Python programming language is one of the most widely accepted and most popular programming languages among developers. It is one of the most widely accepted programming languages now. It offers great library support and offers better developer community support. Python is one growing programming language these days. It is one most demanded programming languages by developers. Python is revolutionizing the coding field. It is adding more and more people into the field of coding and programming. The popularity of python is because of its multi-purpose feature and huge support offered by communities and libraries.
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Python nowadays is a fastly growing programming language. Data scientists, software engineers, and web developers all prefer python for their work. This is because of its simplicity and single-line codes to do complex work. Python is an open-source programming language. Many programmers have created tools that help other python programmers to work on their projects effectively. Some features made python the favorite of the developers. They are:
- Easy to learn and easy to use
- Can perform complex tasks using single line codes
- Executed one line at a time
- Cross-Platform language
- Open-source language
- Object-Oriented Language
Top 10 Tools Python Programmers Should Learn in 2024
We know the python language is gaining popularity these days. The open-source programming language is making the work of developers easy and it is very friendly to beginners also. Python or any other programming language gives its best o the developers with the help of libraries, communities, and tools. So let us look at some tools which Python programmers should learn in 2024.
PyCharm IDE
PyCharm IDE is considered one of the best Integrated Development Environments for Python. This is an online Integrated Development Environment created by JetBrains. This IDE helps the developers to complete their work efficiently and on time. The feature of autocomplete helps the developers to see the available codes when they started to type. It also points out the errors in typing codes. PyCharm IDE is the most used and trusted IDE by most Python Developers.
Jupyter Notebook
If you are a Data Scientist or Machine Learning engineer, Jupyter Notebook Integrated Development Environment is best suited for you. Most of the IDEs need to run the entire program to find out the errors, but in the Jupyter notebook, the programmer has to execute only one cell to test. This helps in saving time and completing the project efficiently.
Keras is an open-source Artificial Intelligence tool. The open-source feature help developers to add features and it gains efficiency and popularity. It makes the creation of neural projects very easy and on time.
Pip Package
To get more exposure to python language like in the fields of data scientist, machine learning engineer, etc the developer needs to install some more python packages. For that purpose, the Pip package is used. It is used to install any Python packages that are needed to use in the Python language.
Python Anywhere
This is a beginner-friendly tool. Except for other tools, this one doesn’t need python to be installed. This is a tool in which the beginners can write single codes in python, or can know more about python language without installing it.
SciKit-Learn is one of the best python libraries for data scientists. It is an open-source machine learning library. Scikit-Learn is an efficient python library that is built on top of libraries like NumPy, matplotlib, etc.
The great advantage of Python is the variety of codes available online. Most developers create their open-source codes and other developers can use them. For this purpose, the developer has to generate documentation for his code. Here comes the help of the sphinx tool. It is the most helpful tool in generating documentation.
It is a multiple platform tool. Selenium tool helps in experimenting with a web application such as word press across multiple browsers. A developer can design a simple script using python and can do automatic testing with the use of other languages also.
9. BeautifulSoup
Another tool that is essential for python programmers. It is a python module tool that helps in parsing HTML documents from websites. This is a tool that is widely used by data scientists.
Sublime Text
Sublime Text is a text editor tool. It is used to create clean python codes. This is a multiple platform tool that is very fast and easy to do. This has the added advantage of plugins which help the developers to add more functions or software to make their project better
Python is gaining popularity day by day. This is a beginner-friendly programming language. The help of these above tools and the large python communities help beginners to build a better career in python.