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The UPSC conducts some of the most competitive exams in India, including IAS, CAPF, CDS, NDA and other exams. Since these exams are in MCQ format, candidates have to fill an OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) sheet to record their answers. But every year, thousands of aspirants face disqualification, errors or lower scores due to avoidable mistakes in filling the OMR sheet.
An OMR sheet is machine readable, so even a small mistake can lead to disqualification or incorrect evaluation. If you are preparing for UPSC 2025 or any other competitive exam, then understanding how to fill an OMR sheet properly is must.
In this article, we will discuss the most common mistakes candidates make while filling the UPSC OMR sheet, along with pro tips to avoid them. Whether you are appearing for UPSC Prelims, Mains or any other government exam, these tips will ensure flawless submission of your OMR sheet.
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Common Mistakes in Encoding the OMR Sheet
1 Wrong Encoding of the Booklet Series
The question paper booklet has a series (e.g., A, B, C or D) which has to be marked on the OMR sheet. Many candidates either forget to mark it or mark the wrong series, leading to automatic disqualification.
2 Incorrect Encoding of Subject Code and Roll Number
Each UPSC exam has a specific subject code and candidates have to fill the corresponding bubbles accurately. Some common mistakes include:
- Skipping the subject code entirely
- Marking incorrect digits in the roll number
- Filling bubbles incompletely
Pro Tip: Always cross check your subject code and roll number against the admit card before final submission.
Errors in Marking Responses/Answers
1: Which one of the following is not a Harappan site?
1.Incomplete or Partial Bubbling
OMR sheets use a machine to detect properly filled circles. Some candidates:
- Mark a small dot instead of filling the bubble
- Use a tick or cross instead of filling the circle
- Do not fill the circle dark enough, making it unreadable> Pro Tip: Always use a black or blue ballpoint pen and fill the bubbles completely.
2 Multiple Bubbling for One Answer
If you accidentally mark more than one bubble for a single question, your answer won’t be considered. This happens when:
- You change your mind but don’t erase the previous response properly.
- You panic and mark two options instead of one.
Pro Tip: Be 100% sure before marking an answer. If you must change an answer, follow the specific erasing guidelines (if applicable).
3. Marking on Prohibited Areas of the OMR Sheet
OMR sheets have specific areas for filling responses and writing outside these areas can lead to disqualification. Common mistakes include:
- Writing names or roll numbers in unmarked spaces.
- Making stray marks that confuse the scanning system.
- Using whitener, eraser or correction tape, which is strictly prohibited.
Pro Tip: Keep the OMR sheet clean and don’t make any marks outside the designated areas.
4. Mistakes in the Scannable Attendance List (SAL)
The Scannable Attendance List (SAL) is a crucial document for verification. Many candidates make the following mistakes:
1 Wrong Marking of Presence
- Filling details in the wrong column
- Entering roll numbers in an incorrect format
- Marking presence in multiple places
Pro Tip: Carefully read the instructions and ensure that you enter details in the correct column.
2 Signature and Thumb Impression Errors
Candidates are required to sign the SAL and provide a thumb impression in the designated box. Mistakes include:
- Signing outside the box.
- Forgetting to give the thumb impression.
- Using the wrong hand for the thumbprint (left instead of right or vice versa).
Pro Tip: Practice signing within a box and keep your hands clean for a clear thumb impression.
5. UPSC OMR Sheet Myths and Misconceptions
1.Myth: You Can Use Pencils or Gel Pens
Reality: UPSC strictly advises to use Black Ballpoint Pen. Using a pencil, gel pen or any other pen can lead to rejection.
2.Myth: You Can Erase or Change an Answer
Reality: UPSC does not allow erasers, white-out or correction tape. If you fill a wrong bubble, it cannot be corrected.
3.Myth: If You Make a Mistake, You Can Request a New OMR Sheet
Reality: No additional OMR sheets will be provided once issued. If you make mistakes, you have to continue with the same sheet.
Expert Tips to Avoid OMR Sheet Mistakes
- Read the instructions twice before filling the OMR sheet.
- Use only black or blue ballpoint pen.
- Fill bubbles completely and do not shade lightly.
- Mark answers carefully and cross-check before final submission.
- Do not make stray marks, scratches or write outside the designated area.
- Fill your roll number and booklet series correctly.
- Do not assume, always follow UPSC’s official instructions.
- Reach the exam center early to stay calm and focused.
- Make sure your hands are clean for clear thumb impression.
- Do not fold or tear the OMR sheet.
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Filling UPSC OMR sheet correctly is as important as preparing for the exam itself. One careless mistake can cost you marks or even disqualification. By understanding these common mistakes and following pro tips, you can submit errorfree OMR sheet.
If you are preparing for UPSC or any other government exam, practice with OMR sheets can improve your accuracy and confidence. Avoid mistakes, stay focused and let your hard work pay off on exam day!
Frequently Asked Questions
What is an OMR sheet in UPSC exams?
An OMR (Optical Mark Recognition) sheet is used in UPSC exams to mark answers for multiple-choice questions (MCQs). Candidates must darken the correct bubble with a black ballpoint pen for machine evaluation.
What are the most common mistakes candidates make while filling the OMR sheet?
Common mistakes include incorrect booklet series marking, wrong roll number encoding, incomplete bubbling, multiple markings for one answer, stray marks, and writing in restricted areas.
Can I use a pencil to fill my UPSC OMR sheet?
No, UPSC strictly instructs candidates to use a black ballpoint pen to fill the OMR sheet. Using a pencil or any other pen can lead to rejection.
What happens if I mark two answers for a single question in the OMR sheet?
If multiple bubbles are marked for a single question, the answer will be considered incorrect and no marks will be awarded for that question.
How can I correct an error in the OMR sheet?
UPSC does not allow the use of erasers, whiteners, or correction tape. If you make a mistake, there is no way to correct it, so be cautious before marking an answer.
Is it mandatory to fill the subject code on the UPSC OMR sheet?
Yes, filling the subject code is mandatory. Incorrect or missing subject codes can lead to OMR sheet rejection or incorrect evaluation.
Can I request a new OMR sheet if I make a mistake?
No, UPSC does not provide additional OMR sheets if a candidate makes a mistake. Candidates must use the sheet provided to them.
How should I mark my responses correctly in the OMR sheet?
Candidates must completely darken the bubble corresponding to their answer using a black ballpoint pen. Partial or light shading may not be detected properly by the scanner.
What happens if I forget to mark my attendance on the Scannable Attendance List (SAL)?
Failing to mark your presence on the SAL can lead to disqualification from the exam. Ensure you sign and provide your thumb impression correctly.
How can I avoid making mistakes while filling my UPSC OMR sheet?
- Read the instructions carefully before starting.
- Use only a black ballpoint pen.
- Double-check your roll number, subject code, and booklet series.
- Fill the bubbles completely and accurately.
- Avoid stray marks or writing in restricted areas.
- Practice on sample OMR sheets before the exam.