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Are you familiar with the national animals of all the country? If the answer is “no”, you should read this page. Let your answer be always “yes”. Let’s explore the National Animal of All Countries. Happy reading!
The national animal is an apt ingredient to know the country well. The characteristics and peculiarities of a country can be easily identified through national animals. The national animal can be grouped into 10 categories. The national animal is officially the ultimate representation of the country. Apart from national animals, mythological animals are also on the list.
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The heraldic animals are also included in the list. Heraldic animals are the drawings of the animals that are often appearing in the shield and currency of countries. They act as the historical and cultural representation of each country. Along with national animals, there are around 10 national aquatic animals, 5 national insects, national dogs, heritage animals, reptiles, horses and even predators are included in the category.
National Animals of All Countries and Their Scientific Name
Here is the complete list of national animals of all countries. Have a good glance!
National Animals/Birds/Creatures | Scientific Name | Country | |
Fennec fox | Vulpes zerda | Algeria | |
Red-crested turaco (national bird) | Tauraco erythrolophus | Angola | |
Zenaida dove | Zenaida aurita | Anguilla | |
Fallow deer (national animal) | Dama dama | Antigua and Barbuda | |
Frigate (national bird) | Fregata magnificens | – | |
Hawksbill turtle (national sea creature) | Eretmochelys imbricata | – | |
Rufous hornero | Furnarius rufus | Argentina | |
Red kangaroo (national animal) | Macropus rufus | Australia | |
Emu (national bird) | Dromaius novaehollandiae | – | |
Blue Marlin (national fish) | Makaira nigricans | Bahamas | |
Flamingo (national bird) | Phoenicopterus ruber | – | |
Bengal tiger (national animal) | Panthera tigris tigris | Bangladesh | |
Magpie robin (national bird) | Copsychus saularis | – | |
Ilish (national fish) | Tenualosa ilisha | – | |
Plains zebra | Equus quagga | Botswana | |
Baird’s tapir (national animal) | Tapirus bairdii | Belize | |
Keel-billed toucan (national bird) | Ramphastos sulfuratus | – | |
Rufous-bellied thrush (national bird) | Turdus rufiventris | Brazil | |
Kouprey (national mammal) | Bos sauveli | Cambodia | |
Giant ibis (national bird) | Pseudibis gigantea | – | |
Northern river terrapin (national reptile) | Batagur baska | – | |
Giant barb (national fish) | Catlocarpio siamensis | – | |
North American beaver (national animal) | Castor canadensis | Canada | |
Canadian horse (national horse) | Equus ferus caballus | – | |
Yigüirro (national bird) | Turdus grayi | Costa Rica | |
White-tailed deer (national animal) | Odocoileus virginianus | – | |
West Indian manatee (national aquatic animal) | Trichechus manatus | – | |
Cuban trogon | Priotelus temnurus | Cuba | |
Red squirrel (national mammal) | Sciurus vulgaris | Denmark | |
Mute swan (national bird) | Cygnus olor | – | |
Small tortoiseshell (national butterfly) | Aglais urticae | – | |
Palmchat | Dulus dominicus | Dominican Republic | |
Torogoz (national bird) | Eumomota superciliosa | El Salvador | |
Wolf | Canis lupus | Estonia | |
Eurasian oystercatcher (national bird) | Haematopus ostralgus | Faroe Islands | |
Brown bear (national animal) | Ursus arctos | Finland | |
Whooper swan (national bird) | Cygnus cygnus | – | |
Holly blue (national butterfly) | Celastrina argiolus | – | |
European perch (national fish) | Perca fluviatilis | – | |
Seven-spot ladybird (national insect) | Coccinella septempunctata | – | |
Gallic rooster | Gallus gallus domesticus | France | |
