Table of Contents
If you’re new to coding and 3D games, it may seem like learning such a thing could never be considered fun. And yet, plenty of people will tell you that it’s true! With the right combination of patience and perseverance, you can absolutely learn how to code and create 3D games that are truly impressive! Here are some ways that you can make your coding experience truly fun and exciting.
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Why Learn To Code?
Coding is one of today’s most in-demand skills. The market is booming, with entire industries springing up around web development, app creation, robotics, VR/AR, artificial intelligence, and more. Tech companies are looking for people who can build next-generation technology—and that often means learning to code. The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts that computer programmers will experience a growth rate of 17% from 2014-to 2024 (much faster than average). Even beyond coding itself, data analysis has become critical for anyone working in business or government. At some point in their careers, many people will use tools like Excel to analyze information. In fact, many non-tech jobs now require proficiency with tech tools like Google Docs.
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Is It Hard?
Not at all. These sites are aimed at teaching kids (and adults!) how to code, so you can expect them to be fairly simple and user-friendly. Even if you’re not a kid, though, learning how these games work is helpful in understanding what they’re made of. You don’t have to be a programmer—in fact, that’s often discouraged—but it helps if you have an appreciation for real-world systems. If you do decide to learn programming as an adult, just remember: it’s tough! Think of yourself like a child trying out your parents’ hobby instead of a grownup trying out their children’s toys. It’s less frustrating that way and more productive too.
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Start With a Game Engine
There are quite a few great game engines for programming newbies. Unity is one of them, but it’s expensive at $1500 USD per developer seat. The Unreal Engine is free if you don’t plan on selling your games, but otherwise, you have to pay $19 per month for an engine that isn’t as intuitive or user-friendly as Unity. If you want something a little cheaper and completely free, there are other options out there—many of which are better than what you get with either of those two pricier engines.
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I’m Not Good At Math. Can I Still Do This?
Many adults find coding intimidating because it requires math, but there are ways around that. First, don’t think of it as math; rather, think of it as logic. A lot of people tell me they’re not good at math and want to be a programmer but they don’t do well in geometry or algebra class, says Jack Mottram, senior developer evangelist at GitHub. We can start by thinking about code-like instructions for what you want a computer to do. It doesn’t have anything to do with numbers. It has everything to do with building a process from one step in your head, down on paper, and onto another computer.
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Do Kids Have An Advantage Over Adults In Learning To Code?
Research has shown that adults can learn new languages more quickly than children. But what about adults learning to code? Does our life experience count against us, or are we able to learn just as quickly as kids? The answer is actually a bit of both. As it turns out, adults have an advantage when it comes to coding over younger kids. The reason for that boils down to cognitive development, a concept in psychology that refers specifically to our understanding of numbers, patterns, relationships between objects/ideas, etc. Basically, being able to see relationships between different ideas (or concepts) makes it easier for people of all ages—adults included—to understand coding concepts like loops and conditions.
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How Much Time Does It Take?
No time at all really, if you’re just starting out. To make a game, you only need an idea—and a computer with internet access. From there, it doesn’t matter if you have no experience; you can learn how to code or create 3D games. It won’t happen overnight though. You’ll want to set aside several hours each week for gaming and coding, depending on your personal pace of learning new skills (3D games are much more difficult than coding). After some serious study (this may take months), you should be ready to bring your game idea into reality by getting beta testers involved. Of course, eventually, you will want graphics artists on board as well as other creative professionals in order to finish up your masterpiece.
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Which Programming Language Should I Learn First?
That really depends on what your goals are. But if you’re a complete beginner, I would say start with Python. It’s a general-purpose language that offers most of what other languages have (e.g., C, C++), yet it’s easy to learn and very forgiving in case you make mistakes along the way. If you want more details about why Python is such a great programming language for beginners, check out our overview of top programming languages for beginners.
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What Are Some Programming Books For Beginners I Can Read On My Own?
As you learn to program, it’s helpful to have some guidance. There are many books on programming for beginners, but a few stand out. Start with The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Learning Python, then move on to How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python or Python Programming: An Introduction to Computer Science. If you want more of a challenge, check out Programming Pearls or Elements of Programming Interviews. They’ll teach you all sorts of techniques that will improve your programming abilities in any language. These books might help get you interested in learning how to make your own games, which can be pretty fun.
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Where Can I Find Free Tutorials Or Videos On How To Learn To Code?
After deciding to take on a coding project, it can be overwhelming knowing where to start. There are many different approaches you can take, each with its own pros and cons: • Watch YouTube videos: While watching others do something is a great way to learn if you’re hoping to improve your skills by doing lots of coding yourself, YouTube videos may not cut it. YouTube videos tend to focus more on teaching beginners how they can get things done rather than delving into how code works behind the scenes. If you’re just starting out, making small changes yourself will help cement concepts in your mind and let you experiment without worrying about breaking anything.
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What About Learning To Make Games? Should I Do This Too?
Make no mistake—coding is important, but so is learning to tell stories through art. Game design, character creation, storyboarding; all of these skills are in high demand right now. And you’re able to develop those skills quickly with online tools like Scratch or RPG Maker MV. There’s no need to wait until college (or even high school). All you need is some time and some practice. So if you want a second pursuit after coding games… go for it!
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What Are Some Other Good Beginner Resources You Suggest?
The best way to learn is just by doing it. Don’t worry about making mistakes. The most important thing is that you start because practice makes perfect. But if you are brand new, here are some resources I would recommend: CodeAcademy: This website offers interactive courses in HTML & CSS, JavaScript, Python, jQuery, PHP, and Ruby on Rails. Codecademy also has a huge community forum where people ask questions and answer each other’s questions too. If you are interested to learn new coding skills, the Entri app will help you to acquire them very easily. Entri app is following a structural study plan so that the students can learn very easily. If you don’t have a coding background, it won’t be any problem. You can download the Entri app from the google play store and enroll in your favorite course.
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