Table of Contents
Learning essential German travel vocabulary is a non-negotiable part of preparations for travelling to a German-speaking nation. It is not compulsory. But doing so can have a tremendous impact on your overall travelling experience to Germany. You don’t have to necessarily carry around a phrase book or hire a guide for even going around for a little errand around the country. So let us learn a few words from German travel vocabulary.
Join the Entri Elevate platform to polish and improve your German proficiency!
German Travel Vocabulary: Introduction
It’s highly likely that you won’t be able to communicate in the local language when you’re travelling outside of your home country. Therefore, before visiting Germany, Austria, or even parts of Switzerland, Belgium, and Luxembourg, it can be very beneficial to learn a few basic German travel phrases.
Anyone who intends to travel through German cities or communicate effectively while there needs to become proficient in travel-related German vocabulary. From asking for directions to using public transportation, this guide covers essential words and phrases for getting around.
Top German Travel Vocabulary Lists Part 1
Some words from German travel vocabulary are listed below.
German | English |
das Aquarium | the aquarium |
im Ausland | abroad |
zu Fuß | on foot |
mit Fahrrad/Fahrrad | By bike/bicycle |
annulliert | cancelled |
im Flugzeug | by plane |
auf dem Schiff | by boat |
per Bus/Bus | by bus/bus |
fährend | by ferry |
auf dem Motorrad | on a motorcycle |
im Zug | by train |
mit dem Auto | by car |
fakultativ | optional |
Behinderter | disabled |
der Adapter für die Steckdose | the adapter for the electrical socket |
die Rechnung | the addition |
der Flughafen | the airport |
das Reisebüro | the travel agency |
der Reisevermittler | the travel agent |
der Zollbeamte | the customs officer |
die einfache Fahrkarte | the one-way trip |
Mückenstich | the anti-mosquito |
die Kamera | the camera |
die Ankunft | the arrival |
die Reiseversicherung | travel insurance |
die Touristenattraktion | the tourist attraction |
die Jugendherberge | the youth hostel |
der Einheimische/Einwohner | the native/ the inhabitant |
das Einsteigen | the boarding |
das Etikett | the label |
der Ausflug | the excursion |
die Unterbringung | the accommodation |
das Hotel | the hotel |
die Strecke | the route |
das Fremdenverkehrsamt | the tourist office |
das Kissen | the pillow |
das Fremdenverkehrsamt | the tourist office |
der Kompass | the compass |
der Duty-Free-Shop | the duty free shop |
Die Broschüre / das Faltblatt | the brochure/ leaflet |
die Landschaft | the campaign |
die Karte | the map |
die Bordkarte | the boarding pass |
die Postkarte | the postcard |
die Telefonkarte | the phone card |
die Kaution | the surety |
Zimmer mit zwei getrennten Betten | the bedroom with two separate beds |
die Bed & breakfast | the guest room |
das Doppelzimmer | the double room |
das Einzelzimmer | the single room |
die Klimatisierung | the air conditioning |
die Fluggesellschaft | the airline |
die Gepäckaufbewahrung | the baggage compartment |
die Decke | the cover |
die Sonnencreme | the sunscreen |
die Kreuzfahrt | the cruise |
die lokale Küche | the local cuisine |
das Ziel | the destination |
der Zoll | the customs |
die Grenze | the border |
der Bahnhof (Zug) | the train station (train) |
der Busbahnhof | the bus station |
Top German Travel Vocabulary Lists Part 2
Some additional words are given below.
