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Peace and love to everyone! Do you know why peace day is celebrated every year? What is the role that peace plays in our lives? Do you know the theme of this year’s peace day?
International peace day is celebrated annually on 21st September 2022. The theme for this years’ international peace day is as follows “Recovering better for an equitable and sustainable world”. The international day of peace is celebrated every year to assure peace and security to people across the globe. It is the duty of each and every individual to devote time and energy for the sake of the protection of the peace and welfare of fellow human beings. The ideals of peace must be strengthened. The UN General Assembly has decided to celebrate this year as a part of the strengthening of the concept related to peace. The observance of nonviolence is one of the best ways to propagate the idea of international peace day 2022.
International Day of Peace 2022
International peace day is an announcement to ensure the peace existing in the country and within ourselves. Peace can be obtained only by individual effort. Peace is a collective effort. Human beings prefer peace above everything. Peace is the main ingredient for a happy life. Collective peace and individual peace are the twin side of the same coin. Maintaining peace should be the agenda of the entire human race. International peace day attempts to convince the people to maintain the dignity of the peace and to understand the value of peace. The international peace day observance allows the people to find the wisdom that is embodied in the concept of peace.
The citizens are encouraged to use creativity and collective effort to protect the peace and security of their lives. Peace matters, it is an integral part of existence. This day helps people to understand the importance of a better society and resilience. It teaches us how to transform our world into a better place through the collective effort of the people. Maintaining peace is regarded as the common agenda of mankind. Peace defines human existence. Equality, freedom, justness, uprightness, sustainability, purity and health can influence the concept of peace directly or indirectly.
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What is the Real Ideology of Peace?
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It is important to give shelter, food medicine and life care to everyone in society. Peace can be guaranteed if equality prevails in the country. Peace can only unify the citizens alike. It is the duty of each and every citizen to work for the peace and well being of the country. Peace can be threatened if individuals turn out to be self-centered. A kind and compassionate heart can emit a truly peaceful atmosphere. The conflicts disrupt the peace. Wars, atrocities, bombing, conflicts and slaughter can destroy peaceful existence. Guaranteeing peace is the ultimate goal of individual existence. War and violence can destroy peaceful well-being. It is the duty of the individual to never pay the way for the activities that can facilitate violence.
The constant struggle in the name of religion, caste, gender, sexuality, equality and freedom and the pandemic situation threatens peaceful existence. It is the peace that helps the generations to sustain. Human lives are striving for peace and happiness. They should go hand in hand. Mutual understanding, respect and empathy can assure the best results. In order to confront the common enemy, we should stay strong. Peace comes when you opt for nonviolence above violence and death. It is important to make peace with each other and most importantly maintain peace with nature. Life can move on without disruption if you are immersed yourself in peace and related activities. A green and sustainable economy can also assure a better and peaceful life. Human beings sort for peace and happiness at any cost. It comes out naturally if you try to maintain an excellent connection with nature itself.
A sustainable world can bring about changes. A sustainable world can create peace and beauty. Equal life opportunities can build peace among people. Celebrate peace together and maintain the balance of a peaceful existence. Recover from the blows and survive for a better world.
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Start Learning!Traditions and History of International Peace Day
In order to ensure and strengthen the standards of peace, the International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly. cease-fire and non-violence are the basic part of the celebration. The promotion of peace through gender, religious, sexual and secular equality is the key to live happily in the world. The open-mindedness and the acceptance mentality of the people across the world can ensure peace among human relations. Many organizations and institutions around the world participate in the peace day celebration as it is part of the development of each country. Sending messages related to the concept of peace is yet another thing that is worth noting. The messages by the great people that convey the relevance of peace in the world are accepted by the whole world without any questions.
Art exhibitions, special sessions etc organized by the organizations can convey the meaning of the word peace to the society. It is the primary means to grab the attention of a wider audience. It is inevitable to educate the society, the society should dismantle the myths related to peace and understand the value of protecting the same. The hidden meaning behind the word peace should be taken into consideration. Peace signifies not only the peace existing in the centre of the society but also the peace emanating from the inner core of the individual self. Learning and teaching the future generation about the importance of protection of the peace and thereby protecting the self from destruction. Peace is the light that guides society to a better zone. Let’s hold hands together to build a society with peace and happiness.