Quetzal | Pharomachrus mocinno | Guatemala | |
Jaguar | Panthera onca | Guyana | |
Hispaniolan trogon | Priotelus roseigaster | Haiti | |
White-tailed deer | Odocoileus virginianus | Honduras | |
Gyrfalcon | Falco rusticolus | Iceland | |
Bengal tiger (national animal) | Panthera tigris tigris | India | |
Indian peacock (national bird) | Pavo cristatus | – | |
Ganges river dolphin (national aquatic animal) | Platanista gangetica gangetica | – | |
Indian elephant (national heritage animal) | Elephas maximus indicus | – | |
Komodo dragon (national animal) | Varanus komodoensis | Indonesia | |
Javan hawk-eagle (national bird) | Nisaetus bartelsi | – | |
Asian arowana (animal of charm) | Scleropages aureus | – | |
Red-billed streamertail | Trochilus polytmus | Jamaica | |
White wagtail (national bird) | Motacilla alba | Latvia | |
Two-spotted ladybird (national insect) | Adalia bipunctata | – | |
White stork | Ciconia ciconia | Lithuania | |
Malayan tiger (national animal) | Panthera tigris tigris | Malaysia | |
Black-faced spoonbill (national animal) | Platalea minor | Macau | |
Golden eagle (national animal) | Aquila chrysaetos | Mexico | |
Xoloitzcuintli (national dog) | Canis lupus familiaris | – | |
Jaguar (national mammal) | Panthera onca | – | |
Grasshopper (national arthropod) | Sphenarium purpurascens | – | |
Vaquita (national marine mammal) | Phocoena sinus | – | |
Ocelot (national feline) | Leopardus pardalis | – | |
Axolotl (national amphibian) | Ambystoma mexicanum | – | |
Barbary lion | Panthera leo leo | Morocco | |
Cow (national animal) | Bos taurus indicus | Nepal | |
Danphe (national bird) | Lophophorus impejanus | – | |
Lion (heraldic symbol) | Panthera leo | Netherlands | |
Black-tailed godwit (national bird) | Limosa limosa | – | |
Kiwi | Apteryx sp. | New Zealand | |
Guardabarranco (National bird) | Eumomota superciliosa | Nicaragua | |
Chollima | Mythical | North Korea | |
Lion (royal national animal) | Panthera leo | Norway | |
White-throated dipper (national bird) | Cinclus cinclus | – | |
Fjord horse (national horse) | Equus ferus caballus | – | |
Arabian oryx (national animal) | Oryx leucoryx | Oman | |
Markhor (national animal) | Capra falconeri | Pakistan | |
Indus river dolphin (national aquatic mammal) | Platanista indicus minor | – | |
Chukar (national bird) | Alectoris chukar | – | |
Mugger crocodile (national reptile) | Crocodylus palustris | – | |
Shaheen falcon (heritage bird) | Falco peregrinus peregrinator | – | |
Snow leopard (national predator) | Panthera uncia | – | |
Palestine sunbird (national bird) | Cinnyris osea | Palestine | |
Harpy eagle | Harpia harpyja | Panama | |
Dugong (national marine mammal) | Dugong dugon | Papua New Guinea | |
Vicuña (national animal) | Vicugna vicugna | Peru | |
Philippine eagle (national bird) | Pithecophaga jefferyi | Philippines | |
White-tailed eagle (national bird) | Haliaeetus albicilla | Poland | |
White stork (national bird) | Ciconia ciconia | – | |
European bison (national animal) | Bison bonasus | – | |
Rooster of Barcelos | Mythical | Portugal | |
Iberian Wolf | Canis lupus signatus | – | |
Arabian oryx | Oryx leucoryx | Qatar | |
Lynx | Lynx lynx | Romania | |
Eurasian brown bear (national animal) | Ursus arctos arctos | Russia | |
Double-headed eagle (traditional coat of arms) | Mythical | – | |
Saint Vincent amazon | Amazona guildingii | Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | |
Wolf | Canis lupus lupus | Serbia | |
White eagle | Mythical | – | |
Lynx | Lynx lynx | – | |
Western chimpanzee | Pan troglodytes verus | Sierra Leone | |
Lion | Panthera leo | Singapore | |
Leopard | Panthera pardus | Somalia | |
Springbok (national animal) | Antidorcas marsupialis | South Africa | |
Blue crane (national bird) | Anthropoides paradiseus | – | |
