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Wipro, a well-known player in the IT industry, was founded in 1945. The company, which has its headquarters in Bangalore, uses its deep business knowledge to offer outsourcing, consulting, and information technology services. Clients benefit from the IT giant’s extensive portfolio, vertically integrated business model, and deep technological expertise. Many would want to work for a large tech business like this. Have you applied for your dream job already and been contacted for an interview? Are you aspiring to become a JavaScript expert? Learn Wipro JavaScript Interview Questions before attending the interview to showcase a good performance.
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Wipro JavaScript Interview Questions: Introduction
In the Indian town of Amalner, Wipro was established in 1945 as a family-run vegetable oil mill, growing to become one of the largest IT companies globally. It is active in over 167 countries now. The company has made a substantial contribution to the development of generative AI. The team is developing its LLMs and is made up of more than 30,000 AI and analytics specialists.
The company offers comprehensive IT solutions and services, such as systems integration and information systems outsourcing. Services related to research and development, application creation and upkeep, and the deployment of IT-enabled service packages for multinational enterprises. The business is the first PCMM Level 5 in the world and an SEI CMM Level 5-approved supplier of IT services. They are the market leaders in India for providing network integration, system integration, software solutions, and IT services to the nation’s corporate community. They offer IT services and solutions to multinational corporations in the Middle East and Asia-Pacific areas.
Bangalore, India is home to the organization’s main office. Customers throughout the world are provided with integrated business technology and process solutions through a platform that covers the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific. They provide economic value to their clients’ businesses by offering cutting-edge services including information technology services and process excellence.
Since, in this blog, we are discussing Wipro JavaScript Interview Questions, let us concentrate more on that. let us check out some Wipro JavaScript Interview Questions for your interview preparation.
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Wipro Recruitment Method
1: Which of the following is a JavaScript framework/library?
Wipro launched National Talent Hunt (NTH), a fresher hiring initiative, to draw in new engineering graduates from around the nation by offering the job possibilities they were seeking. Thus, if you’re a motivated engineering graduate looking for work, this is your chance!
An eligible student must register, complete an online exam, and then have a business conversation. Depending on your performance, you may or may not receive an offer letter and LOI (Letter of Intent).
Online Evaluation
Three components make up the important Online Assessment round:
- Aptitude Test: This time-based test is 48 minutes, with a set amount of time allotted to each component. This test covers logical reasoning, quantitative reasoning, spoken English, basic programming, and computer fundamentals.
- Written Communication Test: 20 minutes long; primarily consists of writing essays.
- Test of Online Programming: (30 minutes) long; Two programs for programming in Python, Java, C, C++, or any other language you want.
Technical Round
This round consists of multiple-domain coding difficulties and technical questions. You should be ready with knowledge of data structures and algorithms, database management systems, operating systems, networking, OOP ideas, and your preferred programming language to increase your chances.
HR Round
This is the hiring process’s last round. HR will examine your body language, confidence, and communication abilities. There will be common HR questions.
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Explore CourseWhy Join Wipro?
IT professionals want to work for the company and are in great demand in the business. As a consequence, they now aim for competence and take part in business interviews. Professionals may benefit from knowing Wipro’s corporate culture and reasons for working there, nevertheless. Now let’s examine a few factors that influence a professional’s decision to work at Wipro.
Work-life balance
During the pandemic, employees’ greatest focus was finding a balance between their personal and professional lives. However, Wipro offers its employees a good work-life balance both before and after the pandemic. Another employee noticed that an individual’s job function or categorization is the only factor that determines whether they get calls after work. Nobody from the company gets in touch with employees after work hours unless there is an emergency or a significant crisis.
Conditions at Work
The excellent work environment of the firm is evident from the remarks provided by employees on the importance of its rules regarding leave and sexual harassment. Wipro ensures that all employees encounter no difficulties when conducting business with them.
Brand Name
One major advantage of partnering with Wipro is the company is a well-known brand. It is a well-known company that is considered to be among the top 10 IT giants.
People and Colleagues
Coworkers and employees at Wipro get along well and help one another out. They cooperate and offer the required support to ensure that work may go without a hitch.
Quality of Work
Wipro provides both experienced employees and recent hires with a plethora of expertise. They can work with clients to plan a variety of growth-related activities that widen their field of learning.
Wipro JavaScript Interview Preparation Tips
Some tips on how to prepare for, ace, and land your dream job at Wipro are provided below.