How to Celebrate Peace Day?
Global peace can be achieved in umpteen number of ways. Searching and finding the best way is the most important thing that we ought to do. Educating the younger generation about the importance of peace and execute some of the interesting things to maintain the peace and well being of fellow humans is the most important thing is worth noting.
The organizations including private aim to promote through various activities. This can promote the concept of peace. The global peace feast can create communal harmony and observing global golden silence minutes can enrich the experience of people. These can alter the outlook of the people towards the concept of peace. Peace within and peace around is the most essential thing that human beings are striving hard to seek. It matters as long as we are destined to live in this land of glory. Many of the great men destroyed themselves for the sake of bringing peace nationally and internationally. So, this day can be used to remember those forgotten souls.
International Peace Day Themes 2022
- Understand the value of peace
- Work for the cause of peace
- Seek peace around and within
- Peace starts from individual self
- Seek peace in multi-cultural harmony
- Promote stability
- Encourage economic and social growth
- Eradicate poverty
- Ensure safety and security
- Stand against injustice
- Respect human rights
- Identify the fundamentals in the society
- Stand against war and violence
- Create a better world
- Stop discrimination
- Promote equality and sustenance
- Promote cultural and social growth
- Contribute to the growth and development
- Carry the ideas of non-violence
- Educate generations
- Stay lively and uphold peace as the power of the soul
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Start Learning!International Peace Day – Importance of Peace
International peace day can connect people across the world. Amidst the pandemic situation, people from different nations, communities come together to make a notable change in society. It makes a reasonable connection between people belonging to various strata of society. International peace day reminds us to believe in the power that lies within ourselves. The day can even help people to believe in the power of the individual soul. The big impacts on society sprouts from the simple steps. Bring the world along with you when you battle against the evil forces and powers to establish peace.
The day is significant as it coincided with the grand opening day of the annual sessions of the General Assembly. The aim of the celebration of this day is to stop affirm and strengthen the ideals of peace across the world.
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Peaceful Ideas
The first known Peace Movements are the famous Peace of God (989 AD) and Truce of God (1027 AD). The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901 and also most interestingly Iceland was ranked the most peaceful country in the world in 2008.
- Peace is a concept of societal friendship
- Peace symbolizes vitality and harmony devoid of hostility and violence.
- Peace is also the lack of conflict and freedom
- Peace treaties are introduced by the officials.
- Peace awards are distributed
- The Anglo-French term
- Pes comes from the Latin pax, meaning peace, tranquillity, absence of hostility, harmony.
- The English word is the translation of the Hebrew word shalom
- According to Jewish theology, the word comes from a Hebrew verb meaning to be complete, whole
International Peace Day 2022 – Peace Quotes
- “ Peace cannot be kept by force. It can only be achieved by understanding.” —Albert Einstein
- “Nobody can bring you peace but yourself.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson
- “Peace begins with a smile.” —Mother Teresa
- “Peace is a daily, a weekly, a monthly process, gradually changing opinions, slowly eroding old barriers, quietly building new structures.” —John F. Kennedy
- Peace is liberty in tranquillity.” —Marcus Tullius Cicero
- “Peace brings with it so many positive emotions that it is worth aiming for in all circumstances.” —Estella Eliot
- “Peace is a journey of a thousand miles and it must be taken one step at a time.” —Lyndon B. Johnson
- “Every breath we take, every step we make, can be filled with peace, joy and serenity.” —Thich Nhat Hanh
- “Don’t search for anything except peace. Try to calm the mind. Everything else will come on its own.” —Baba Hari Das
- “It isn’t enough to talk about peace. One must believe in it. And it isn’t enough to believe in it. One must work at it.” —Eleanor Roosevelt
The international day of peace is an affirmation to keep peace alive. Amidst the selfish and competitive world, it is important to spend time to ponder upon the concept of peace. It is celebrated annually in the schools, colleges, institutions in both the private and public sectors. The celebration on September 21st itself is an oath for the protection and safeguarding of peace. The peace depends on both peace from within and without. The international day of peace is a reminder to safeguard peace and happiness in the world. Bringing harmony together can only help mankind to live and enjoy together.