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Dr Maria Montessori introduced the child-focused learning approach in the history of education. Maria Montessori was a famous Italian physician, educator, innovator and instructor who worked for the sake of innovative learning methodologies. Are you not curious enough to know the contributions of Dr Maria Montessori to the world educational sector? Read the article to know more about the Maria Montessori and her legacy.
Montessori classrooms are way different from the normal classrooms. This sense of uniqueness makes the Montessori education even more interesting. The learning materials and methodologies are completely different and the students are equipped to be involved in group activities and discussions to bring out their productivity. Self-motivated growth is the main goal of Montessori education. The emotional, physical, mental and cognitive growth and development will happen once you enroll yourself to be part of Montessori education.
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Maria Montessori: A Brief Biography
Dr Maria Montessori is known for her greatest contribution to the world. She is the one who opened the first school for Montessori education in Rome. The first Montessori school was opened on 6, January, 1907. The Montessori school is named The Casa dei Bambini otherwise termed as Children’s House.
Dr Maria Montessori has a fame for travelling across the world to establish a new style of education that gathered the attention of too many people. She wrote extensively on the Montessori education. The new style of education created waves in the history of education. In today’s world, there are more than thousands of schools where learning is flexible and paced.
Maria Montessori was born in Italy which is the provisional town of Chiaravalle, on 31, August 1870. Her unquenchable thirst for knowledge sprouted out from her mother who was an ardent reader. Her father was a financial manager who supported her daughter. The educational system of Montessori bears her name as a result of the numerous attempts in the field of education.
Unlock your passion for education and shape young minds as a Montessori teacher!
Maria was famous as a woman who was not ready to succumb to the traditional roles of a woman. A woman of that age in Italy was not supposed to read and write. In that era, she stood out as someone who was really ambitious and brilliantly focused. She joined the all-boys technical institute at the age of 13 to learn the nuances of engineering. Later she changed her decision to become a doctor.
She applied to the medical program offered at Rome but was rejected mercilessly. Her unwavering mind and commitment forced her to join other courses to prepare and study for the medical entrance program. She was admitted to the medical school which was a grand victory for the women of that era in Italy. Through her, a wide vista of opportunities opened up in front of many women of the age.
In 1896, she graduated from medical school and became the first female physician in Italy. She showed a tremendous amount of courage and dedication which paved the way for this female to outshine in a male-dominated society. Pushing through the boundaries with her perseverance, she made a historic impact in the field of social, economic and educational sector.
Unlock your passion for education and shape young minds as a Montessori teacher!
Maria Montessori: Her Contributions to the World
1: What is the primary focus of the first plane of development in the Montessori method?
Psychiatry was the first field in which she worked and created a massive movement. She was deeply involved in the educational sector. She found that a change in the traditional style of learning is important for uplifting our society. Children with intellectual and developmental disabilities can be cured with the proper dedication, this is what helped her to experiment with new teaching-learning methodologies.
She was appointed in 1900 as the co-director of the special education teachers’ training institute. Dr Maria was keenly observing the teaching-learning methods that are executed with her scientific knowledge. She approached the problem scientifically. She carefully observed the importance of the teaching-learning methodologies adopted in traditional classrooms. The program was considered a huge success as many students made remarkable results.
In San Lorenzo, she opened a full-day child care centre. The first set of students were between the age of 3-7 and were given their own devices to learn while they were left alone in the absence of their parents. This centre later on developed itself as the first Montessori school.
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Montessori education is the most effective self-paced learning facilitated to create and disseminate knowledge. It is the student-led learning strategy that is proven to be effective. The students in Montessori education will be guided properly by the teachers backed by peer learning.
Montessori education is famous for its nurturing space and novel learning methodologies. The Montessori classrooms provide equal opportunities for multi-age groups to develop new learning experiences, opportunities and skills. The multi-age classrooms offer new possibilities for the growth of an individual from childhood to adulthood.
The passions are being nurtured in the classroom through multi-sensory learning techniques. The students are driven with passionate energy and enthusiasm to work, learn and develop their curiosity at their own deserved pace. The students in a Montessori academy can select their own pace of growth. They can meet their learning goals after completely comprehending the core concepts and values.
Unlock your passion for education and shape young minds as a Montessori teacher!
Montessori Education : A Brief History
Montessori students will understand the value of deep connections by questioning the existing concepts and beliefs. The Montessori students are otherwise named as self-directed learners. They are accountable for themselves and the people whom they are connected with.
The students will develop a good attitude to live with integrity and respect in a community by understanding the needs of the hour. The Montessori education will equip them to be confident and passionate about themselves in a better way.
High-quality education was provided to the students in the Montessori school. The students at first were skeptical about the learning process but later showed great enthusiasm for learning with riddles, puzzles and new learning materials. The students were learning themselves by absorbing everything from their immediate surroundings. The student’s natural desire to learn and grow can created with greater effort by Dr Maria.
She carefully studied the young children and understood their instinct to collect the learning materials for themselves. The first set of students showed enthusiasm and concentration in learning things effectively at their own chosen pace.