Practice and Get Ready
Prepare a few examples from your past experiences that demonstrate your abilities and capabilities. Additionally, practice interviews for the aptitude test, which assesses your analytical, problem-solving, and communication skills. It is imperative that you fully prepare for this stage of the process.
Revise the Answers to Frequently Asked Questions
To have a better understanding of the organization and level of difficulty, it is recommended that you practice answering question papers from past years or sample tests. You’ll be able to weigh your advantages versus disadvantages by doing this.
Analyze Market Trends
Keep yourself informed on the latest developments and happenings in the industry you wish to work in. This material may be helpful to both experienced and entry-level applicants during different stages of the Wipro interview process.
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Top Wipro JavaScript Interview Questions and Answers
Passing a Wipro data science interview requires a combination of technical proficiency, problem-solving skills, and the ability to articulate your points of view convincingly. This blog is a comprehensive tool to help you prepare; it contains well-crafted answers to frequently asked questions as well as insights into the kind of questions you may encounter. Let us look at some frequently asked Wipro JavaScript Interview Questions for performing better in the interview.
What knowledge do you have regarding Java virtual machines?
The virtual machine JVM is what makes it possible for the computer to run the programs. Java Virtual Machine (JVM) invokes the Java main function, much like a run-time engine. The standard that has to be implemented in the computer system is the Java Virtual Machine.
Enumerate a few features of JavaScript.
Some of JavaScript’s characteristics are:
- Open-Source
- Interpreted programming language
- Lightweight
- Complementary to Java
- Cross-platform
- Complementary to HTML
Why are window objects used?
The window object is a browser object that the browser automatically creates to represent a window; it is not a JavaScript object. The pop-up dialogue box is shown using the window object.
What distinctions exist between JavaScript and Java?
Java is an object-oriented programming language, while JavaScript is a client-side scripting language. They are very distinct from one another.
It is a simplified programming language, sometimes known as a “scripting language,” used to create interactive websites. It can add dynamic text to HTML components. Another name for JavaScript is the language of the browser.
Java is a well-favoured programming language. With its virtual machine platform and object-oriented programming language, you can write compiled applications that function on almost all platforms. Java claimed to “Write Once, Run Anywhere.”
Why is the isNaN function used?
If the provided value is of type “Number” and is NaN (Not a number), it is determined using the number isNan function. The value NaN is regarded as a sort of number in JavaScript. If the argument is not a number, it returns true; if it is, it returns false.
Which is quicker between ASP and JavaScript?
JavaScript executes more quickly than ASP Script. JavaScript is a client-side programming language, meaning that it runs independently of the server. One server-side scripting language that is consistently stable on the server is ASP.
What does negative infinity mean?
The lowest possible value is represented by the constant value of negative infinity. It indicates that this value cannot be lowered by any other number. It can be generated by an arithmetic operation or by a self-made function. The value of NEGATIVE_INFINITY is shown as -Infinity in JavaScript.
What variables are undefined and undeclared?
The differences are stated below.
It happens when you declare a variable without assigning it a value. There is no keyword in undefined.
It happens when we attempt to use the var or const keyword to access any variable that hasn’t been initialized or declared yet. The runtime error “undefined” will appear if we attempt to get the value of an undeclared variable using the “typeof” operator. The undeclared variables always have a global scope.
What does the JavaScript term NULL mean?
The NULL value denotes the absence of any object or value. We call it an empty value or object.
What is meant by a prompt box?
The prompt box is a dialogue box that asks the user to enter some text and displays an optional message. When a user wants to enter a value before accessing a page, they frequently utilize this method. It either returns null or a string with the text the user typed.
What does JavaScript’s “this” keyword mean?
Essential objects in JavaScript are functions. It can be passed to other functions, assigned to variables, and returned from functions just like an object may. Additionally, they have unique qualities much like objects do. The JavaScript program’s current execution context is stored in “this.” The value of “this” will therefore vary when it is used inside a function based on the function’s definition, invocation method, and default execution context.
Describe how JavaScript timers operate. Explain any negative effects of utilizing the timer as well.
The methods setTimout, setInterval, and clearInterval must be used to program the timer to repeat any little bit of code at a specified time. The page will display the alert message “times up” after the two minutes allotted by the JavaScript code have elapsed. After a predetermined amount of milliseconds, the setTimeout() method evaluates an expression or runs a function.
