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A comprehensive grasp of both basic and advanced Python topics is necessary to prepare for an Oracle Python developer interview. Oracle, one of the top technological firms in the world, is looking for experts that can use Python to boost productivity and creativity in their solutions. Understanding the kind of questions that could be asked in an Oracle Python interview can provide you a big advantage, regardless of your level of expertise as a developer or as a recent graduate.
We will examine some of the most frequent and difficult interview questions that Oracle Python developers must answer in this revised tutorial. You’ll get insights into the kinds of questions that are asked, the reasoning behind them, and how to best prepare for them by using this extensive resource. This tutorial aims to give you the information and self-assurance you need to ace your interview, covering everything from basic syntax to intricate problem-solving methods.
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Among the biggest in the nation, Oracle is an international computer technology company with its headquarters located in Austin, Texas. Oracle provides cloud-engineered systems, enterprise software products, database software, and technology. It also produces its own range of database management systems.
Oracle is second among software businesses in terms of sales and market capitalization. The company is well-known for developing and producing tools for middle-tier software systems. And database development, supply chain management, human capital management, enterprise resource planning, enterprise performance management, and customer relationship management (CRM).
Why Oracle
1: Which of the following data types is immutable in Python?
Oracle is one of the top global suppliers of business software and IT solutions. It is the second-biggest software company in the world by sales. Data scientists and software engineers regard it as one of the most sought-after organisations due to its exceptional reputation.
- The company employs challenging Oracle interview questions and maintains a stringent recruiting criteria. It carefully assesses applications, thus having a solid plan is essential if you want to ace this interview.
- Review the frequently asked Oracle interview questions, make sure you understand the prerequisites. and rehearse your solutions in order to appear confident on the day of the interview.
- The company develops database development tools, enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, supply chain management (SCM). Also customer relationship management (CRM), enterprise performance management (EPM), and human capital management (HCM).
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Get Started NowCareer Options for Python in Oracle
- Oracle’s outstanding work culture and core principles, in addition to its superior products, are major contributors to the company’s increasing prominence in the IT industry.
- Software professionals always aspire to have a good work-life balance, and Oracle is well known for having one.
- Python experts can work at Oracle, a major worldwide supplier of enterprise software and cloud computing solutions, in a number of different capacities.
- Python programmers can find employment at Oracle as database developers, machine learning, data scientists, cloud engineers, cybersecurity analysts, and research scientists in AI/ML.
- The mentioned roles leverage Python’s adaptability to develop and oversee software, evaluate extensive datasets, construct and implement machine learning models. And oversee cloud infrastructure, enhance DevOps processes, enhance database solutions, automate security measures, and conduct state-of-the-art AI/ML research.
Oracle interview Process
Oracle’s hiring staff selects highly qualified candidates with a variety of relevant backgrounds and fosters an inclusive work environment. Oracle recruiters are looking for skilled problem solvers with strong analytical abilities who can take on contemporary challenges.
1. Interview Process
2. Interview Rounds
Coding Round (Online):
Initially, there is an online exam round with multiple-choice questions covering fundamental topics such data structures and algorithms, networking, object-oriented programming, and database management systems, as well as logical thinking and quantitative analysis.
Technical Interview Round 1:
During the Technical Interview Round, the candidate is scheduled for a phone conversation or video chat during which their coding abilities are evaluated. In most interviews, the candidate is asked two questions about algorithms and data structures.
Technical Interview Round 2:
In this phase of the personal interview, difficult and intricate questions based on data structures are asked. In this phase, the candidate’s CV may also be the subject of questions. Additionally, some interviewers like to evaluate a candidate’s capacity to think critically by asking problems.
HR Round:
During this informal round of questions, the interviewer can inquire about the candidate’s work history in general as well as ethical concerns. This aids the business in determining whether the candidate will fit in with their culture.
Top Oracle Python Interview Questions
Q1. Discuss about Python namespaces?
Answer: In Python, a namespace describes the name that is given to each object. In Python, namespaces are maintained similarly to a dictionary, where the address of an object is its value and the namespace serves as the dictionary’s key.
The many kinds are as follows:
- Built-in-namespace: Namespaces that hold all of Python’s built-in objects.
- The namespaces that are formed when you call your main programme are collectively referred to as the global namespace.
