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Get ready for the upcoming Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science 2025 exam with our expected syllabus and exam pattern. Although the official syllabus will be released soon, we provide a detailed guide based on previous years. Prepare with the old syllabus until the latest one is available. Stay ahead and start your preparation with our expert insights! Download Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science syllabus and exam pattern now!
Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science Recruitment 2025: Highlights
Kerala PSC High School Teacher Natural Science Notification 2025 | |
Job Type | Government Job |
Post Name | High School Assistant |
Category Number | 602/2024 |
Subject | Natural Science |
Notification Release Date | December 31, 2024 |
Application Starts | December 31, 2024 |
Apply Mode | Online |
Last Date to Apply | January 29, 2025 |
Official Website | |
Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science Syllabus 2025 PDF – Expected
1: The first recipient of the ‘Rajiv Gandhi Khel Ratna’ award?
Download the Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science 2025 syllabus PDF to kick-start your exam preparation. This PDF provides a detailed breakdown of the expected syllabus, helping you stay on track while waiting for the official release. Get ready and stay ahead in your studies!
Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science Exam Pattern 2025 – Expected
- The exam will be conducted in offline mode.
- The exam pattern is objective type.
- There will be a total of 100 questions.
- Each correct answer will be awarded 1 mark.
- The duration of the exam will be 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Parts | Name of Subject | Number of Marks |
Part I | General Knowledge, Current Affairs, Renaissance in Kerala | 15 marks |
Part II | Teaching Methodology | 5 marks |
Part III | Subject | 80 marks |
Total Marks | 100 Marks | |
Duration: 1 Hour 30 Minutes |
Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science Syllabus 2025 – Detailed
The Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science 2025 syllabus covers essential topics in Biology, Ecology, Microbiology, Plant Physiology, Environmental Biology, and Biotechnology. Find out the detailed Kerala PSC HSA Natural Science Syllabus below!
Module I: Renaissance and Freedom Movement
- Overview of the Renaissance period
- Key events and figures of the Renaissance
- The impact of the Renaissance on social, political, and cultural landscapes
- Evolution of the freedom movement in India
- Major freedom fighters and movements in Indian history
Module II: General Knowledge and Current Affairs
- Overview of general knowledge in various fields
- Current national and international affairs
- Contemporary political, economic, and social issues
- Understanding global trends and developments
Module III: Methodology of Teaching the Subject
- History and Conceptual Development
- History, meaning, nature, and scope of the subject
- The need and significance of the subject in modern education
- Correlation with Other Subjects and Life Situations
- The interrelation between the subject and real-life contexts
- Application of subject knowledge in everyday life
- Aims, Objectives, and Values of Teaching
- Understanding the aims and objectives of teaching the subject
- Taxonomy of educational objectives (both old and revised)
- Pedagogic Analysis: Need, Significance, and Principles
- Importance of pedagogic analysis in teaching the subject
- Key principles of pedagogic analysis
- Planning Instruction at the Secondary Level
- Need and importance of instructional planning
- Psychological foundations of teaching the subject
- Implications of theories by Piaget, Bruner, Gagne, Vygotsky, Ausubel, and Gardner
- Understanding individual differences, motivation, and maxims of teaching
- Methods and Strategies of Teaching the Subject
- Overview of teaching methods and strategies
- Models of teaching
- Techniques for individualizing instruction
- Curriculum
- Definition, principles, and modern trends in curriculum development
- Organizational approaches to curriculum
- Curriculum reforms in India (NCF/KCF)
- Instructional Resources
- Importance of resources like laboratory, library, clubs, and museums
- Visual and audio-visual aids in teaching
- Community-based resources and e-resources
- Textbooks, workbooks, and handbooks
- Assessment and Evaluation
- Concepts, purposes, types, and principles of assessment and evaluation
