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Coding is one of the most powerful tools we have in today’s world. With it, you can create virtual products, websites, games, and even run entire businesses from the palm of your hand! But where did it come from? And what are all the things that coding has changed? Here’s a brief history of coding, as well as an explanation of how it works and how it’s changed our world.
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Our Lives Are Dependent On Code We Don’t Understand
Every day, we rely on code—and most of us don’t even realize it. The average American interacts with nearly 10 apps per day (source). Of course, your refrigerator and dishwasher use code to figure out when to turn on or off. GPS uses code to help you find your way. And some cars can diagnose themselves using software; if something goes wrong, a dashboard alert might tell you that you need an oil change, for example. Most people don’t think about these applications of code because they are so seamlessly woven into our lives and work today.
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We Can Now Get What We Want, Almost Instantly
Everyone needs a computer. It is no longer a luxury but rather it has become a necessity in our daily lives. All we need to do is to go online, log into our accounts and make an order. And that’s it. In just one or two days, what we have ordered will arrive at our doorstep without any hassle or extra stress on us at all! Online shopping is one of many changes coding has made to our world. It really has had quite an impact on our everyday lives, from convenience (instantaneous access to music, information, etc.) to security (encryption that makes shopping online safer than ever before). The revolution brought about by today’s technology can only be described as huge!
- Getting online.
- Coding changed our lifestyle.
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Understanding Coding Is Becoming More Important Than Learning Facts
Given that people of all ages can learn to code, everyone should be encouraged to at least have a rudimentary understanding of how coding works. In today’s workplace, coders are in high demand, and anyone who understands programming logic has a better chance of moving up in their career or starting their own business. A basic understanding of coding might not seem useful now but once you start learning more about what coders do and how they think, it’ll make more sense why coding is so important. It may even change your life.
- Understanding the importance of coding.
- Coding can change your life.
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Our Perception Of Information Is Changing
From books to magazines, newspapers to TV, and now in recent years, social media. You could be forgiven for thinking that you’re reading a longer version of Twitter messages. The always-on generation is developing a shorter attention span that has forced us all to read information online in small chunks. We want it faster and we want it served with a side of picture-laden updates to keep us engaged. Fast food has changed our perception of how long something should take to consume, and nowadays we don’t have time for an hour-long sit-down meal or even an hour-long meeting if there isn’t food involved!
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Governments Can Use Code To Influence Elections
If a government wants to swing an election, it can use technology to target political opponents or make them seem irrelevant. The most common method is to create a botnet, which is essentially a network of computer systems controlled by malware or remote control. These bots can be used for DDoS attacks—that is, rendering a website inaccessible until payment is made—but in democratic elections, they’re often deployed as the vote to spam. The bots are instructed to visit online voting sites and cast votes from specific addresses; with enough spam votes, real voters are effectively cut out of election activity.
- Used in elections.
- Used by-election strategists.
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There Are Too Many Ways For Bad Guys To Use Code Against Us
Malware can infect our computers, hackers can take control of our machines, algorithms can set us up for bias and injustice. The fact is, code has made things better in so many ways. What kinds of changes has coding been made? You’d be surprised! We use it to: Find love (tinder), find friends (Facebook), find cars (Uber), and even make billions of dollars doing nothing but playing games (King). It’s changed so much more than we think. But one thing is clear. Code isn’t something we should fear any more than a hammer or a drill; it’s just another tool that you need to know how to wield carefully!
Learning Coding Can Be Fun And Easy
It’s no surprise that coding is becoming a must-have skill. From business owners to doctors, everyone is trying to learn how to code. The benefits of learning coding go beyond being able to build your own websites; it can also make you more valuable as an employee and help you learn new skills faster. It can even be fun! If you’re considering whether or not learning to code is right for you, here are a few reasons why it might be.
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Schools Are Failing At Teaching Kids How To Think Algorithmically
The real world is algorithmically oriented. The real job market is filled with tasks that must be executed algorithmically, from driving a car to performing a song in front of an audience. Schools are still teaching kids how to think algorithmically even though they are not preparing them for their future careers. The reason is simple: School is easy to grade. Students either get it or they don’t; if they get it right, we can tell—and so can they. A typical question in any Algorithms 101 class asks students to compare two lists and determine which item does not belong on either list.
- In the education sector.
- Helping the students.
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There Are Massive Opportunities In Learning To Code
The need for coders is growing. The Bureau of Labor Statistics projects that software development jobs will grow 19 percent from 2016 to 2026, much faster than average. Demand for computer programmers—who work with software code—will also increase, although not as quickly as demand for application developers and systems software developers. For example, Boeing plans to hire 4,000 new workers by 2024 to support its growing aerospace technology business. The company said it needed more computer engineers and data analysts who understand artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Twitter announced plans in early 2017 to hire hundreds of new engineers and researchers at its headquarters in San Francisco; Yahoo is looking to hire 400 more people; other Bay Area tech companies are hiring at a rapid clip; plus there are opportunities nationwide. If you are interested to learn our latest coding courses, the Entri app will help you to learn simply. We are following a structural study plan that allows the students to learn easily. If you don’t have a coding background, it won’t be a problem. You can download the Entri app from the google play store and enroll in your favorite course.