- Namespaces at the upper lever are enclosed.
- Namespaces inside local functions are referred to as local namespaces.
Q2. Explain Break, Pass and Continue statements in Python ?
Break: In Python code or programmes, the use of a break statement instantly ends the loop and returns control to the statement that came before the loop’s body.
Continue: In Python code or programmes, the use of a continue statement breaks or terminates the current iteration of the statement instantly. It also skips the remaining programme in the current iteration and directs flow to the next iteration of the loop.
Pass: In Python code or programmes, the use of the pass statement fills in the program’s blank spaces.
GL = [10, 30, 20, 100, 212, 33, 13, 50, 60, 70]
for x in GL:
if (x == 0):
current = x
print(x) # output => 1 3 1 3 1
Q3. Give me an example on how you can convert a list to a string?
Answer: The example that follows will demonstrate how to change a list into a string. The “.join” function can be used to accomplish the same thing when converting a list to a string.
fruits = [ ‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘strawberry’, ‘raspberry’, ‘orange’]
listAsString = ‘ ‘.join(fruits)
apple, banana, strawberry, raspberry, orange
Q4.Could you provide me an example of how to turn a list into a tuple?
Answer: The example that follows will demonstrate how to turn a list into a tuple. Use the <tuple()> method to convert a list to a tuple; however, keep in mind that tuples cannot be converted back to lists because they are immutable.
fruits = [‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘strawberry’, ‘raspberry’, ‘orange’]
listAsTuple = tuple(fruits)
(‘apple’, ‘banana’, ‘strawberry’, ‘raspberry’, ‘orange’)
Q5. Could you provide an example of writing a VIEW in Django?
Answer: Without Django Views, the Django MVT Structure is insufficient. As to the Django manual, a view function is a Python function that gets a Web request and returns a Web response. Anything that a web browser is capable of displaying could be this answer, such as an image, an XML document, a redirect, a 404 error, or the HTML content of a webpage.
Using Django views—a component of the user interface—the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript in your Template files are transformed into what you see in your browser when you present a web page. (If you have experience with other MVC (Model-View-Controller) frameworks, do not mix Django views with MVC views.) The views are similar in Django.
Q6. Discuss the use of sessions in the Django framework?
Answer: Sessions are used by Django (as well as a large portion of the Internet) to monitor the “status” of a given website and browser. You can save any quantity of data in sessions, and each time a browser connects, it becomes available on the website. The session’s data elements are then denoted by a “key,” which may be utilised to save and retrieve the data.
Django recognises any browser and the website it is connected to using a cookie that has a single character ID. By default, session data is kept in the site’s database rather than in a cookie, which leaves the data more open to attack.
Q7. Create a Python programme that outputs a number’s factorial.
Answer: The code to display a number’s factorial is shown below:
fact = 1
#Determine whether the number is 0, positive, or negative.
if num<0:
print("Sorry, , negative numbers do not have a factorial.")
elif num==0:
print("The factorial of 0 is 1")
for i in range(1,num+1):
fact = fact*i
print("The factorial of",num,"is",factorial)
Q8. Create a Python programme to determine whether the provided number is a palindrome or not.
Answer: The code to determine whether a given integer is palindrome or not is provided below:
x=int(input("Enter number:"))
print("The number is a palindrome!")
print("The number is not a palindrome!")
Q9. What is GIL?
Answer: GIL is an acronym for Global Interpreter Lock. This mutex limits access to Python objects, which aids in thread synchronisation by avoiding deadlocks. Multitasking (not parallel computing) is aided by GIL.
Q10. What is PIP?
Answer: Python Installer Package is known as PIP. It’s employed for installing different Python modules. It’s a command-line tool that unifies the installation of several Python modules into one interface. Without requiring user input, it looks through the internet for the package and installs it into the working directory.
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Q11. Explain the use of sessions in the Django framework?
Answer: Django (and much of the Internet) uses sessions to track the “status” of a particular site and browser. Sessions allow you to save any amount of data per browser and make it available on the site each time the browser connects. The data elements of the session are then indicated by a “key”, which can be used to save and recover the data.
Django uses a cookie with a single character ID to identify any browser and its website associated with the website. Session data is stored in the site’s database by default (this is safer than storing the data in a cookie, where it is more vulnerable to attackers).
