Table of Contents
You may be wondering why it is important to learn German weather vocabulary. But it is more important than you think it is. You might now be living in a place where weather changes are not that significant. But the same could not be said for Germany. So, it is important to learn German weather vocabulary. Let us learn some words related to weather to build our German vocabulary further.
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Guide to German Weather Vocabulary: Introduction
Learning German weather vocabulary will be very beneficial in many contexts. It can greatly improve your ability to understand daily conversations, small talks, news and daily weather reports. Sometimes even a small miscomprehension that happens while listening to a daily weather report can lead to an entire day’s schedule being skewed. So please do take learning the German weather vocabulary seriously. It enriches your conversations as well as improves your overall understanding of language. There are many reasons for learning German weather vocabulary. Some of them are given below.
Watching Weather Forecast
Weather forecasts are taken seriously in Germany, where individuals frequently schedule their activities according to the predicted conditions. For example, a sunny weekend might result in a spike in outdoor pursuits like hiking and grilling.
Traditions and Festivals
Weather patterns are intimately related to several German holidays and customs. For instance, late September to early October, when the weather is often moderate and pleasant, is when Munich has its well-known Oktoberfest.
Top German Weather Vocabulary Lists
1: How do you say "Good Morning" in German?
Here we will discuss some words that are important for describing or having conversations about weather in the German Language.
English | German |
Cloudy | Bewölkt |
the lightning | der Blitz |
the fire | der Brand |
the drought | die Dürre |
the thunder | der Donner |
the earthquake | das Erdbeben |
the spring | der Frühling |
the frost | der Frost |
the degree | das Grad |
temperate | gemäßigt |
The storm | das Gewitter |
The ice pellets | die Graupeln (Plural) |
Black ice | das Glatteis |
the degree | das Grad |
temperate | gemäßigt |
Freezing point | der Gefrierpunkt |
Hot | Heiß |
the autumn | der Herbst |
the hail | der Hagel |
The sky | der Himmel |
Bad weather | ein Hundewetter |
The heat | die Hitze |
The Ice | das Eis |
the season | die Jahreszeit |
Cold | Kalt |
the climate | das Klima |
Warm | mild / milde |
the drizzle | der Nieselregen |
the natural disaster | die Naturkatastrophe |
The fog | der Nebel |
Foggy | nebelig |
Precipitation | der Niederschlag |
Let us look at some more words.
English | German |
Rainy | Regnerisch |
the rainy season | der Regenzeit |
the rain | der Regen |
the rainbow | der Regenbogen |
The umbrella | der Regenschirm |
Sunny | Sonnig |
the summer | der Sommer |
the sunlight | das Sonnenlicht |
the snow | der Schnee |
the storm | der Sturm |
the blizzard | der Schneesturm |
The sun | die Sonne |
The sunshine | der Sonnenschein |
Temperature | Temperatur |
the dry season | die Trockenzeit |
tropical | tropisch |
the tsunami | der Tsunami |
The dew | der Tau |
daily maximum temperature | die Tageshöchsttemperatur |
daily minimum temperature | die Tagestiefsttemperatur |
Thaw | das Tauwetter |
the flood | die Überschwemmung |
The Weather | Das Wetter |
Windy | Windig |
the winter | der Winter |
the cloud | die Wolke |
the wind | der Wind |
the weather forecast | die Wettervorhersage |
Windspeed | die Windgeschwindigkeit |
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Start Learning GermanVerbs
Some verbs that can be used during conversations about weather in German are listed below.
English | German |
to flash (lightning) | blitzen |
to dawn | dämmern |
to thunder | donnern |
to get dark | dunkeln |
to freeze | frieren |
to storm | gewittern |
to hail | hageln |
to drizzle | nieseln |
to flood/downpour | gießen |
to rain | regnen |
to snow | schneien |
to melt | tauen |
Tips for Memorizing and Using German Weather Vocabulary
Here we will discuss some tips for memorizing and using German weather vocabulary.
- Conditions are frequently described by the suffix ‘-ig’, which translates to ‘-y’ in English, in phrases like ‘sonnig’ and ‘windig’. You can find such patterns of similarity while you go through the lists given below. Understanding and remembering them will help you learn and memorize them more easily.
- Watch weather forecasts and try to understand as much as possible.
- Engage in small talk with locals if possible. Otherwise, try having the same conversation with your mentors or peers.
- Change the language settings in your weather app to German.
- Create flashcards and practise with them.
