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Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has issued notification for IBPS clerk exam 2020. Amidst of the unprecedented situation we are facing IBPS is stubborn in conducting the examination in December 2020. The only question remains is whether you are ready for the exam or whether you are ready to prepare for the exam. The preparation needs a clear, quiet strategy for the top ranks and success in the exam since it is a competitive exam where you have to compete with lakhs of people in order to achieve your dream bank job. Let us look, how we can formulate a clear and efficient strategy for the efficient preparation of IBPS clerk exam 2020 for cracking top ranks in it.
Why is Strategy Important?
This is one of the main confusions that every aspirant may face in the time of preparation. I have decided to prepare and I will prepare for the exam by giving my 100%, so do I need a strategy for the preparation of the exam? Most of the aspirants may ask like that. Well, you have to come across the talks of the toppers of many of the competitive exams. The toppers of the UPSC civil service exam always talk about the strategy they adopted for preparation and the strategy helped in cracking top ranks in the examination. So it’s very important for you to have a strategy for preparation of the exam since it is a highly competitive competitive examination.
The Syllabus and Exam Pattern of IBPS Clerk 2020
How to Formulate a Better Strategy for the Exam.
1: What does the acronym "ATM" stand for in banking?
If you are convinced with the importance of having a strategy for the IBPS clerk exam 2020 then the next question is how you can formulate a better and efficient strategy. Before we start you should keep one thing in mind that strategy is a unique preparation methodology which is adapted by each aspirant according to their feasibility and comfortability. The strategy should be analysed and formulated by understanding the weakness and strength of each student. So, the strategy is purely a customised one. Nobody can formulate a general strategy which can be adopted by any students for their better preparation. Let us look at how you can formulate a better strategy and what all things you have to take into account while you formulate strategy for preparation.
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Understand the syllabus
This is one of the primary steps that is taken into account while you are preparing or formulating a strategy for the exam. Some students may sincerely adhere to the rumours and stigma that are spread regarding the examination. Some may not even look at the syllabus. There is a rumour that a UPSC civil service aspirant should know each and everything under the sky. So the aspirants tempt to read whatever they got in aim of building knowledge regarding everything. But they don’t realise that UPSC has a particular syllabus and they need to focus only on that. And they often exclude the fact that nobody can acquire the knowledge regarding everything beneath the sky. Like that bank aspirants also have a stigma that a bank aspirant should be an expert in mathematics and speed matters. So they are tempted to study maths and increase the speed. But they often forgot the syllabus. Well let us look into the syllabus of the IBPS clerk syllabus 2020.
Name of Tests | No of Questions | Maximum Marks | Time allotted for each |
English Language | 30 | 30 | 20 Minutes |
Numerical Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 Minutes |
Reasoning Ability | 35 | 35 | 20 Minutes |
Categorising the Syllabus
This is the second step you have to do while formulating a strategy. Categorising means understanding the type of the syllabus. Some syllabus will be highly specific but some are not. Some syllabus will not be specific but general. The specific syllabus will be dealt in in detail and depth. But the general syllabus will be given only an overview. Specific syllabus exam demands an exam which seeks highly in- depth answers. But the general syllabus exam seeks peripheral questions but form anywhere inside the syllabus which makes it hard to predict the area which is going to be asked. Since our syllabus is too general, we have to build on it for further analysis and development.
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Expanding the syllabus.
If you are identified as a general syllabus in the categorisation phase you have to expand the syllabus as your own. This is just a speculation stage and nobody can do it accurately. What you have to do is convert the general syllabus into a specific syllabus by analysing the previous year questions. Previous year questions will help you to analyse the area which is going to be asked in the general headings of the examination. The previous year question doesn’t mean you have to look only at the last year question paper but also the last 10-year paper to have a clear idea regarding the area which is going to be asked in the examination. We cannot anticipate it in full surety but we can anticipate it to some extent.
Content Analysis
This is the next step of the strategy formulation. Analyse the content of the syllabus and identify which are the areas you feel troubled and which are all the areas you feel confident. Analysing the strength and weakness will give you a clear idea regarding the methodology and importance you need to give to every area. Deciding the easier topics and hard topics then decide the methodology you want to adopt for analysing the concept. Whether you need any coaching institute or you need only books like that. If you are sure regarding the need of an institute mentoring in your preparation, Entri offers the best coaching experience for IBPS clerk examination through its IBPS clerk/ po crash course.
Some may not need a coaching institute since they will be already familiarised with the content and they may require only a revision. Those people can opt like that. It is your priority and your choice. But make sure you are sincere to yourself because don’t make a spot decision out of any egoistic thought. It’s okay and good to say I don’t know because it shows your willingness to adapt and learn.
Time Management
This is the last step while you have taken account while making strategy. Time is everything that determines your success. You cannot reverse or regain the lost time. So make sure you have given much importance to the time while you formulate the strategy for IBPS clerk 2020 exam preparation. The time is divided into two subset:
Time for study
This is the first subset. You may be in a short notice time period for the exam preparation. You may be running out of time to prepare. In our case the exam has already been declared. The IBPS Clerk 2020 exam will be conducted in the December month of 2020 which means you have got only three months for the preparation of the exam. so, you should be very wise in your preparation and time allocation. Give time for hard and confused subjects and give less time for the easy subject. Make a time table and task record for analysing the effective utilisation of the time you have thereon. Entri will make you to have a consistency in preparation by helping you formulate a timetable for yourself and make you adhere to the time table through IBPS Clerk/PO course.
The Time for Exam
This is one of the other important subsets of time in your strategy. In IBPS Clerk exam 2020 the one factor which determines your rank and position is the time you take to complete the examination. If you have gone through the examination syllabus and time allotted for each subjects you may come across the fact that you are given with only 30 seconds approximately for each question in the exam where in this 30 seconds you have to read the question analyse the concept solve the question and above all you need to solve the question correctly. Otherwise you will lose the deserved marks and earned marks. So, time is important. For improving your speed of carrying out the exam you have to keep doing as many mock tests as you can. The mock tests can improve your speed like nothing. Always keep in mind that practice makes a man perfect (not gender specific).
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Make a strategy as your own for the IBPS Clerk exam 2020. The strategy will help you to adhere to the preparation amidst these unprecedented situations which we go through right now. Make a strategy with the help of these tips and tricks to crack the exam with top ranks and make your career safe. Enrol to the IBPS Clerk course for having a clear idea regarding the subject and getting access to thousands of mock tests which adhere to the latest trends of the examination. Keep studying, keep winning.