German | English |
die Taschenlampe | the flashlight |
das Gasthaus | the guest house |
das Landhaus | the country house |
die Währung/die Währung | the currency/ currency |
der Berg | the mountain |
die Übernachtung | the night |
das Schwimmbad | the pool |
Tauchen mit einem Schnorchel | diving with a snorkel |
Tauchen | scuba diving |
die Steckdose | the electrical outlet |
die Rezeption | the reception |
die Beschwerde / Beschwerde | the complaint/ the complaint |
die Reservierung | the reservation |
die Tasche, die Tasche | the bag, the bag |
die Hoch/Tief Saison | high/low season |
die Fremdenverkehrssaison | the tourist season |
den Gepäckraum | the baggage compartment |
der Badeort | the seaside resort |
das Zelt | the tent |
der Erste-Hilfe-Kasten | the first aid kit |
die Mehrwertsteuer | the VAT |
die Führung | the guided tour |
das Gepäck / der Koffer | the luggage/ the suitcase |
das Schiff | the boat |
das Kreuzfahrtschiff | the cruise ship |
das Los | the ticket |
das Los/das Los | the ticket/ the ticket |
das Rückfahrticket | the round-trip ticket |
das Notizbuch | the notepad |
das Meer | the seaside |
das Büro für Information und Aufklärung | The Information and Intelligence Office |
das Geschenk | the gift |
das Camping | the camping |
das Tagebuch/das Reisetagebuch | the travel diary/diary |
der Kunde | the customer |
den Tresor | the safe |
die Kontrolle der Pässe | passport control |
der Kontrolleur | the controller |
bei Sonnenuntergang | the sunset |
der Jetlag | the time difference |
die Abreise | the departure |
der Zoll | the customs |
der Ausländer | the foreigner |
die Fähre | the ferry |
die Pauschale | the package |
die Zeitzone | the time zone |
der Schalter, die Kasse | the box office, the box office |
der Gesprächsleitfaden | the conversation guide |
der Reiseführer (Buch) | the travel guide (book) |
am Feiertag | on a holiday |
bei Sonnenaufgang | the sunrise |
das Handbuch für das Gespräch | the conversation manual |
das Denkmal | the monument |
der Vergnügungspark | the amusement park |
der Passagier | the passenger |
der Passagier | the passenger/passenger |
der Pass | the passport |
das Ausland | the foreign country |
Top German Travel Vocabulary Lists Part 3
Some more words from German vocabulary are discussed below.
German | English |
die Touristenfalle | the tourist trap |
das Deck (auf einem Boot) | the deck (on a boat) |
der Hafen | the port |
der tipp | the tip |
der Preis der Fahrt | the price of the trip |
der Empfangschef | the receptionist |
die Verspätung | the delay |
den Rucksack | the backpack |
die Handtasche | the handbag |
der Schlafsack | the sleeping bag |
die Reisetasche | the travel bag |
der unverzichtbare touristische Ort/Anziehungspunkt | the must-see tourist site/attraction |
die Erinnerung | the memory |
der Campingplatz | the campground |
der Massentourismus | mass tourism |
der Tourist | the tourist |
der Impfstoff | the vaccine |
der Flug | the flight |
die Reise | the trip |
der Weg | the route |
die Geschäftsreise | the business trip |
die organisierte Reise, die Strecke | the organized trip, the tour |
der Reisende | the traveller |
das Gepäck | the baggage |
Banknoten / Münzen (Silber) | banknotes/ coins (silver) |
die Reisedokumente | the travel documents |
die zu besichtigenden Orte | the places to visit |
die Sonnenbrille | the sunglasses |
die Batterien | the batteries |
die Handtücher | towels |
die Tarife | the tariffs |
die Briefmarken | the stamps |
die Toilette | the toilet |
die Flip-Flops | the flip-flops |
die Feiertage | the holidays |
frei / verfügbar | free/ available |
Wagennummer | car number |
erste Klasse | first-class |
zurückhaltend | booked |
verspätet | delayed |
gegen Reservation / Reservation im Voraus | on reservation/ advance reservation required |
touristisch | tourist |
alles inklusive / alles inklusive | all included/ all included |
Verbs from German Travel Vocabulary
Some verbs from German travel vocabulary are discussed below.
German | English |
ankommen | arrive |
sicher sein | be assured |
Urlaub machen | be on vacation |
einsteigen | board |
reservieren | book |
zelten | camping |
annullieren | cancel |
Reservation absagen | cancel the reservation |
büßen lassen | charge |
klettern | climbing |
bestätigen | confirm |
vom Tourismus abhängen | depend on tourism |
Mitfahren / Mitfahren im Auto | deposit/ accompany |
Touristen sein | do some sightseeing |
jemanden am Flughafen absetzen | drop someone off at the airport |
erkunden | explore |
die Umgebung erkunden | explore the surroundings |
Verfolgung des touristischen Kreislaufs | follow the tourist circuit |
seekrank | get seasick |
safari gehen | go on a safari |
verreisen | go on a trip |
in die Ferien fahren | go on holiday |
abends ausgehen | go out in the evening |
ins Ausland reisen | going abroad |
trampen | hitchhiking |
trampen | hitchhiking |
kajaken | kayaking |
landen | land |
weggehen, verlassen | leave, leave |
leicht reisen | light travel |
anlaufen | make a stopover |
auf eine organisierte Reise gehen | make a tour organized |
Hotelrechnung bezahlen | pay the hotel bill |
planen/Ferien machen | plan/take a vacation |
das Zelt pflanzen | plant the tent |
registrieren/registrieren | register/make the record |
sich entspannen | relax |
mieten | rent |
tauchen | scuba diving |
Ski fahren | skiing |
stehen | stand in line |
unter Jetlag leiden | suffer from jet lag |
sonnenbaden | take a sunbath |
fotografieren | take pictures |
sonnenbrand | take sunburns |
die lokale Küche probieren | taste the local cuisine |
aus dem Weg gehen | think outside the box |
reisen | travel |
um die Welt reisen | travel around the world |
rudern | trek |
besuchen | visit |
Tips for Memorizing and Using German Travel Vocabulary
1: How do you say "Good Morning" in German?