Sentence Examples for German Weather Vocabulary
Some examples of sentences using the words given in German weather vocabulary lists are shown below.
English | German |
It will be sunny tomorrow. | Es wird morgen sonnig. |
There will be thunderstorms this evening. | Heute Abend gibt es Gewitter. |
Heavy snowfall is expected. | Wir erwarten starken Schneefall. |
The temperatures will stay below zero. | Die Temperaturen bleiben unter Null. |
What is the weather like? | Wie ist das Wetter? |
The sun is shining. | Die Sonne scheint. |
The sky is cloudy. | Der Himmel ist bewölkt. |
It’s the beginning of Spring. | Es ist der Frühlingsanfang. |
It stopped raining. | Der Regen hat aufgehört. |
Spring is in the air! | Frühling liegt in der Luft! |
It was snowing all day. | Es hat den ganzen Tag schneit. |
A thunderstorm is coming. | Ein Gewitter zieht auf. |
He likes skiing in winter. | Er fährt gern Ski im Winter. |
Please take note of the articles used with each word. Let us look into some more sentences.
English | German |
Summer is here! | Der Sommer, der ist da! |
A strong wind is blowing. | Es weht ein sehr starker Wind. |
Come, let’s go to the beach! | Komm, wir gehen zum Strand! |
Be careful, there’s black ice on the sidewalk. | Vorsicht, auf dem Bürgersteig ist Glatteis. |
Fall is cool. | Der Herbst ist kühl. |
How is the weather? | Wie ist das wetter? |
The weather is nice. | Das Wetter ist schön. |
It is cold. | Es ist kalt. |
Put on a coat. | Zieh einen Mantel an. |
Put on a coat. | Zieh einen Mantel an. |
It is raining. | Es regnet |
I need an umbrella. | Ich brauche einen Regenschirm. |
It is windy. | Es ist windig. |
Some More Sentences
There are many more words that you can use in a conversation about weather in German. Let us look at some more.
English | German |
I’m going back to sleep. | Ich gehe wieder schlafen. |
What is the temperature? | Wie viel Grad sind es? |
It is 24 degrees. | Es ist vierundzwanzig Grad. |
What is the weather like? | Wie ist das Wetter? |
It is hot! | Es ist heiß! |
Is it raining? | Regnet es? |
No, It is sunny. | Nein. Es ist sonnig |
It is humid. | Es ist schwul |
Turn on the air conditioner. | Schalten Sie die Klimaanlage ein |
The weather today is sunny. | Das Wetter heute ist sonnig. |
Is it cold? | Ist es kalt? |
Yeah, it is snowing. | Ja, es schneit. |
Is it bad? | Es ist schlecht? |
The weather is terrible. | Es ist schreckliches Wetter. |
Let us discuss some more example sentences,
English | German |
What is the temperature? | Wie viel Grad sind es? |
I’m hot | mir ist (es) warm |
I’m cold | mir ist (es) kalt |
It’s a bit cloudy today | heute ist es etwas bedeckt |
The sun is shining today | heute scheint die Sonne |
What’s the weather like this weekend? | Wie ist das Wetter am Wochenende? |
What’s the weather like today? | Wie ist das Wetter heute? |
It’s a beautiful day. | Es ist ein schöner Tag. |
It’s sunny. | Die Sonne scheint. |
There’s a storm. | Es gibt einen Sturm. |
What a nice day! | Was für ein schöner Tag! |
I’m sweating. | Ich schwitze. |
I love warm weather. | Ich liebe warmes Wetter. |
It’s freezing! | Es ist eiskalt! |
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Start Learning GermanSome Important Weather Phenomenon
There are some phenomena you should know about to correctly understand German weather reports. Some of them are listed below.
- The Föhn wind is a warm, dry wind that blows downslope on the leeward side of mountains, especially in the southern areas close to the Alps. Rapid temperature spikes brought on by this wind can have a big impact on local weather patterns.
- Another phenomenon is the “Nebelmeer,” also known as the “sea of fog,” which is a mesmerizing sight that is frequently seen on fall and winter mornings in valleys and low-lying locations. Higher grounds and mountain peaks rise above the lowlands, which are filled with fog, giving the impression that there are islands sticking out of a sea of fog.
- A meteorological phenomenon known as the Stau effect occurs when moist air masses are raised as they pass over rising ground, chill, and condense to form precipitation.
Additional Resources for Learning German Vocabulary
There are many ways in which you can learn German Vocabulary. Some of them are discussed below.
