Table of Contents
Programming is an interesting skill, one that many find frustrating to learn because there isn’t any shortcut; you have to put in the time and effort to get it right. That being said, getting started can be tricky – especially if you don’t know where to start or what tools to use. To help out new programmers, we’ve compiled some tips on how to tackle the common problems of programming and created some resources you can use at each stage of your learning journey!
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Learn How To Code By Going Online
Luckily, you don’t have to go to a brick-and-mortar school or college to learn how to code. The internet offers up a vast amount of free resources on just about any subject you can think of. Take advantage of it! Try searching on YouTube and other free online sites that offer tutorials; find out what coding platforms people are using (such as GitHub or Stack Overflow), and see if there are meetups in your area where you can connect with others who are learning how to code.
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Get a Mentor
1: Which of the following data structures allows elements to be added and removed in a Last-In, First-Out (LIFO) order?
Before you even try to code, it can be helpful to find a mentor. A programmer who’s been in your shoes can help you learn things quicker and faster, warn you about pitfalls they’ve seen other people fall into, or answer questions that are specific to your business and your goals. If you’re stuck at any point or having trouble getting started with a project, a good mentor is invaluable. Or, if you have an idea but don’t know how to execute it, a mentor can give you valuable input on whether it will work in reality.
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Don’t Overcomplicate It
When you first start coding, it’s easy to get excited and overcomplicate things. It can be tempting to try and include every feature you ever wanted in your game, but that’s just going to lead to a slow-moving and unplayable game. The most important part is getting your first playable prototype completed. Keep it simple, focus on gameplay, and scale up later if needed. Build an engine that works now – not one that could work in a perfect world where you know everything there is to know about what your game needs. In other words: Don’t get carried away!
Use Technology As Your Companion
When you start learning to code, technology will be your best friend. Software like JavaScript editors and cloud-based IDEs make it easier than ever to jump into web development. Before long, you’ll be writing code from your phone and tablet with ease—leaving you more time to get back to what really matters: making stuff! For starters, check out
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Build Strong Relationships With Others Who Are Learning
When you first start learning how to code, it can be tempting to cut yourself off from other people—not only because it’s easier that way, but also because you might feel intimidated. While there are some situations where it’s appropriate to work alone (e.g., your boss is expecting a project by deadline), it’s important to form relationships with others who are on similar paths as you. The more connected you are with people who know what they’re doing and are willing to help out, the less stressful and lonely your journey will be. Consider joining online communities where new programmers share resources, ask questions, and encourage each other along the way.
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Ask Questions
The best way to learn how to code is by doing. You’ll have questions along the way, and those are great opportunities to practice your skills. There are lots of resources online that can help you figure out common questions, like Stack Overflow or Programming Subreddit. If you get stuck, don’t be afraid to ask other people for help—that’s a lot easier than you might think! Getting stuck doesn’t mean that you aren’t a good programmer; it just means you haven’t found all of your questions yet.
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Learn More Than One Programming Language
Knowing more than one programming language is a valuable asset since each language excels at solving certain types of problems. Knowing two or three programming languages also makes you a better programmer, because you’ll develop intuition and appreciation for how languages are designed. Take JavaScript, Ruby, and Python as examples; each has a very different style that reflects its developers’ goals and values. Similarly, they solve different kinds of problems in different ways. As such, learning multiple languages gives you insight into how to use each effectively and when it’s appropriate to use them (and which ones will best suit your needs). It also helps you become a better programmer: Thinking about solutions from many angles leads to breakthrough ideas and better solutions to common problems.
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No matter how much you know, nothing will matter unless you put it into practice. Practicing what you’ve learned is where a lot of self-taught developers run into trouble: rather than working on projects that are big enough to be interesting, but small enough to be completed in a reasonable amount of time, they work on projects that are too big and eventually give up in frustration. This doesn’t mean learning from books alone isn’t valuable, just that practicing on your own is better done once you have some concrete knowledge to build upon. One way or another (whether it’s taking classes, reading blogs, or books like these), find ways to build and complete small projects as part of your journey toward becoming a software developer.
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Know What You Want Out Of Programming Before Starting
If you’re new to programming, it can be difficult to know what direction to take. There are a lot of factors to consider when deciding whether or not programming is right for you—from your skillset and personal interests, to whether or not you have what it takes mentally and emotionally. Rather than just diving in headfirst without thinking about your goals and motivations, it’s wise to take some time before beginning a programming education. What do you want out of a career in coding? Are you interested in applying your skills solely within an organization, or do you prefer freelancing on projects with multiple different employers? Do you like being paid by results or by the hour? And so on.
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Stay Motivated!
Being a programmer can be difficult. There are days you will look at your monitor and think to yourself, What did I get myself into? or How am I ever going to finish all of my code?! Don’t lose hope! Learning how to code is a long process, and it’s okay if you need a break every now and then. It’s important that you stay motivated and find ways to keep learning! Here are some tips: 1) Talk with others: It helps to talk with others who share your interests in programming. If you don’t know anyone who knows how to program, consider joining an online community like Hacker News or Reddit – there are plenty out there devoted to programmers and developers. If you are interested to learn new coding skills, the Entri app will help you to acquire them very easily. Entri app is following a structural study plan so that the students can learn very easily. If you don’t have a coding background, it won’t be any problem. You can download the Entri app from the google play store and enroll in your favorite course.
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