Banking jobs are one of the prestigious jobs amongst youth in India. Job security and high status makes it popular and highly competitive. So, the candidate should start preparation right away to ensure success in the exam. In order to crack the exam, Aspirants should be well versed with latest exam pattern and trends. So Entri provides you Daily Practice quiz which will help you in preparation for IBPS, SBI, RBI, NABARD and other banking exams. Attempting daily Banking quiz will help the candidate to have an idea about the exam pattern and time taken to attempt the quiz. So start practicing daily quiz right away to achieve success in the examination!
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Daily Practice Quiz 170 – Free Mock Test 2023 for IBPS, SBI, RBI and Other Bank Exams
Each question given below has five sentences. Each sentence has a pair of words that are highlighted. From these words, select the most appropriate words (A or B) to form correct sentences. The sentences
are followed by options that indicate the words, which may be selected to correctly complete the set of sentences. From the options given, choose the most appropriate one.
1. 1) The queen’s imperious (A)/ impervious (B) behavior has not endeared her to many.
2) The minister dismissed the protest against him as the handiwork of a small click (A) / clique (B) of disgruntled elements in his own party.
3) My friend was loath (A)/ loathe (B) to investing in shares of new companies.
4) The manufactured items are required to conform (A) / confirm (B) to certain standards set forth by the government.
5) The leaders of the party are trying to coble (A)/ cobble (B) together a coalition of likeminded parties.
E. None of these
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In the following questions, statements 1 and 6 are respectively the first and the last sentences of a paragraph. Statements A, B, C and D come in between them. Rearrange A, B, C and D in such a manner that they make a coherent paragraph together with the statements 1 to 6. Select the correct order from the given choices and mark its number as your answer.
2. 1) the institution of the moral sentiment is an insight of the perfection of the laws of the soul.
A. Thus, in the soul of man there is a justice whose retributions are instant and entire.
B. He who does a mean deed is by the action itself contracted.
C. They are out of time, out of space, and not subject to circumstances.
D. These laws execute by themselves.
6) He who does a good deed is instantly ennobled.
In the following questions, statements 1 and 6 are respectively the first and the last sentences of a paragraph. Statements A, B, C and D come in between them. Rearrange A, B, C and D in such a manner that they make a coherent paragraph together with the statements 1 to 6. Select the correct order from the given choices and mark its number as your answer.
3. 1) It is easier to be courageous when you do not have to function in a democracy.
A. It is particularly so in a democracy, where there is never a dull electoral moment.
B. There is always some election round the corner where the large picture is going to be clouded over by the lurid stains of propaganda.
C. Seem soft on Punjab and the opposition will pummel you in the assembly elections.
D. So, restrain your hand and postpone a decision.
6) wait for another “opportune moment” , which of course never really comes.
4. In the questions below, four different ways of writing a sentence are indicated. Choose the best way of writing the sentence.
A. Today majority of communication in the business world are accomplished over emails.
B. A majority of communication in the business world today, is accomplished over e-mails.
C. A majority of communication in the business world today are accomplished over e-mails.
D. A majority of communications today in the business world are accomplished over e-mails.
E. None of these
A. A memo was issued by the director of the agency that had an insulting tone, according to the staff members.
B. The director of the agency, who issued a memo that had an insulting tone, according to the staff members.
C. The issuance of a memo by the director of the agency had an insulting tone, according to the staff members.
D. The director of the agency issued a memo that had an insulting tone, according to the staff members.
E None of these
In each of the following questions, a sentence has been given with some of its parts is highlighted. To make the sentence grammatically and idiomatically correct, you have to replace the highlighted part
with the correct alternative given below. If the sentence is correct as it is, give ‘e’ as your answer.
6. Most folks who tuned into Budget 2019 may have come away with the impression that it was just a random bag of good for Indian voters from a government heading into general elections.
A. goodness from Indian voters from
B. goodies to Indian voters to
C. goodies for Indian voters from
D. goodies for Indian voters by
E. no improvement
7. Select the alternative from among the choices that best expresses the idea:
A. The leader had always loyal supporters and they loved him.
B. The leader always has loyal supporters who loved him.
C. The leader always has loyal supporters and they are loving him.
D. The leader always had loyal supporters who loved him.
E. None of these
A. The panel narrowed the field of applicants to the three whom it thought were best qualified for the position.
B. The panel narrowed the field of applicants of the three whom it thought were best qualified for the position.
C. The panel narrowed the field of applicants to the three who it thought were best qualified for the position.
D. The panel narrowed the field of applicants to the three who it thought was best qualified for the position.
E. None of these
For the word given on the top of the table. Match the dictionary definitions given in the left-hand column (A, B, C, D) with their corresponding usage given in the right-hand column (E, F, G and H). Out of the four numbered choices given in the boxes below the table, identify the one that has all the definitions and usages correctly matched and mark its number as your answer.
A. Good-naturedly blunt, outspoken
B. Steep cliff
C. To mislead by display of false strength or confidence
D. An act or instance of misleading Usage
E. He is such a glib talker, he can bluff his way out of anything.
F. When we called his bluff, he just panicked and ran.
G. Being situated on the edge of a sheer bluff, the house had a splendid view of the countryside.
H. I like uncle Sunil -he is nice, though a little bluff.
A. A-E, B-G, C-F, D-H
B. A-H, B-G, C-E, D-F
C. A-F, B-H, C-E, D-G
D. A-G, B-F, C-H, D-E
E. A-G, B-E, C-F, D-H
10. FRET
A. To feel or express or discontent
B. To cause corrosion
C. To move in agitation commotion
D. Interlaced angular design Usage
E. The sari border was a lovely fretted design.
F. The acid fretted through the wood, leaving a gaping hole.
G. The waterfall-with the water leaping in a seething, fretting mass
over the edge of the precipice- was an awe-inspiring sight.
H. Stop fretting – we will reach our destination soon.
A. A-H, B-G, C-F, D-E
B. A-H, B-F, C-G, D-E
C. A-F, B-E, C-H, D-G
D. A-F, B-H, C-E, D-G
E. A-G, B-H, C-F, D-E
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