Read Books
Reading simple German-language books is one of the greatest methods to acquire German vocabulary. Reading German books will introduce you to new terms in context, regardless of your preference for novels, short tales, or non-fiction. And that’s what you’re aiming for! To learn new things by seeing and using them in their native habitat. This is the main objective of Conversation Based Chunking. Your vocabulary will grow organically as a result of the strategy, which also helps you comprehend how words fit into phrases.
Start by reading German books of your present vocabulary and grammar levels. Gradually choose more and more challenging materials as you progress in your learning. Keep a dictionary near you for reference. Try creating vocabulary lists and flashcards for easier learning.
Listen to Podcasts
Listening to German podcasts has multiple benefits. It will help you pick new words and phrases as well as improve your listening comprehension. Many German podcasts suitable for learners of different levels are available on multiple platforms. Even though you are just listening you are learning the language passively. You can also choose to listen to standard German learning podcasts or just natives speaking about different subjects. You can also pause the podcasts and repeat the words or phrases aloud to correct and practise your pronunciation.
Watch Movies and TV Shows
Watching movies in the target language is an excellent way to learn it. To enhance the learning experience choose movies with clear audio and German subtitles. Pause the movie when you get new words or phrases and write them down. Look up their meaning in a dictionary and learn in what context the same is used.
Language Shadowing
One effective method for enhancing your German vocabulary and pronunciation is language shadowing. It all comes down to listening to native German speakers and mimicking their intonation, rhythm, and accent as closely as possible by repeating what they say at the same time or a few seconds later.
Look for German audio content, such as podcasts, audiobooks, or YouTube videos, to practice shadowing in the German language. Some may even have transcripts. After listening to a brief audio clip, repeat it aloud while paying close attention to the speaker’s intonation and pronunciation. Keep an eye out for new vocabulary words as you shadow and attempt to deduce their meaning from the context.
Speaking to Oneself and Chunking
A straightforward but efficient method of practising the use of new vocabulary words in context is to speak German to yourself. Use the new words and phrases you learned from the earlier techniques to describe your daily activities in German.
Over time, this habit will help you become more at ease using the language. Use the Conversation Chunking technique when talking to yourself, and include some of the most frequently used passages you’ve discovered while watching TV or listening to podcasts. Chunking your vocabulary into meaningful phrases will help you communicate more effectively in German.
Use Flashcards
A tried-and-true strategy for learning German vocabulary is to use flashcards. You can use digital flashcard apps like Anki, Quizlet, or even DuoCards, which provides thorough grammar explanations for languages, or you can make your flashcards with index cards.
Write the German word or phrase on one side of the card and its English translation or definition in German on the other. Utilize the spaced repetition technique, go over your flashcards frequently, and test yourself by trying to remember the meaning of a German word. To get closer to fluency, concentrate on using the words in sentences as you get more comfortable with them.
Join an Online Class
Many may find language learning not an important enough matter that they have to attend classes. This might be due to lack of time, career pressure, unavailability of an institution nearby etc. but all the hurdles are not obstacles in this digital age. Joining an online language class can greatly supplement your knowledge and speed of learning German. But which is a course you can trust? Have you heard of Entri Elevate’s German classes? They will aid from A1 to C2 levels of proficiency. They offer local language-speaking tutors, live classes, PDF notes, Mock tests, assignments, recorded classes etc. Entri has one of the best online German courses you can trust.
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Guide to German Weather Vocabulary: Conclusion
A key component of learning German is being able to comprehend the language’s terminology and weather patterns. This article given you the skills you need to discuss the weather in German with confidence, covering everything from fundamental vocabulary to examples and cultural quirks. You may achieve fluency by implementing useful advice and practising in authentic situations. Thus, use German the next time you check the weather and see how much your language abilities improve!
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Is three months enough time to learn German?
It is possible to learn German in three months! Enrolling in our structured courses through the Entri App will provide you with specialized training meant to accelerate your understanding of the basics. You can establish a strong foundation in the language in this amount of time with interactive lessons, practice problems, and committed assistance. You will succeed in reaching your language learning objectives if you dedicate yourself to daily practice!
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The Entri App is the greatest option for learning German in Kerala since it provides self-paced, adaptable lessons with an emphasis on useful language skills for studying or working in Germany. To accommodate different learning styles, it offers accessible instructors, hands-on activities, and well-structured lessons. You can confidently pursue your aspirations and opportunities abroad, whether for academic or professional advancement, by learning German with Entri. You will be well-prepared for real-world language applications thanks to its user-friendly interface and captivating content.