Q12. What is the difference between xrange and range in Python?
Answer: range() and xrange() are inbuilt functions in python used to generate integer numbers in the specified range. The difference between the two can be understood if python version 2.0 is used because the python version 3.0 xrange() function is re-implemented as the range() function itself.
With respect to python 2.0, the difference between range and xrange function is as follows:
- range() takes more memory comparatively
- xrange(), execution speed is faster comparatively
- range () returns a list of integers and xrange() returns a generator object.
Q13. What is Scope Resolution in Python?
Answer: The variable’s accessibility is defined in python according to the location of the variable declaration, called the scope of variables in python. Scope Resolution refers to the order in which these variables are looked for a name to variable matching. Following is the scope defined in python for variable declaration.
a. Local scope – The variable declared inside a loop, the function body is accessible only within that function or loop.
b. Global scope – The variable is declared outside any other code at the topmost level and is accessible everywhere.
c. Enclosing scope – The variable is declared inside an enclosing function, accessible only within that enclosing function.
d. Built-in Scope – The variable declared inside the inbuilt functions of various modules of python has the built-in scope and is accessible only within that particular module.
The scope resolution for any variable is made in java in a particular order, and that order is
Local Scope -> enclosing scope -> global scope -> built-in scope
Q14. Explain the file processing modes that Python supports.
Answer: There are three file processing modes in Python: read-only(r), write-only(w), read-write(rw) and append (a). So, if you are opening a text file in say, read mode. The preceding modes become “rt” for read-only, “wt” for write and so on. Similarly, a binary file can be opened by specifying “b” along with the file accessing flags (“r”, “w”, “rw” and “a”) preceding it.
Q15. What is pickling and unpickling?
Answer: Pickling is the process of converting a Python object hierarchy into a byte stream for storing it into a database. It is also known as serialization. Unpickling is the reverse of pickling. The byte stream is converted back into an object hierarchy.
Q16. How is memory managed in Python?
Answer: Memory management in python comprises a private heap containing all objects and data structure. The heap is managed by the interpreter and the programmer does not have access to it at all. The Python memory manager does all the memory allocation. Moreover, there is an inbuilt garbage collector that recycles and frees memory for the heap space.
Q17. What is unittest in Python?
Answer: Unittest is a unit testing framework in Python. It supports sharing of setup and shutdown code for tests, aggregation of tests into collections,test automation, and independence of the tests from the reporting framework.]
Q18. Is Python interpreted or hybrid?
Answer: Various books and articles on the internet consider Python as an Interpreted Language. But when we write a Python program, it is first compiled and then interpreted. In the compilation part when we execute our code, a byte code is generated. This byte code internally gets converted by the Python Virtual Machine (PVM). As soon as our code gets executed the compiler part gets deleted immediately. So keeping all of these characteristics of python in mind, we can term it as a Hybrid Language.
Q19. What is a dynamically typed language?
- Static – Data Types are checked before execution.
- Dynamic – Data Types are checked during execution.
Python is an interpreted language, executes each statement line by line and thus type-checking is done on the fly, during execution. Hence, Python is a Dynamically Typed Language.
Q20. What are global, protected and private attributes in Python?
- Global variables are public variables that are defined in the global scope. To use the variable in the global scope inside a function, we use the
keyword. - Protected attributes are attributes defined with an underscore prefixed to their identifier eg. _sara. They can still be accessed and modified from outside the class they are defined in but a responsible developer should refrain from doing so.
- Private attributes are attributes with double underscore prefixed to their identifier eg. __ansh. They cannot be accessed or modified from the outside directly and will result in an AttributeError if such an attempt is made.
Q21. What is the use of self in Python?
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Why do you want to join Oracle?
Oracle employees work on several high-quality products every day, and the company offers a colossal quantity of opportunities to its employees. Additionally, the work environment is excellent, and Oracle employees receive pay that is greater than average for the software or IT industries.
Are Oracle interviews hard?
The degree to which you have prepared for an interview determines how difficult it will be. Although it differs from person to person, the questions asked in a typical Oracle interview are typically Easy to Medium Level. A candidate may find it scary at times because there are four to seven rounds of interviews. If you decide to participate, the effort will be worthwhile.