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Do you know why international red panda day is celebrated annually? Do you know the significance of such an observance? Is panda day worth note-taking? If you can’t find logical answers to such questions, we are here for you to enlighten. Keep reading!
International red panda day is an attempt to save the red pandas from the threats they are daily facing. The international red panda day is celebrated every year on 18th September of every year. is a hope for the pandas to survive in an environment that demands more protection. This day can teach people around the globe the need of the hour. It can enrich the generation about the need to help pandas to survive in a hostile environment and to create a natural love for such adorable creatures. Let’s learn more about the international panda day 2022
History of International Red Panda Day 2022
International red panda day 2022 date is on 18th September. Red pandas can be widely seen in the eastern Himalayas and are usually found wandering all around. It is not easy to locate them at a fixed point. Sleeping, roaming and resting on the treetop are important activates o freed pandas. Red pandas are famous for being sleepy and spending almost the most important part of their life idle and aloof. They can be seen in dusk and dawn most commonly. The sleeping pandas are a routine view for those who wish to observe them vigorously. Red pandas are nocturnal. Being the native to eastern Himalaya it is frequented to sense the presence of pandas in that area.
Pandas are a part of out earth and the extinction of the pandas can be disastrous. Thus, the International Panda Day is observed globally. This is to promote aware regarding the extinction of pandas and bring more thoughts to save them.
What is the Significance of Red Panda Day 2022
The Red Panda Network is the first organization that is launched for the protection of the red pandas across the globe. The international red panda day was launched in 2010 for the first time. Red panda activates can be organized in schools, colleges and zoos. International red panda day facilitates the saving activates of pandas around us.
International Red Panda Day 2022 Theme
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International Red Panda Day 2022 theme is to save the red pandas from extinction.The pandas are on the verge of extinction because of the human activists. The developmental and expansion activities led to the destruction of the natural habitat of the red pandas. They are struggling at large for survival. As the number of trees that are cut down per year is vastly increasing, the pandas can’t stick to the trees and bamboos. They are now experiencing a loss of their natural habitat. Deforestation for the human purpose is having a negative impact on the lives of pandas. Thus, saving the pandas are the motivation and theme of the International Panda Day 2022.
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Start Learning!International Red Panda Day 2022: Celebration
Red panda day can be internationally celebrated in creative ways. It can range from visiting a red panda zoo to the decision of adopting a red panda as a pet. The ultimate aim of this day is to save the red panda company from danger and help them to survive the worst condition.
1. Visit zoo
Visit the local zoo and support them in their survival. Help them to survive in their natural habitat. You can take your friends along with you to visit pandas at the zoo and let them know about the real struggle of the red pandas.
2. Learn new facts about Red Pandas
On International Panda Day, share the most amazing and interesting facts about red pandas and make others interested in pandas. SO, that the people can feel the necessity for saving this cute animal:
- Red pandas utilize 55% of their days sleeping.
- Red pandas are most active in the early morning
- Red pandas are solitary creatures,
- Red Pandas don’t gather together for social reasons
- they communicate through head bobbing or tail arching.
- Never mistaken Red Pandas as bears.
- They belong to the Ailuridae family.
- They prefer to eat bamboo.
- They resemble racoon
- Red Pandas are snow lovers.
3. Eco trip
visit one of the most bio diverse places in the world and share your Eco trip experience through social networks. This is one of the best ways to allure more people to the lives of red pandas. The local hospitality and small group travel experience can be an eye-opener for many people across the world. This can be an activity that can help the candidates to shift their active attention to the mission of saving red pandas.
4. Lend a helping hand
Give a helping hand to those people who wish to save these little creatures from destruction and damage. The orientation program, the campaigns and the donations can be used as various methods to save the panda community. It should be regarded as the duty of the people to save the lives of pandas that have historical, cultural and biological significance. Your little efforts matter a lot. The panda community need more volunteers to save them from impending danger.