- Modern evaluation techniques: CCE and grading systems
- Tools and techniques for evaluation
- Characteristics of a good test
- Types of test items
- Evaluation of projects, seminars, and assignments
- Achievement tests, diagnostic tests: Construction, characteristics, interpretation, and remediation
- Teacher Competencies and Qualities
- Key competencies and personal qualities required of a teacher
- Essential teaching skills for effective instruction
- Microteaching and action research techniques
Module – I: Animal Diversity
I. Whittaker’s Five Kingdom Classification
- Kingdom Protista: Salient features
- Parasitic Protozoans
- Entamoeba histolytica
- Trypanosoma gambiense
- Plasmodium vivax
- Morphology, life history, pathogenicity, prophylactic measures
- Parasitic Protozoans
II. Kingdom Animalia
- Levels of organization:
- Cellular
- Tissue
- Organ
- Coelom
- Symmetry
III. Phylum Non-Chordata
- Phylum Coelenterata
- General characters
- Classes:
- (1) Hydrozoa (e.g., Obelia)
- (2) Scyphozoa (e.g., Aurelia)
- (3) Anthozoa (e.g., Sea anemone)
- Polymorphism in Coelenterata
- Phylum Platyhelminthes
- General characters
- Classes:
- (1) Turbellaria (e.g., Planaria)
- (2) Trematoda (e.g., Fasciola)
- (3) Cestoda (e.g., Taenia solium)
- Phylum Nematoda
- General characters
- Examples:
- Ascaris
- Ancylostoma
- Enterobius
- Wuchereria
- Phylum Annelida
- General characters
- Classes:
- (1) Polychaeta (e.g., Arenicola)
- (2) Oligochaeta (e.g., Nereis)
- (3) Hirudinea (e.g., Hirudinaria)
- Vermiculture (brief account)
- Phylum Arthropoda
- General characters
- Classes:
- (1) Crustacea (e.g., Penaeus)
- (2) Insecta (e.g., Honey bee)
- (3) Merostomata (e.g., Limulus)
- (4) Myriapoda (e.g., Centipede)
- Phylum Onychophora
- Peripatus – Affinities, distribution
- Social Organization: Honey bee (mention caste system)
- Economic Importance: Sericulture
- Phylum Mollusca
- General characters
- Classes:
- (1) Amphineura (e.g., Chiton)
- (2) Bivalvia (e.g., Perna)
- (3) Scaphopoda (e.g., Dentalium)
- (4) Gastropoda (e.g., Pila)
- (5) Cephalopoda (e.g., Sepia)
- Economic Importance: Pearl culture
- Phylum Echinodermata
- Classes:
- (1) Asteroidea (e.g., Asterias)
- (2) Ophiuroidea (e.g., Ophiothrix)
- (3) Echinoidea (e.g., Echinus)
- (4) Holothuroidea (e.g., Sea cucumber)
- (5) Crinoidea (e.g., Sea lily – Antedon)
- Classes:
IV. Phylum Chordata
- General characters of Phylum Chordata
- Subphyla:
- (1) Urochordata (e.g., Ascidia)
- (2) Cephalochordata (e.g., Amphioxus)
- (3) Vertebrata: General characters
- Subphyla:
- Divisions of Vertebrata:
- Agnatha (e.g., Petromyzon)
- Gnathostomata: General characters
- Superclass Pisces
- General characters
- Classes:
- (1) Chondrichthyes (e.g., Scoliodon)
- (2) Osteichthyes (e.g., Sardinella)
- Superclass Tetrapoda
- Salient features/general characters
- Classes:
- (1) Amphibia: General characters
- Orders:
- (a) Urodela (e.g., Ambystoma)
- (b) Anura (e.g., Hyla, Bufo)
- (c) Apoda (e.g., Ichthyophis)
- Orders:
- (2) Reptilia: General characters
- Common examples: Calotes
- Identification of venomous and non-venomous snakes
- (3) Aves: General characters
- Common examples: Emu, Pavo
- Migration of birds
- (4) Mammalia: General characters
- Common examples: Rattus
- Dentition in mammals
- (1) Amphibia: General characters
Module II: Physiology, Biochemistry & Developmental Biology
1. Physiology
- Types of nutrition
- Balanced diet
- Nutritional disorders: Vitamin deficiency diseases, lifestyle diseases
- Role of fibers in digestion
- Nervous and neuronal control of digestion
- Blood and its composition
- Blood groups
- Blood clotting mechanisms, anticoagulants
- Heartbeat: Pacemaker and conducting system of the heart
- Blood pressure, pulse
- Common cardiovascular diseases: ECG, angiogram, angioplasty
- Gas exchange
- Respiratory pigments (e.g., Haemoglobin)
- Transport of respiratory gases
- Regulation of respiration
- Respiratory disturbances: Apnoea, dyspnoea, hypoxia, hypercapnia, asphyxia, CO poisoning, asthma
- Nephron: Structure and urine formation
- Role of kidney in osmoregulation
- Composition of urine, abnormal constituents of urine
- Renal disorders: Nephritis, haematuria, renal calculi, acidosis, alkalosis
- Dialysis
Muscle Physiology
- Types of muscles
- Ultrastructure of striated muscle fibre
- Muscle proteins
- Muscle twitch and all-or-none law
- Rigor mortis
- Physiological and biochemical changes in muscle contraction
Nerve Physiology
- Structure and types of neurons
- Synapse and types
- Nerve impulse propagation, synaptic transmission