Unlock your passion for education and shape young minds as a Montessori teacher!
The Montessori teaching-learning methods have survived the storm and many educators took great interest in the new system of learning. The Montessori schools can be seen around the world. The first Montessori school in America was opened in New York in the year 1911. The Montessori School of Learning introduced child-centred teaching-learning methods.
Dr Maria is famous for inspiring the world with child-centric education. She gave lectures to the world by giving stress to the value of Montessori education. She wrote widely on the importance of the Montessori method of teaching. She also stood for the cause of women’s rights.
The Montessori education gave new insights into the learning experience. On behalf of the women, she stood for the cause of educational and economic advancement. She was a powerful feminist voice. During the wartime, she remained in exile and propagated the notion of Montessori education
Maria Montessori had the vision to alter the curriculum. Montessori Academy is now striving to improve networking and collaboration to enhance growth. Montessori classrooms are of diverse types. Some are providing bilingual instructions, faith-based, language-based or community-based.
Those students with language disabilities can also involve themselves in the teaching-learning environment. The cross-cultural nature of the Montessori school will help to create global connections that will help the students to have worldwide interactions.
Unlock your passion for education and shape young minds as a Montessori teacher!
Some of the eminent personalities who have been educated through Montessori schools are numerous, Julia Child Stephen Curry, Larry Page and Sergey Brin etc.
Montessori education is contributing to the continued success of the personalities across the globe. Montessori education helps them to understand their true potential. In 1949, 1950 and 1951, she was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. Maria died in the year 1952 in the Netherlands at the age of 81. The legacy was passed on to her son Mario and the Montessori education became a milestone for considerable success.
Montessori Education: Core Features
The basic principle of Montessori education is regarded as freedom within individual limits. The self-directed learning strategies can help the students to excel in the various fields of their lives. They have the right to choose what is best for them. Liberal education expands the knowledge areas.
Apart from the traditional setting, the Montessori education gives more freedom to the students to choose what is right from what is wrong. The perceptions are molded at this stage of their studies. The Montessori educational system follows a curriculum that is different from the traditional educational set-up.
The Montessori education gives more importance to how to think effectively rather than giving a blank lecture on what to think. The students can choose to perceive the world on their own terms. The educational system needs to change its focus from being rigorous to free. The new concepts and technologies will act as added assets to the shifting academic environment. The Montessori classroom encourages the students to grow in a fruitful environment.
Montessori education will help the students to gain knowledge in their respective fields by fostering a love for learning. The Montessori education will facilitate creativity and imagination with a special stress on problem-solving skills. The students will slowly develop a habit of perceiving the world on their own terms. Language development through proper interaction will happen.
The self-directed study can be highly effective. The specially designed learning materials will help you to know what is more important to them. The specific materials and activities give a unique structure to the studies which helps in the growth and development of the students.
Unlock your passion for education and shape young minds as a Montessori teacher!
Montessori education was first initiated for students with learning difficulties. The initiation happened in the year 1900 in Rome. Academic growth is the major goal of the Montessori education. The development of a child can be affected by the space provided for them for active learning.
The self-directed activities will help them to prepare themselves for the learning. The activities will help them to improve their quality and reception. The impact of Montessori education is visible in children with fetal alcohol syndrome. They make more progress at the forefront of the society. The formative assessment is part of Montessori education which is essential to assess the daily progression of the students. The assessments are recorded and observed daily. The information should be processed in the right sense for the Montessori education to kick in strongly. Another assessment which is crucial to Montessori education is the summative
assessments conducted at the end of a three-year cycle. However, the grades are used only as a diagnostic tool by the Montessori teachers. To prepare the students for the Cambridge exams, the high school learners are assessed summative and formatively to know their level of studies.
Unlock your passion for education and shape young minds as a Montessori teacher!
Montessori education focuses on multi-age classrooms where the children remain in the same learning space for three consecutive years. The Montessori education is unique in that way. Children learn to collaborate with the older and younger learners and they recognize how to interact with them with mutual respect.
They will nurture a wider point of view when compared to the students learning and growing in the traditional environment. The peer learning platforms will help them to know the value of community strength and collaboration and help build confidence among the students.
Entri App is providing the best opportunity to become a Montessori teacher with International certification. The Montessori education field is fast growing. You can give colours to your teaching dreams once you get certified in the Montessori educational sector. You can easily enroll in the online Montessori TTC course and become a certified teacher within six months.
Unlock your passion for education and shape young minds as a Montessori teacher!
The online classes will allow you to enjoy a personalized learning space. The flexible and comprehensive teaching-learning strategies adopted at Entri will help you to excel in the field of Montessori teaching. The experts at Entri will help you to get more insights into the field. The course curriculum is designed to cater for the individual needs of the students.
The live sessions, micro exams, and daily practice tests via Zoom are the other attractions of the course. CEED International, American Association Of Teachers & Trainers, UK Certifications are awarded to the aspirants after the completion of the course. If you are passionate about Montessori education, you can consider Entri as your perfect learning partner.