Some tips for memorising and using the German travel vocabulary are discussed below.
- Watch a lot of travel vlogs on YouTube and read travel blogs online.
- If you love to read books, download a few travelogues in German, preferably written by German authors. You can even use audiobooks for similar purposes.
- Watch travel-related live or recorded classes on platforms offering Spoken German courses.
- Practise with your friends or mentors.
Additional Resources for Learning German Vocabulary
Some additional resources for learning German vocabulary are listed below.
Reading books in the target language is the best way to learn any language, and German is no different. Let’s look at some books to learn German travel vocabulary.
- German Phrase Book and Dictionary by Rick Steves
- German Survival Guide
- Lonely Planet German Phrasebook and Dictionary
- Perfect Phrases in German for Confident Travel
- Point it: Traveller’s Language Kit
Online Courses
Online courses are an excellent way to supplement your language learning. Have you heard of the German language course offered by the Entri Elevate platform? Some of the features offered by the Entri Elevate German course are discussed below.
- A tutor who takes classes in your regional language and not English can make a huge impact on the speed of your comprehension of lessons. Entri Elevate German language courses offer that.
- PDF notes and to-do assignments are provided. Hence you don’t have to look for other authentic resources to learn.
- Mock tests and other forms of assessments are provided to assess your improvement in German proficiency during various stages of the course.
- Live and recorded classes are provided so that you can attend as per your presence and convenience.
Click here to learn more about the Entri Elevate German Language learning course!
German Travel Vocabulary: Conclusion
Most of the essential words from German travel vocabulary are listed in this blog along with their English meaning. Learn them to boost your vocabulary before travelling to Germany for vacation or before your Goethe exam. Learning a language is never a waste of time. It may be useful to you in unimaginable circumstances like if you ever lose your mobile phone while travelling in a German-speaking country. You cannot take the chances and hope that every time you are in trouble an English-speaking person will arrive to aid you. Refer to this blog and learn these words and take the help of the internet to find their right pronunciation before starting your speech practice. If you forget a word, you can come back and revise the info in this blog again.
Frequently Asked Questions
What are some pointers for becoming fluent in German?
It’s important to be consistent! Immerse yourself in the language by watching movies and listening to music, speaking frequently, and interacting with native speakers if you want to become fluent in German. Set clear objectives to monitor your progress and use language learning applications such as Entri for organized practice.
Is three months sufficient time to learn German?
It is possible to learn German in three months! You can quickly grasp the fundamentals by enrolling in the structured courses on the Entri App, where you will receive individualized instruction. During this period, you can establish a strong foundation in the language with the help of interactive lessons, practice problems, and highly dedicated assistance. You will be well on your way to reaching your language learning objectives if you commit to daily practice!
What makes the German course offered by Entri App superior to other German language courses?
The Entri App offers customized instruction, interactive lessons, and professional support. Their course is a fantastic option for learners of all skill levels because it places a strong emphasis on practical application, guaranteeing that you acquire real-world proficiency quickly.
What are some reasons to learn German travel vocabulary?
Some reasons to learn German travel vocabulary are given below.
- Native German speakers are always appreciative of foreigners who make the effort to learn a little bit of their language, even if they are unable to converse fluently. It conveys respect and a genuine desire to engage and build relationships with people while you’re overseas.
- Your German phrasebook won’t be your only resource. Yes, your German phrasebook is full of glossy pages, and you enjoy using it, but you also want to be able to react right away when someone speaks to you.
- Speaking a few simple German phrases will make it harder for waiters, taxi drivers, and souvenir shops to take advantage of you!
- It is just untrue to say that all German speakers are English-speaking. Many people, even in large German cities, speak very little English. If you want to make friends or ask a question, you don’t want to have to search for other English speakers every time.