The third Saturday in September is officially dedicated to international red panda day. The international red panda day facilitators the organizing of the campaigns which can help the kind hearts to increase the awareness activities to save their natural environment and habitat thereby saving them from endangering. Giant pandas are different from red pandas. There is no actual relationship between red pandas and white pandas at all. Except
Red pandas are much smaller than the more familiar black and white pandas. In fact, red pandas are not related to giant pandas at all. The weight of the red pandas ranges between 12 to 20 pounds. It can be either associated with domestic cats or raccoons. They prefer living in the trees. Deforestation, poaching, and the illegal pet trade are the cause for the extinction of the pandas from their natural environment. As these little creatures are highly adorable, they can be seen as the favorite characters of kids and teenagers.
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5. Watch and encourage movies, series and cartoons have red pandas
- The fur color of the red panda is cinnamon.
- discovered red pandas in the year 1825
- bear-cat, Firefox, and Himalayan raccoon have similarities with the red pandas
- Red pandas symbolize life.
- Red pandas help to keep forests healthy
- Red pandas can keep the water clean
- They are major agents that can make the ecosystem vibrant.
- Saving the red panda is equal to the protection of the ecological integrity
International Red Panda Day Quotes
- Pandas need our attention, the sleepy creatures need a world to exist
- Let’s join our hands to save the pandas
- Red Pandas are at the verge of extinction. Act Now!
- Bring up humanity and save the pandas
- Pandas are sleepy, but often cute and peace loving
Red Panda in India
The major attraction of the red panda is its tail which is big and bushy. It usually adds almost 18 inches extra to its original size. The red pandas have a natural affinity towards bamboo but they also prefer roots, eggs, acorns and fruits according to their mood. They are noted for their extended wrist bone. The wrist bone in the pandas can function as a thumb which can facilitate the gripping effect. This gripping effect can help them with the activity of climbing.
Red pandas are rust colored. It is easily visible to the naked eyes. The loss of the natural habitat exposes them to predators and a number of red pandas are now extinct. The panda population is witnessing a decline in the population of the red pandas. Around 10,000 are doubled just to save this wild creature from further extinction. The red pandas are different from giant pandas. They are smaller and different in color when compared to the giant pandas. The size of the red panda can be compared to the size of a house cat.
Red panda | Overview |
Scientific name | Ailurus fulgens |
Family | Ailuridae |
Kingdom | Animalia |
Phylum | Chordata |
Order | Carnivora |
Conservation status | Endangered |
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Start Learning!Red Pandas Facts
- The red panda is native to the eastern Himalayas and southwestern China.
- It is a carnivorous community
- It is listed as Endangered-on the IUCN Red List
- Endangered due to habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, and inbreeding depression.
- Reddish-brown fur, a long, shaggy tail, and a waddling gait
- Shorter front legs
- Size of a domestic cat
- It is arboreal
- Feeds on bamboo
- A solitary animal
- Mainly active from dusk to dawn
- Also known as the lesser panda, the red bear-cat, and the red cat-bear
- The only living member of the genus Ailurus and the family Ailuridae.
- Two distinct red panda species available are the Chinese red panda and the Himalayan red panda
- The red panda has long, soft, reddish-brown fur on the upper parts,
- Blackish fur on the lower parts,
- Its skull is roundish
- Its eyes are blackish.
- Its teeth are robust.
- The head and body length of a red panda measures 50 to 64 cm
- The tail length of the red panda is 28 to 59 cm long.
- The weight of the Male red panda is 3.7 to 6.2 kg
- The weight of the female red panda is 3 to 6.0 kg
- The red panda has sharp semi-retractile claws
- It has a false thumb
Bottom Line!
It is a hope to encourage millions to look forward to the best present and future life for pandas. Red pandas are on the verge of extinction. If proper care and concern are not given to the panda community, the whole red panda species will be extinct in no time. It is the duty of the citizens across the globe to protect the pandas from vulnerability. They play a vital role in the conservation of the environment. They are part of the ecosystem. It is the moral duty of the people to protect those creatures. Saving red panda life is equal to saving the ecosystem and nature as a whole.
Let’s work together to save the red panda community from endanger. Red pandas are struggling hard to survive in the existing conditions. Conservation of the natural habitat has become an inevitability. The red panda life has turned out you be one of the life of misery. So, international red panda day can help people to be aware of the importance of saving and nurturing red pandas across the world. This day helps the people to join hands to save them from death and destruction.