated. | Die Hardware muss aktualisiert werden. |
I’m downloading the program right now. | Ich lade das Programm gerade herunter. |
Please upload the pictures. | Bitte laden Sie die Bilder hoch. |
I like surfing the internet. | Ich surfe gerne im Internet. |
Artificial intelligence is changing the world. | Künstliche Intelligenz verändert die Welt. |
My laptop is very light and thin. | Mein Laptop ist sehr leicht und dünn. |
I need a new mouse for my computer. | Ich brauche eine neue Maus für meinen Computer. |
The network is currently offline. | Das Netzwerk ist derzeit offline. |
Don’t forget to change your password. | Vergiss nicht, dein Passwort zu ändern. |
Sample Sentences Part 2
Some more sample sentences are provided below.
English | German |
This program is very useful. | Dieses Programm ist sehr nützlich. |
I’m learning how to program apps. | Ich lerne, wie man Apps programmiert. |
The robot can dance. | Der Roboter kann tanzen. |
The router needs to be restarted. | Der Router muss neu gestartet werden. |
The server is overloaded. | Der Server ist überlastet. |
Security on the internet is very important. | Sicherheit im Internet ist sehr wichtig. |
The software is updated regularly. | Die Software wird regelmäßig aktualisiert. |
The storage is almost full. | Der Speicher ist fast voll. |
Don’t forget to save your work. | Vergiss nicht, deine Arbeit zu speichern. |
The keyboard is very ergonomic. | Die Tastatur ist sehr ergonomisch. |
New technologies are developing rapidly. | Neue Technologien entwickeln sich schnell. |
A new update is available. | Ein neues Update ist verfügbar. |
The connection is very slow. | Die Verbindung ist sehr langsam. |
Tips for Memorizing and Using German Technology Vocabulary
In this section, we will discuss some tips for memorising and using German technology vocabulary.
- The first thing you can do to learn German technology vocabulary is to watch tech vlogs on social media platforms created by German content creators. You can watch the product unboxing or comparison videos made by German YouTubers.
- If you are someone from a technology-related profession or academic background then you can read study guides and textbooks in German or take classes in your field in German medium so the transition that happens when you shift to Germany.
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Additional Resources for Learning German Vocabulary
You can learn German vocabulary from various sources. Some of them are discussed below.
Reading Materials
Reading materials like books, magazines and newspapers can act as a primary source of language learning. Most of us have the memory of our language teachers asking us to read the big letterheadings in the newspapers daily. Even that is not necessary. You can choose your reading material according to your level of proficiency and preference. You can even start with storybooks for children. Are you an automobile, fashion or culinary enthusiast? Then you can read magazines meant to cater to such readers. All these sources are good resources for learning the German language.
Digital Media Sources
In this age of digital media, there is no lack of resources for learning languages. You can follow YouTubers or podcasters who create content in German for your favourite subjects. This could be movie reviews, educational content, gadget unboxing videos, culinary classes or even travel vlogs. You can even download apps that provide language learning courses. Have you heard about the Entri app German language course?
Online Courses
Online courses are an excellent way to learn German. The benefits of learning German from an online course are several. Some of them are listed below.
Having an expert mentor can help clarify doubts and avoid accidentally learning the wrong information that might be provided in less authentic online or AI-generated resources. Some platforms even provide mentors who teach in the local language instead of English, which in turn improves the ease of understanding the lessons.
Live and Recorded Sessions
Some of them offer recorded sessions which is very convenient for students attending regular courses as well as working professionals. Live sessions are useful for students who could learn better with one-on-one interaction.
Learning Materials
They provide pdf notes and other learning materials that you need. This makes the search for authentic learning sources less cumbersome. Even to-do assignments, which are very beneficial for learning are included by some of the platforms.
They provide mock tests and forms of assessments to check the improvement of language proficiency in the students. A student is more likely to learn better if they have an incentive like scoring better in a test.
Some courses even provide Gothe language certification coaching and course completion certificates. Entri Elevate is a platform that offers all the above-mentioned features in their German language online course. They even offer the facility to access some demo classes so that you can make an informed decision about whether the course is suitable for you or not. This course will also help you prepare effectively for your Goethe exam at different German language proficiency levels.
Click here to learn more about the Entri Elevate German language learning course!
Guide to German Technology Vocabulary: Conclusion
Increasing your vocabulary in technology-related German is a big step toward becoming fluent, especially in the current digital era. It enables you to better navigate the digital world, comprehend technical documents, and participate in discussions about tech trends. Continue to practice these terms and refer to this guide if you need a refresher. Best of luck with your learning!
Frequently Asked Questions
Are there any requirements to enrol in online German language courses?
Most German courses don’t mandate any prerequisites, but some might. All you need is internet access and simple and basic computer skills.
What can I expect from taking a German language course online?
You will study the fundamentals of the language, including vocabulary, grammar rules, sentence structure, and pronunciation, depending on the course level. Along with improving your reading and writing abilities, you will also learn about German culture and have conversations in the language.
How many German profile levels do I need to complete in order to get a job?
Proficiency in either Level B1 or B2 of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) is required, depending on the federal state where you intend to work.