- Reflex action, neurotransmitters
- Nerve disorders: Epilepsy, Parkinson’s disease, Alzheimer’s
- Endocrine glands in humans
- Hormones and disorders
- Mechanism of hormonal activity
2. Biochemistry
- Carbohydrates: Structure and classification with examples
- Proteins: Structure and classification with examples
- Lipids: Structure and classification with examples
- Nucleic acids: Structure and classification with examples
- Carbohydrates: Glycogenesis, glycogenolysis, glycolysis, Kreb’s cycle, electron transport chain
- Lipids: Beta oxidation
- Proteins: Deamination, transamination, urea formation
- Mechanism of enzyme action
- Factors affecting enzyme action
- Isoenzymes and coenzymes
- Enzyme inhibition and activation
3. Developmental Biology
Theories of Development
- Preformation, Epigenesis, Recapitulation, Germplasm theory
Reproductive Biology
- Spermatogenesis and oogenesis
- Typical egg and sperm
- Types of eggs
- Agglutination, Amphimixis
- Physiological and biochemical changes during and after fertilization
- Parthenogenesis, Artificial Parthenogenesis (Arrhenotoky, Thelytoky, obligatory and facultative)
- Significance of fertilization and parthenogenesis
- Types of cleavage
- Morula, blastula (different types), fate maps
- Gastrula: Morphogenetic movements and the concept of germ layers
Cell Differentiation
- Unipotency, pluripotency, totipotency
- Gene action: Homeotic genes, Hox genes
Development in Humans
- Implantation, pregnancy, placentation: Different types and functions
- Definition and causes of teratology
- Causes: Infection, drugs and chemicals, metabolic imbalance, ionizing radiation, malnutrition, autoimmunization
Experimental Embryology
- Spemann’s constriction experiment, organizer and embryonic induction
- IVF and embryo transfer in humans
- Cloning experiments in animals
- Prenatal diagnosis: Amniocentesis, chorionic villus sampling, ultrasound scanning
- Stem cells: Embryonic and adult stem cells, stem cell therapy
Module III: Cell and Molecular Biology, Genetics, Biotechnology, and Bioinformatics
Cell Biology
- Development and scope of cell biology
- Cell theory and its modern version
- Types of cells: Prokaryotic and eukaryotic
- Ultrastructure and functions of the plasma membrane: Fluid mosaic model, membrane transport, cell communication, modifications of the plasma membrane
Cell Organelles
- Nucleus: Structure, interphase, nuclear envelope and functions
- Nucleolus: Structure, nucleolar organizer and functions
- Mitochondria: Structure, function, oxidative phosphorylation
- Endoplasmic Reticulum: Structure, function, types
- Lysosomes: Morphology, polymorphism, functions
- Ribosomes: Types, subunits, functions
- Centrioles and basal bodies: Structure, function
- Microbodies: Peroxisomes, glyoxisomes, functions
Cell Division
Molecular Biology
- Gene expression: Central dogma, one gene-one enzyme, one gene-one polypeptide hypotheses
- Genetic code: Wobble hypothesis
- Contributions of Khorana, Nirenberg, and associates
- RNA polymerase, chaperones, protein synthesis
- Gene regulation: Operon concept (Lac and Trp operons)
Bacterial Recombination
- Transformation, conjugation, transduction
Genetics and Biotechnology
Human Genetics
- Karyotyping, pedigree analysis, chromosomal anomalies in humans
- Autosomal (e.g., Down syndrome, Edwards syndrome)
- Allosomal (e.g., Turner’s syndrome, Klinefelter’s syndrome)
Biochemical Genetics
- Disorders: Phenylketonuria, alkaptonuria, albinism, tyrosinosis
- Scope of biotechnology
- Recombinant DNA technology
- Techniques in gene cloning: Restriction endonucleases, ligases, cutting and joining of DNA, probes, linkers
- Blotting techniques: Southern, Northern, Western blotting
- DNA fingerprinting
- Genomic library, cDNA library, PCR, DNA sequencing
- Human Genome Project
- Hybridoma and monoclonal antibodies, transgenic organisms
- Practical applications in medicine, agriculture, industry, pollution control, forensics, judiciary
- Potential hazards of biotechnology
Immunology and Microbiology
- Immunity: Definition, types
- Immune system: Primary and secondary lymphoid organs
- Immunogens: Antigens, definition and types
- Antigen-antibody reactions
- Immune responses: Allergy classification, AIDS, autoimmunity, vaccines
- Survey of microbes: Viruses, prions, viroids, bacteria, protozoa
- Applied microbiology in various fields
- Microbial diseases in humans
Module IV: Ecology, Ethology, Evolution, and Zoogeography
- Ecology:
- Population and community ecology, species diversity, migration, population fluctuation.
