Table of Contents
In our comparative analysis series, we are here with a comparative analysis on SBI Clerk vs SSC CGL. While SSC had recently released the final SSC CHSl 2017 vacancies here, 8000 clerk vacancies are expected through the SBI Clerk 2020 recruitment. Here is an attempt of a detailed comparative analysis of SBI Clerk vs SSC CHSL in terms of their job profile, responsibilities, salary and career growth.
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All about the SSC CGL Exam
1: What does the acronym "ATM" stand for in banking?
SBI Clerk vs SSC CGL: Roles and responsibilities
Overview of job roles under SSC CGL
Staff Selection Commission conducts Combined Graduate Level Examination (SSC – CGL) for recruitment to different Central Civil posts – Assistant / Inspector /SI / Divisional Accountant /Statistical Officer/ Auditor/Accountant/Junior Accountant /UDC / Tax Assistant / Compiler, for which Graduation from a recognized University is the minimum Educational Qualification required. The recruitment for these posts is done in departments of Central Secretariat Service / Central Vigilance Commission / Intelligence Bureau / Ministry of Railways / Ministry of External Affairs / Ministry of Defence / CBI and a few other Ministries / Departments / Organisations of the Central Govt.
1. Assistant Section Officer (CSS) – CSS is considered to be one of the best “Assistant” jobs offered by SSC CGL.
Work will normally include clerical work like completing files and making reports. As an Assistant Section Officer, you also need to maintain the vital link between Parliament and the Central Secretariat, especially when it comes to the handling of Parliament Questions, Assurances & Government Bills.
2. Assistant (Central Vigilance Commission) – Assistant in Central Vigilance Commission is a Group B, Non-Gazetted Post. Will be mostly be confined to a desk job. You will be given work similar to a clerk.
3. Assistant Section Officer (Central Vigilance Commission) – Will include clerical work like completing files and making reports and putting them up to the higher authorities who are generally grouped A officers.
4. Assistant Section Officer (Railway Ministry) – Clerical work mostly but in terms of grade it is above upper division clerk (UDC).
5. Assistant Section Officer (External Affairs) – very responsible work is given and MEA also gives training to the whole ASO batch for about two weeks in the Foreign Service Institute.
6. Assistant Audit Officer (Under C & AG) – Only gazetted post offered through SSC CGL Exam. Performing the audit of various government offices and government-owned corporations. Sometimes you may also get a field job.
7. Assistant Section Officer (AFHQ) – AFHQ comes under the ministry of defence, you would be entitled to benefits provided to those in armed forces. It is an indoor job where you need to assist the section officer in imparting his duties of management, distribution & coordination of work to staff.
8. Assistant (Other Ministries) – File work.
9. Inspector of Income Tax (CBDT) – Income Tax Inspectoris a grade C post. Includes assessing, verifying, processing IT records of individuals & business concerns etc., They would also be a part of teams conducting raids.
10. Inspector (Central Excise) CBIC – Central Excise Inspector works in CBIC like two other SSC CGL posts Examiner and Preventive Officer. The duty of this person is to Inspect the taxes/returns filed by companies, verify the correctness of claims submitted, process the data, maintain records etc., Some field visits may be necessary but overall, it is highly respected job among business owners & public.
11. Inspector (Preventive Officer) CBIC- As the name suggests, the officer will be in charge of gathering information & acting based on that information to prevent malpractice. The inspector may also have to report during night time for certain operations. Posting will be mostly in cities that have ports/airports (Chennai, Cochin, Kolkata & Mumbai).
Job Profile- Documentation and examining imported and exported goods.
12. Inspector (Examiner) CBIC- Examiner post is considered a very good post. The work is limited to examining items & verifying whether appropriate taxes have been levied on goods moving in & out of the port.
13. Assistant Enforcement Officer (Department Of Revenue)- Assistant Enforcement Officer post is similar to the inspector. The job profile is similar to that of an inspector job that involves inspecting, preventing & arresting those into money laundering/ forgery etc.
14. Sub-Inspector (CBI)- CBI doesn’t require any introduction as it is one of the most respected organizations in India & an SI also commands an equal amount of respect. This job is similar to that of state police but since CBI is under central govt. , they have more powers to investigate anti-corruption cases and other conventional crimes.