What distinguishes SessionState from ViewState?
ViewState: It is exclusive to one page throughout a session.
SessionState: This user-specific feature allows access to all of the website’s data.
Does automatic type conversion work with JavaScript?
JavaScript does indeed allow for automatic type conversion.
What does JavaScript refer to as variable typing?
Variable typing refers to the kind of variable that is used to assign a “string” and store a number.
Which kinds of JavaScript pop-up boxes are available?
Pop boxes come in three different varieties in JavaScript.
- Alert
- Confirm
- Prompt
What are the different looping structures in JavaScript?
The different looping structures in JavaScript are discussed below.
while loop
A control flow statement called a while loop enables code to be repeatedly run in response to a specified Boolean condition. You may think of the while loop as an iterative if statement.
for loop
An efficient method of expressing the loop structure is with a for loop. In contrast to a while loop, a for statement condenses the setup, condition, and increment/decrement into a single line, making the looping structure simpler to debug and shorter.
The only way the do-while loop differs from the while loop is that it checks the condition after each statement is executed, making it an example of an exit control loop.
How can I use JavaScript to convert a string with any base to an integer?
The parseInt() function of JavaScript is used to convert a string to an integer. The second argument of the parseInt() method is the base integer that this function returns. When a string has no numbers, the parseInt() method returns Nan instead of a number.
Describe the process for determining the client computer’s operating system.
One need just utilize the navigator.appVersion or navigator.userAgent field to determine the client machine’s operating system. The string that indicates the browser’s version information is returned by the read-only Navigator appVersion property.
What distinguishes a confirmation box from an alert box?
The OK button is the sole button that will be visible in the alert box. It is used to inform the user of the agreement to which they must agree. However, the user can choose to accept or disagree by clicking the OK and cancel buttons on the Confirmation window.
What drawbacks come with utilizing JavaScript’s innerHTML?
Using innerHTML in JavaScript has several drawbacks because the text will be replaced everywhere. Even if you use +=, such as in “innerHTML = innerHTML + ‘HTML’,” HTML still replaces the previous text. Event handlers affixed to any DOM element are preserved.
What does void(0) mean?
Without refreshing the page during the calling time, the void(0) method is used to call another method, and the parameter “zero” will be given.
What is JavaScript’s “Strict” mode and how is it enabled?
A program or function can be placed in a “strict” operating environment because of ECMAScript 5’s new Strict Mode functionality. More exclusions are made and some behaviors are prohibited under this rigorous context. The command “use strict” tells the browser to utilize JavaScript’s Strict mode, which has fewer and safer features.
What distinguishes the apply() and call() methods from one another?
The two approaches are applied in distinct circumstances.
call() Method
It calls the method, passing the owner object as an argument. This term designates the “owner” of the associated function or object. A method that may be applied to several objects can be called.
apply() Method
Write methods that may be applied to various objects with the help of the apply() function. It differs from the call() function in that it accepts an array as an input.
Write the JavaScript errors displayed.
Three distinct categories of mistakes exist in JavaScript.
Error In Syntax
A typographical error in a character sequence or token meant to be written in a certain computer language is known as a syntax error.
Error In Logic
The hardest problem to track down is the one that affects the logical portion of the code. A logical error is a flaw in a program that causes it to run wrongly and terminate unexpectedly.
Runtime Error
Errors that arise while the program is executing are referred to as runtime errors or exceptions.
What makes Jscript and JavaScript different from one other?
The differences between Jscript and JavaScript are discussed below.
Jscript | JavaScript |
· It’s a programming language that Microsoft created.
· It is employed in the creation of dynamic web content for the internet. |
· It is a scripting language that Netscape created.
· Applications on the client and server sides are designed with it. · It is not dependent on the Java language at all. |
What is declared by the sentence var myArray = [[]];?
This declaration declares a two-dimensional array in JavaScript.
What does a JavaScript event bubbling mean?
Imagine a scenario where one element is contained within another and they both respond to an occurrence. When anything happens in bubbling, the innermost element responds to it first, followed by the outermost element, and so on.
What distinguishes innerText from innerHTML?
While the innerHTML property sets or returns the plain text or HTML contents of the elements, the innerText property sets or returns the text content as plain text of the given node and all of its descendants. Inner HTML does not automatically encode and decode text, in contrast to innerText, but it does allow you to interact with HTML-rich content.
