We all know that the English language plays a crucial role in competitive exams like PSC, SSC, Banking exams etc. So if you are aiming to crack those examinations, you should have a strong command in your English language skills. Vocabulary is one of the most crucial topics of English subject. Vocabulary refers to all the words in a language that is known and used by a particular person. It is essential not only for competitive exams but it is the fundamental tool for communication and acquiring knowledge. In order to help you in improving your vocabulary skills, Entri will provide you with Weekly English Vocabulary based on The Hindu editorial every Friday. Reading the daily Hindu editorial is highly recommended for candidates who are aspiring for competitive exams. In this blog, we have given some questions based on Vocabulary with answer and solutions. Check here for Weekly English Vocabulary Based on The Hindu Editorial 2021 March 19.
Attempt free Daily Vocabulary Quiz
Weekly English Vocabulary Based on The Hindu Editorial 2021 March 19
Attempt these free online quiz consisting of important English Vocabulary questions based on The Hindu Editorial which will be helpful for competitive exams like bank exam, PSC, SSC etc.
1. Choose the word which is most nearly in same meaning of the word “Acrogenous”?
Acrogenous – pertaining to flowerless plants in which growth occurs only at the tip of the main stem. (Acrogenic)
Pusillanimous – lacking in courage and manly strength and resolution; contemptibly fearful. (Poor-spirited, unmanly, timorous)
(e)None of these
Peppy – marked by lively action. (Bouncing, bouncy, spirited, zippy)
5. Choose the word which is most nearly in same meaning of the word “Wayfaring”?
(e)None of these
Wayfaring – travelling especially on foot. (Peripatetic)
Pruner – a worker who thins out and trims trees and shrubs. (Trimmer)
7. Choose the word which is most nearly in same meaning of the word “Vociferation”?
(e)None of these
Vociferation – a loud utterance; often in protest or opposition. (Outcry, shout)
(e)None of these
Downcast – filled with melancholy and despondency. (Depressed, dispirited)
Bright side – a consoling aspect of a difficult situation. (Silver lining)
Braggadocio – vain and empty boasting or boastful or arrogant behaviour. (Bluster, rhodomontade)
We hope this blog was helpful for you in improving your knowledge in Vocabulary. Stay tuned with Entri for weekly vocabulary based on Hindu editorial, which will be published every Friday.