- Wildlife conservation, management, IUCN, WWF, CITES, Red Data Book, biosphere reserves, national parks, sanctuaries, forests, and their importance.
- Ecosystem conservation and management.
- Ethology:
- Motivation, learning types, socio-biology, human pheromones, and animal behavior.
- Evolution:
- Geological time scale, fossils, genetic drift, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, speciation, and adaptive radiation.
- Different types of speciation (sympatric, allopatric).
- Zoogeography:
- Animal distribution, factors influencing distribution, zoogeographical realms, and biogeographical classification of India.
Module V: Microbiology, Mycology, Lichenology
- Microbiology:
- Structure, reproduction, and importance of bacteria, viruses, and genetic recombination.
- Mycology & Lichenology:
- Fungi: characteristics, reproduction, lifecycle, and economic importance.
- Lichens: types, reproduction, ecological roles.
- Plant Pathology:
- Causes of plant diseases, classification, and control measures.
- Diseases like tapioca mosaic, citrus canker, and paddy blast.
- Bryology & Pteridology:
- Characteristics and importance of bryophytes and pteridophytes.
- Structure, reproduction, and lifecycle of types like Rhizopus, Psilotum, Selaginella.
- Gymnosperms & Palaeobotany:
- Characteristics, structure, and reproduction of gymnosperms.
- Origin and evolution of gymnosperms, and fossilization processes in palaeobotany.
Module VI: Morphology, Systematics, and Economic Botany
- Morphology:
- Study of various plant structures: leaves, stem, inflorescence, fruit, placentation, and seed dispersal.
- Systematics:
- Methods of plant classification, including Bentham and Hooker, and recent trends like cytotaxonomy and molecular taxonomy.
- Study of several plant families like Solanaceae, Poaceae, and Lamiaceae.
- Economic Botany:
- Study of economically important plants: cereals, pulses, spices, fibers, beverages, and medicinal plants.
- Anatomy:
- Plant cell structure, tissues, and organs including roots, shoots, leaves, and secondary growth.
- Study of monocot and dicot anatomy.
Module VII: Plant Physiology and Biochemistry
- Plant Physiology:
- Water relations, transpiration, mineral nutrition, photosynthesis, and growth regulators.
- Mechanisms of water absorption, photosynthetic pathways (C3, C4, CAM), and stress responses.
- Metabolism & Biochemistry:
- Biological nitrogen fixation, amino acid biosynthesis, cellular respiration of proteins and fatty acids.
- Cell Biology:
- Chromosome structure, types of chromosomal aberrations, cell cycle, and cell division.
- Genetics & Molecular Biology:
- Mendelian genetics, linkage maps, sex determination, nuclear inheritance, mutations.
- DNA structure, replication, gene expression, and post-transcriptional modifications.
- Evolutionary Biology:
- Origin of life, evolutionary theories, and molecular evolution concepts like endosymbiosis.
Module VIII: Environmental Biology
- Introduction:
- Basic principles and concepts of ecology and environment.
- Interdisciplinary approach and relevance to society and human environment.
- The need for public awareness.
- Ecosystem:
- Definition and concept of ecosystems: structure and function.
- Abiotic Factors: Climate, edaphic factors, and their roles in shaping ecosystems.
- Biotic Factors: Food chain, food web, and ecological pyramids.
- Biogeochemical Cycles:
- Gaseous cycles: Carbon, oxygen, nitrogen.
- Hydrological cycle: Water.
- Ecological Succession:
- Definition, types, causes, and processes of succession.
- Hydrosere and Lithosere.
- Ecological Groups of Plants:
- Hydrophytes, xerophytes, halophytes, epiphytes, and parasites.
