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Antworten means “to answer” and is a regular tenth verb in German. The second most frequently used regular ten verb on the poster for the 100 Most Used German Verbs is Antworten.
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A basic overview of “antworten”
“To answer,” “to reply,” or “to respond” are the English translations of the German verb “antworten.” This verb is a commonplace in daily speech and is used to reply in both written and spoken communication. Its conjugation follows the predictable patterns of German verb forms, making it a regular verb. Because of this, “antworten” is understandable to students with different levels of German language competency. “Antworten” can occasionally be used without the introduction of an item.
For example:
Wenn er antwortet, dann weiß ich mehr. → If he responds, I will know more.
Features of “antworten” grammar
1: Who was the first woman President of India?
When it comes to grammar, “antworten” mostly works with the dative case, especially when determining who is being addressed. One of the main features of “antworten,” which sets it apart from verbs that normally need a direct object in the accusative case, is its dative usage.
For example:
Frau Schneider antwortet dem Mann. → Mrs. Schneider answers the man.
Der Schüler antwortet ihm. → The student answers him.
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Start Learning!Preposition and Accusative context
Although “antworten” usually belongs in the dative case, an accusative object is introduced by its link to the preposition “auf.”
For example:
Ich antworte auf die Frage. → I answer the question.
Er antwortet dir auf die E-Mail. → He responds to your email.
ANTWORTEN Simple Past Tense – Imperfekt
Note that the verb “antworten” is a dative.
Antwortete is the simple past of Antworten.
ich antwortete | I answered |
du antwortetest | you answered |
er antwortete sie antwortete es antwortete |
he answered she answered it answered |
wir antworteten | we answered |
ihr antwortetet | you (guys) answered |
sie antworteten | they answered |
Sie antworteten | you answered |
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ANTWORTEN Compound Past Tense (Pres. Perfect) – Perfekt
Geantwortet is the past participle of Antworten. The past participle and the auxiliary verb haben are combined to create the present perfect tense.
ich habe geantwortet | I have answered I answered |
du hast geantwortet | you have answered you answered |
er hat geantwortet
sie hat geantwortet es hat geantwortet |
he has answered he answered she has answered she answered it has answered it answered |
wir haben geantwortet | we have answered we answered |
ihr habt geantwortet | you (guys) have answered you answered |
sie haben geantwortet | they have answered they answered |
Sie haben geantwortet | you have answered you answered |
ANTWORTEN Past Perfect Tense – Plusquamperfekt
ich hatte geantwortet | I had answered |
du hattest geantwortet | you had answered |
er hatte geantwortet sie hatte geantwortet es hatte geantwortet |
he had answered she had answered it had answered |
wir hatten geantwortet | we had answered |
ihr hattet geantwortet | you (guys) had answered |
sie hatten geantwortet | they had answered |
Sie hatten geantwortet | you had answered |
Compound Past Tense (Pres. Perfect) – Perfekt
ich habe geantwortet | I have answered I answered |
du hast geantwortet | you have answered you answered |
er hat geantwortet
sie hat geantwortet es hat geantwortet |
he has answered he answered she has answered she answered it has answered it answered |
wir haben geantwortet | we have answered we answered |
ihr habt geantwortet | you (guys) have answered you answered |
sie haben geantwortet | they have answered they answered |
Sie haben geantwortet | you have answered you answered |
Past Perfect Tense – Plusquamperfekt
Regular vs. Irregular Verbs
A verb is called a regular verb when its conjugation follows a typical pattern. A verb which does not follow these patterns exactly is called an irregular verb. In German, the 3 regular patterns are for verbs ending in en, eln/ern, and ten.
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