How many different ways can an HTML element be accessed via JavaScript code?
There are four ways to access HTML components with JavaScript:
- The getElementById() method is used to retrieve an element by its id name.
- getElementsByClass() Method is used to obtain all components with the specified class name.
- getElementsByTagName() Method is used to retrieve all items with the supplied tag name.
- querySelector() Method accepts a CSS style selector and returns the first element that is chosen.
What are JavaScript’s basic data types?
There are six types: number, string, boolean, null, undefined, and symbol.
In What way would you describe ‘hoisting’ in JavaScript?
Variable declarations are elevated to the top of their scope, providing access before their real definition.
What is the distinction between ‘===’ and ‘==’?
=== ensures strict equality (value and type), whereas == performs type coercion before comparison.
How do you loop through the items of an array?
To cycle over the array, use a for loop or the forEach function.
Why do we use the term “debugger” in JavaScript?
Debugging the code requires that the browser’s debugger be enabled. Built-in debuggers may be turned on and off, prompting the user to report errors. During debugging, the remaining part of the code should halt execution before proceeding to the following line.
Describe JavaScript’s Implicit Type Coercion.
In JavaScript, implicit type coercion refers to the automated translation of values from one data type to another. It occurs when the operands of an expression are of varying data types.
Is JavaScript a static or dynamically typed language?
JavaScript is a language with dynamic typing. Unlike statically typed languages, where a variable’s type is verified during compile time, dynamically typed languages verify a variable’s type during runtime. Variables in JavaScript are not connected with any type since the language is weakly (dynamically) typed. Any kind of data can be stored in a variable.
What exactly do you mean by self-invoking functions?
A self-invoking expression is automatically invoked (initiated) without any request. A function expression will run automatically if it has a() after it. It is not possible to call a function definition by itself.
An anonymous function can be used to execute a function automatically when it is described; otherwise, it will not be called again. Normally, we define functions and call them. Furthermore, these sorts of functions have no name.
What exactly are callbacks?
A callback function runs after another function. Functions are first-class citizens in JavaScript; they may be used as an object’s property, as an argument to another function, and as the return value of another function.
What exactly is memorization?
Memoization is a type of caching in which a function’s return result is stored in a cache according to its inputs. The function’s cached version is returned if the function’s argument remains unchanged.
What is the process for getting a character out of an index?
The JavaScript string’s charAt() function locates a char element at the given index. The string length, n, is represented by the index number, which starts at 0 and goes up to n-1. The string length and the index value must be the same, greater than, or positive.
What do you mean by Browser Object Model?
The acronym for Browser Object Model is BOM. Users can communicate with the browser thanks to it. A window is the first item in a browser. Consequently, all of the window’s functions may be called either directly or by referencing the window. The window object contains the document, history, screen, navigator, location, and other characteristics.
What makes JavaScript client-side and server-side different from one another?
Customer-side JavaScript consists of two components: predefined objects for use in a browser and a basic language.
server-side JavaScript is a programming language that runs scripts on a server in response to requests from clients. It responds to these requests and sends the appropriate information to the client, which could include JavaScript that is executed client-side and then used by the browser.
How do arrow functions work?
The JavaScript ES6 version introduced arrow functions. They give us a new, more concise syntax for function declarations. Only function expressions using arrow functions are permitted.
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Explore CourseWipro JavaScript Interview Questions: Conclusion
You must practice frequently asked questions and conduct an in-depth study to be ready for a Wipro interview. It’s critical to highlight your expertise, abilities, and experiences about the job criteria and business values. Knowing the most often asked Wipro JavaScript interview questions can help you answer them with confidence on the day of the interview and set you apart from the competition. You may improve your chances of getting the job by paying close attention to these questions and giving thoughtful, well-reasoned responses.
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Explore CourseFrequently Asked Questions
Which rounds comprise the Wipro interview process?
Written exams, technical interviews, and HR interviews are the standard phases of the Wipro interview process.
What subjects are covered in the interview with Wipro?
The technical skills required for the position, prior work experience, strengths and shortcomings, and situational inquiries to gauge problem-solving capabilities are among the topics frequently covered in Wipro interviews.
How should I get ready for a Wipro interview?
Practice frequently requested technical and HR interview questions, study the organization, and modify your résumé to highlight relevant experiences and talents to be ready for the Wipro interview.