Natural Resources
- Renewable and Non-Renewable Resources:
- Importance and associated problems with natural resources.
- Forest Resources:
- Deforestation, afforestation, conservation strategies, and movements like Chipko.
- Social and commercial forestry, agroforestry, and timber extraction.
- Effects of mining, dams, and resource extraction on forests and tribal people.
- Mineral Resources:
- Environmental effects of mineral resource extraction.
- Water Resources:
- Overuse of surface and groundwater, floods, and droughts.
- Food Resources:
- World food problems.
- Energy Resources:
- Issues related to energy resources.
Social Issues and the Environment
- Environmental Pollution:
- Definition, causes, effects, and control measures for soil, air, water, solid waste, radioactive, noise, and thermal pollution.
- The role of individuals in pollution prevention.
- Case studies of pollution.
- Pollution Control:
- Role of pollution control boards and their function.
- Water Conservation:
- Rainwater harvesting, watershed management, and their importance.
- Resettlement and Rehabilitation:
- Challenges related to resettlement and rehabilitation programs.
- Environmental Ethics:
- Issues like climate change, global warming, acid rain, ozone layer depletion, nuclear accidents, and wasteland reclamation.
- Human Population and Environment:
- Population growth, variations among nations, and population explosion.
- Family welfare programs.
- Human Health and Environment:
- Environmental impacts on human health.
- Ecological crises caused by industrialization and urbanization.
- World Earth Summits:
- Major summits like Rio, Kyoto, and Johannesburg, and their outcomes.
- The failure of ecological reforms.
Biodiversity and Conservation
- Biodiversity:
- Concept of biodiversity, its types, and significance.
- India as a mega-diverse nation with biodiversity hotspots.
- Threats to Biodiversity:
- Major threats and conservation strategies for biodiversity.
- Role of national parks and wildlife sanctuaries in conservation.
Tissue Culture and Biotechnology
- Plant Tissue Culture:
- History, principles, totipotency, differentiation, and dedifferentiation.
- Media preparation, sterilization techniques, and types of cultures (e.g., meristem culture, organ culture).
- Recombinant DNA and Molecular Cloning:
- Cloning vectors, artificial chromosomes, gene transfer techniques like Agrobacterium-mediated gene transfer, and methods like electroporation, microinjection.
- GMOs, herbicide resistance, drought resistance, and the enhancement of seed nutritional quality.
- Biotechnology and Bioethics:
- Concerns about GMOs, food safety, environmental impact, biosafety, and multinational companies’ roles in biotechnology.
- Ethical issues in biotechnology, patenting, and gene therapy.
- Introduction and Scope:
- Major fields of application of bioinformatics.
- Major Databases:
- Nucleotide sequence databases: EMBL, DDBJ, Genbank.
- Protein sequence databases: Swiss Prot, PIR.
- Database search engines and tools: Entrez, SRS, BLAST, FASTA, CLUSTALW.
- Applications:
- Homology modeling of proteins, microarrays, proteomics, genomics.
- Techniques in Microscopy:
- Principles of microscopy, micrometry, killing and fixing, dehydration, embedding, staining, and clearing techniques.
- Methods like wholemount, maceration for specimen preparation.
- Statistical Analysis:
- Measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), measures of dispersion (range, standard deviation, standard error).
- Correlation, regression, analysis of variance (ANOVA).
- Design of Experiments:
- Data collection, representation, and interpretation.
- Controlled vs. uncontrolled observations, direct vs. indirect observations.
How to Download HSA Natural Science 2025 Syllabus and Exam Pattern
To download the syllabus for HSA Natural Science from the Kerala PSC website, follow these steps:
- Visit the Kerala PSC Official Website:
- Go to the Kerala PSC website:
- Navigate to the Recruitment Section:
- On the homepage, find the menu option or tab labeled “Recruitment” or “Examinations”.
- Postwise Syllabus:
- Under the Recruitment section, look for “Postwise Syllabus” or a similar link that lists syllabi for various posts.
- Search for HSA Natural Science:
- Look for the syllabus related to HSA (Higher Secondary Assistant) Natural Science. The link might be specifically labeled as “HSA Natural Science” or something similar.
- Download the Syllabus:
- Once you find the syllabus for HSA Natural Science, there should be an option to Download the syllabus, typically in PDF format.
- Save the File:
- Click the Download button, and the syllabus should be saved on your device for reference.