15. Inspector of post (Dept. of Post)- This person is responsible for acquiring & promoting business growth for post offices that come under his/ her control. He/ She may have to travel but allowances shall be provided. There could be some slight pressure to showcase performance. Job involves managing.
16. Divisional Accountant (Under C & AG)- They will be posted in offices located in various Indian cities that come under CAG. They are normally seated in the public works department of a state thereby auditing the expenses of works/ projects carried out by that state government. Their reports are sent to CAG head office which points out the malpractices if any. No or very less travel.
17. Junior Statistical Officer (Statistics) Job involves data Collection, Data Compilation, Data Processing, Conducting different Surveys for various govt. initiatives.
18. Inspector (Central Bureau of Narcotics) – This job is to keep a check on the cultivation of opium poppy In India & conduct periodic checks in companies to ensure it’s not used illegally. They may also have to monitor the imports/ exports for any smuggling of banned narcotic drugs. Reports to the Superintendent of Narcotics / District Opium Officer. Job location would be mostly in North India & local travel shall be part of the job.
19. Auditor (Under C & AG) – Comptroller and Auditor General of India. Work involves Audit and paperwork.
20. Auditor (Under CGDA) – Controller General of Defence Accounts. Involves auditing of accounts of army and air force.
21. Auditor (Under CGA & Others) – CGA Controller General of Accounts. As a CGA Auditor, your main objective will be assisting in the preparation of a critical analysis of expenditures, borrowings, revenues and the deficit for the finance minister every month. You will also assist in the preparation of annual Appropriation Accounts (Civil) and Union Finance Accounts for presentation to the Parliament. Hence, your job profile will mostly confine you to a desk post with lots of auditing work.
22. Accountant/Jr. Accountant (Under C & AG) – Job involves a lot of paperwork, organizations field visits, auditing of different organizations.
23. Accountant/Jr. Accountant (Under CGA & Others) – The no. of posts is less compared to CAG.
24. Senior Secretariat Assistant (Central Govt. offices) – Also known as upper division clerk in various government offices. The job involves clerical job and Managing RTI replies.
25. Tax Assistant (CBDT) Job involves assessment of the income tax of various departments and firms.
26. Tax Assistant (CBIC) The duties of Tax Assistants (TA) in both these boards are more like that of a desk officer. The TA’s are supposed to asses, verify, modify any data related to taxes of an individual or business concern (in the case of CBDT). The duty of Tax Assistants (TA) is more like that of a desk officer.
27. Sub-Inspector (Narcotics) – It shall have frequent travels to ensure no entry of narcotic drugs into the state border. The work is similar to that of an inspector expect this person has to do more of fieldwork than him. Frequent travels to ensure no entry of narcotic drugs into the state border.
28. Sub-Inspector (NIA)- The NIA is the agency that leads to investigations in terrorism & other national security-related issues. Since the security of the country is of prime importance, During or after terrorist attacks, the workload could increase much fold which means you have to spend more time with the case. They have offices in each state but initial posting could be mostly in Delhi. The Job of SI in NIA involves a lot of travel, collecting evidence from sites, gather intelligence inputs regarding terrorists etc.
SBI Clerk Job Profile
Clerks/Junior Associate is required to assist customers and potential customers through various banking processes. They need to be highly confident and answer every query. They are involved in
1. Document Verification
2. Managing Single Window Counter
3. Attending to Government Treasury Work
4. Update Pass Books
5. Issue Cash Receipts at Counters
6. Clearing and Transferring Cheques and Receipts as per request
7. Verification of Vernacular Signatures
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Career Path of Bank Clerks:
They have the opportunity of becoming the Trainee Officer [equivalent to PO] in 3–5 years [by clearing departmental exam] which will double their existing salary.
Bank Clerk if hardworking can reach highest at General Manager level in PSB . This means salary in lakhs and facilities equivalent to a Senior Grade A officer.
In the end, SSC CGL is a central government job and may seem better than a PSU job like the SBI Clerk. It has steady growth, complete job security, lesser workload as compared to a bank clerk/PO. While an SSC CGL job may look brighter in terms of certain factors, the SBI clerk job with its prospects looks more challenging and interesting. In terms of quality of work, Bank Clerks who in the future become Officers have better quality financial work to do like Retail banking, Forex, Corporate Banking, HR banking. Bank jobs are also transferrable in nature as compared to Clerks of Central govt.
But the choice is yours, and yours alone to make!