Galjoen (national fish) | Dichistius capensis | – | |
Grizzled giant squirrel (national animal) | Ratufa macroura | Sri Lanka | |
Sri Lankan junglefowl (national bird) | Gallus lafayettii | – | |
Eurasian elk (national animal) | Alces alces | Sweden | |
Giraffe | Giraffa camelopardalis | Tanzania | |
Elephant (national animal) | Elephas maximus | Thailand | |
Siamese fighting fish (national aquatic animal) | Betta splendens | – | |
Lion | Panthera leo | Togo | |
Grey wolf (national animal) | Canis lupus | Turkey | |
Kangal Shepherd Dog (national dog) | Canis lupus familiaris | – | |
Turkish Angora (national cat) | Felis catus | – | |
Cream-coloured courser | Cursorius cursor | Tunisia | |
Arabian oryx (national animal) | Oryx leucoryx | United Arab Emirates | |
Peregrine falcon (national bird) | Falco peregrinus | – | |
Grey-crowned crane | Balearica regulorum | Uganda | |
Bulldog | Canis lupus familiaris | United Kingdom | |
Lion (England) | Panthera leo | – | |
Red kite (Wales) | Milvus milvus | – | |
Unicorn (Scotland) | Mythical | – | |
Y Ddraig Goch (The Red Dragon of Wales) | Mythical | – | |
Bald eagle (national bird) | Haliaeetus leucocephalus | United States | |
American bison (national mammal) | Bison bison | – | |
Venezuelan troupial (national bird) | Icterus icterus | Venezuela |
List of State Animals
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Let’s locate the state animals of the country India.
State | Animal |
Andhra Pradesh | Blackbuck |
Arunachal Pradesh | Gayal |
Assam | One-horned rhino |
Bihar | Gaur |
Chhattisgarh | Wild buffalo |
Goa | Gaur |
Gujarat | Asiatic lion |
Haryana | Blackbuck |
Himachal Pradesh | Snow leopard |
Jammu and Kashmir | Kashmir Stag (Hangul) |
Jharkhand | Indian elephant |
Karnataka | Indian elephant |
Kerala | Indian elephant |
Meghalaya | Clouded leopard |
Madhya Pradesh | Barasingha |
Maharashtra | Indian giant squirrel |
Manipur | Sangai |
Mizoram | Hoolock gibbon |
Nagaland | Gaur |
Odisha | Sambar |
Punjab | Blackbuck |
Rajasthan | Dromedary Camel |
Sikkim | Red panda |
Tamil Nadu | Nilgiri tahr |
Telangana | Spotted deer |
Tripura | Phayre’s langur |
Uttarakhand | Alpine musk deer |
Uttar Pradesh | Swamp deer |
West Bengal | Fishing Cat |
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Start Learning!National Animal as a Symbol
The National Animal of All Countries is the symbol of the nation itself. The national animal represents the vigour and vitality of each nation. The national animal has various cultural, social and symbolic significances. The national animal of each country can show the power of each country. Social power can demonstrate the identity of each country. Knowledge about the national animal is necessary for individuals. The national animal can show us the importance of upholding cultural values. It can demonstrate the strength, intelligence, power and joy of the country and its citizens. The animal is the apt expression about a country.
Countries with Common Animals
The double-tailed lion is the common national animal of seventeen countries. Kenya, Sierra Leone, Togo, The Gambia, Singapore, Libya, Luxembourg, Morocco, England, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka
Countries with Multiple National Animals
Pakistan, Finland, India, and Mexico Finland, India, and Mexico etc have more than one national animal
Hope this article containing the list of all countries national animals helped you to grab an idea about the animals world wide. As every nation holds their culture as their pride, the national animals and creatures too reflect their honour and pride. It becomes a part of the Nation itself to be proclaimed to the whole world around. thus, it is very relevant to be informed about the complete list of national animals of all countries.